5 am workout people



  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    I'm not a morning person but I'm up at 445am and try to get moving by 5am. I set my clothes out the night before so I can get ready and go. I don't have a gym nearby so I workout at home. It does make it a little harder though because I know I can just lay in bed if I wanted to lol but I've grown to love working out so early and it gives me a ton of energy that helps me make it thru the day. I find it better this way because once I get home after work I don't want to do much lol keep it up for awhile and like everyone else says it does become a habit. There are some days where I am up before my alarm :)
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    5:30 am for me!! When you live in Florida it's the best time of the day to get my walk in!!! :bigsmile:
  • 5:30 am for me!! When you live in Florida it's the best time of the day to get my walk in!!! :bigsmile:

    Yeah I can imagine!! LOL
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am in the same boat. My only time to workout is at 5am as well. I did it for about a month and for one reason or another I had to stop and now I haven't worked out in like 3 months. I am dying to get back out there just trying to find the motivation. I set my alarm for 4:50am and need to be dressed and in front of my TV ready to go no later than 5:10am otherwise I wont have enough time. Gotta get my daughter to school no later than 7:20am so I can make it to work by 8am. I love all the suggestions so far. I may have to give them a try. And if anyone wants feel free to drop me a request. I can use all the motivation as well. But we got this!! Like they said we just gotta make it a routine and it will be that much easier to get up and get it outta the way for the day. :flowerforyou:
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I workout a bit later than 5AM. I'm up at 5:40AM, parked by 6:20AM and in the gym by 6:40-6:45AM depending on how good a parking spot I got (I'm cheap and park for free, plus the added walk isn't too bad).

    I've found for me, there's several things that help:
    - Pack my bag the night before with work clothes and any other documents or additionals I need.
    - Pre-prep my meals, so I just have to grab them on the way out the door.
    - Lay out my workout clothes and change directly into them before I leave.
    - Pre-plan my workouts so I don't have to think early in the morning.

    From there, I just set myself on auto-pilot and go.

    This has been my routine for the past 3.5 months and after the first month, it's become such an ingrained habit that I have a hard time NOT getting out of bed and going to the gym. Even on rest days, I wake up (usually before my alarm, now) and just go in for some good stretching and soak in the hot tub or sit in the sauna. It's great because I get good (free) parking, get the workout out of the way before I have any excuses, and I always get to work early. Then after work, I'm free to do whatever I want.
  • Holy crud - Day 2 was a lot harder then day 1 in terms of getting out of bed! When does it get easier again? Day 3? LOL
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    I am up and in my workout clothes and starting my workout at 5am. I workout for 2 hours then get ready for work and have breakfast and out the door by 9am. I am a morning person. I can't eat before my workout cause it doesn't sit well for me.

    I have been doing this since Feb 24 2014. I would say after the first week was over it got easier to get up. now its routine
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I work out at 4am because my shift is 6am-1pm and if I wait for the afternoon there's always something else I'd rather be doing. Its important to get enough sleep. If you're going to bed early, then you're going to bed early. Difficult in the summer but much more doable in the winter.
  • kaandersonw
    kaandersonw Posts: 9 Member
    I have no choice because the only time I have to myself is when everyone else in my family is still sleeping.


    with little ones, i have to go when the whole house is still sleeping. for me, it is awesome because it is time just for me. knowing that i am doing something good for my body as well really helps with the early morning mental aspect of it. when i work out early it starts my day off so well. i feel accomplished before most people are out of bed.


    in order to be successful at it, i need to have my gym bag packed and hanging on the doorknob to the garage, and have my clothes set out for me to put on in the dark. i eat something small & healthy just so that i get something in my stomach beforehand.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm a 0600 person. I get up at 0530 to get ready to go to the gym. I prefer the early mornings because I spend the evenings with my kids and whatever they want to get into.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    5am here. I used to do the 9pm thing after the kids went to bed, but switched it up to 5am and have been much more consistant. It sucks getting out of bed, but as the saying goes, "I get more complements for working out than for sleeping in"!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    Holy crud - Day 2 was a lot harder then day 1 in terms of getting out of bed! When does it get easier again? Day 3? LOL

    After about the 1st week it becomes more routine. But I don't think it ever gets easy. I have been doing this for a year and there are days where I am fighting to get out of bed. Usually I will lay there and say another hr of sleep would be great but then start giving myself a guilt trip.
  • I get up around 4:45 AM. I zombie-walk to the bathroom to lighten up the load, then I zombie-walk to the fridge to drink a bit of water and sometimes eat up a banana then I zombie-walk to the basement to workout. I zombie-put on my headphones and zombie-hit the play button and THEN, I wake up! :)

    I usually do cardio in the evening, either fast walking or biking, but I reserve the morning for the iron. :D

    Oh, and I try to sleep in during the weekend, but it's not that easy with 4-years old early bird! XD
  • juleeque
    juleeque Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a 5 am waker :-) Stumble around and have some coffee - then I'm out the door for my morning run no later than 6 am. I'm in Arizona, so it's really self preservation - running before it gets too hot! :-D
  • I am up at 4am or 5am, depending on my work schedule. It's rough getting out of bed that early, especially now that it's cooling off and my bed is nice and warm :) But, once I am up and get my workout clothes on, I'm fine. I run 30 minutes every morning. Come home, get a shower, eat breakfast and off I go to work. I feel SO MUCH BETTER at work on the days that I run. I rarely skip a day and when I do, I feel cruddy all day.

    By the way, I am 49 years old. If I can do it, so can anyone ;)

    Good luck!!
  • I am seriously considering joining the 5:00 am club (or at the latest, the 6:30 am club). I need all the motivation I can get to make this happen. It is the only time in the day I can devote to exercise, so if it's going to happen, it needs to happen then.

  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Holy crud - Day 2 was a lot harder then day 1 in terms of getting out of bed! When does it get easier again? Day 3? LOL

    It will probably get harder before it get easier! But don't give up until you've given it a chance. I'd say the first 2-3 weeks are pretty rough and you should probably listen to your body if it tells you it wants to go to bed earlier. This is why I said at first it takes motivation but then it just comes down to routine.
  • Holy crud - Day 2 was a lot harder then day 1 in terms of getting out of bed! When does it get easier again? Day 3? LOL

    It will probably get harder before it get easier! But don't give up until you've given it a chance. I'd say the first 2-3 weeks are pretty rough and you should probably listen to your body if it tells you it wants to go to bed earlier. This is why I said at first it takes motivation but then it just comes down to routine.

    Thanks for the truth and nothing but the truth! lol
  • I get up around 4:45 AM. I zombie-walk to the bathroom to lighten up the load, then I zombie-walk to the fridge to drink a bit of water and sometimes eat up a banana then I zombie-walk to the basement to workout. I zombie-put on my headphones and zombie-hit the play button and THEN, I wake up! :)

    I usually do cardio in the evening, either fast walking or biking, but I reserve the morning for the iron. :D

    Oh, and I try to sleep in during the weekend, but it's not that easy with 4-years old early bird! XD

    the zombie walk - I love it and so true over here as well!