I joined a gym and I am scared to death!



  • mgeralt
    mgeralt Posts: 51 Member
    You got this.. Don't be intimidated..Go to the gym with the attitude that it's all about me and to hell with everything else..Don't let your fears or worries beat you down..
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Scared to death?

    Nice, you'll have extra adrenaline for the workout!
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    You have got to treat it like prison. Go in, find the biggest, ugliest, meanest guy there and whoop his *kitten*. After that it gets easier.

    HaHaHa! Thanks for the smile!
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Just take it one day at a time! And remember.... You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    I just started at the gym Aug. 7th, and am down 11 pounds so far. What I do is hook up to the wifi at the gym and watch a tv show while riding the exercise bike on a hill program, and start and end the session with a 3 minute walk/run. At first I would walk 20 seconds, run 10, but now I can run a minute! I know that will sound stupid to many, but with my asthma, it feels like a huge accomplishment. I also do a bit of weights every day, as I would like to make sure that I am toning up, not just losing weight.

    Best of luck, and don't give up! If it was easy, we'd all be skinny, but just keep your eye on your goals, and focus ahead.

    PS, I use visualization to help me. I just visualize a lump the size of a pound of butter for every pound I lose. So when I lose one, I picture that pound stuck on the front of my stomach, thigh etc, and realize what an accomplishment to have lost it.

    I don't have asthma that I am aware of but I do Huff and Puff if I try to run. I do a nice steady walk and I am good. I am a shortie (5'1") so I can't do 4mph like others. I bought a c2 1mile program. After I get myself back in the routine, I will try it out.
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member
    Just take it one day at a time! And remember.... You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    I find that when I go to the gym, I work out harder and longer than if I was at home. I think just being around others that are working out helps to motivate me more.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    When I first joined the gym, I started with a Zumba class. Talk about ackward. However, I got through it and went again. And again, and again.

    You've got the motivation. Now make it a habit.

    One year from now, you'll be glad you did.
  • bermudamel
    GO FOR IT!!! Don't forget everyone had to start at the same point too! Hold your head up high and do what you need to do :-)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Good for you. You won't regret it. I overcame my nervousness by taking it slow. The first day....just navigate the front desk, the locker rooms and maybe a treadmill or something simple. The more comfortable you are with the process the more relaxed you will be. Work with a trainer to be familiar with the machines, but don't worry if you don't remember it all. Ask questions later if you need to.

    I love the gym. I primarily swim. Sometimes I do the treadmills and weights.
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I pretty much sit in my car debating on wether or not I wanna go in everyday but then I get in there and realize it's half or more elderly ppl during the day when I go and that makes me feel better!
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    Congratulations on joining the gym and takingthe first step,to a better stronger you--it took alot of courage--way to,go! Imstarted going tomthe gym almost 3 months ago after winning a one year membership. In the past I exercised inconsistently and was not in good shape. Since I won the membership, i initially fogured out that I needed to at least go through the motions of going. Well, much to my surprise, I actuallyblike it. I started feeling stronger and Imstarted to lose weight (with the help pf MFP). I made plans to join whe. The one year expires. I a tually LOVE going to the gym now. You owe it to yourself to,do something for yourself. I wish yiu the best of luck!
  • Weightlossdude53
    Weightlossdude53 Posts: 70 Member
    By the way, imalways found excuses to not exercose at home. People interrupted me too, imlost the space, etc.when Imgo to the gym nobody bothers me. That is my time.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    You'll be fine :) I used to be nervous bout the gym now I get all giddy when I get a new membership LOL. Have fun!!
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    Lets keep going.
    I just joined a gym myself right after Labor Day.
    I got going with a trainer and that made it a lot easier....he showed me around and got me going on a program that is easy to follow and challenging. Since I have lost some weight I'm uncomfortable with my body (in the locker room) but I'll get over it. I guess I wasn't prepared for the loose skin phenomena. Like others have said here there is a real mix of ages at my gym so I am by far not the oldest person trying to get healthier and in better shape. While I am not ready for the Silver Sneakers class....right about now it is about where i need to start!
    Good luck on your journey. You'll enjoy your time at the gym, I know I am. It helps with the stress of life too!
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I can relate. I felt this way when I signed up for my gym membership at the beginning of August. I felt excited, but extremely out of place. I was my own trainer, though lol. I hope this enthusiasm stays with you.

    I had the same conversation in my head. "I can easily find [free] workouts on Youtube. I can easily use one of the many exercise DVDs [and VHS's] I've let collect dust over the years. I can easily use my Wii or PS fitness games. I can easily just go to the park." But, I knew my journey to better health had to start with me getting OUT of my house [but having air conditioning was non-negotiable].

    Since you have a trainer, my advice will not be needed. When I started, I would just google how to do various things when I wasn't sure, or just to see the correct form for say bicep curls. But, it payed off. A guy who lifts regularly complimented me on my form. He said he was watching me for a while, but said whoever trained me did a good job. I was like.... *patting self on the back*... thank you, thank you very much.

    I started out doing only cardio at first. Then I did some free weights. Then I later decided to find a beginner's lifting program. Then I decided that lifting bore me to tears.... but that's another story.

    I'll be rooting for ya.