SAHM 1/24 to 1/30



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Haven't talked much....been kinda emotional........the neighbors dog attacked my chickens and got my guinea hen. She is going to live, but it took big chunks off her back! :sad: :sad: :sad: :explode: I love and am attached to my little ladies!:cry: Each day she lives is a good sign, that she will recover.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I love how this post is always hopping!!

    Today won't be a good workout day. Hubby is home, so it will be an great day of kids being all over him and not me! Look even SAHM get "kinda" a day off. I'll take it. Went grocery shopping so as long as I keep myself away from husbands "munchy land" I'll do fine on the calorie count.

    Maybe it's a good day for a walk. We'll see.

    @ Katiem...hows your little boy?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    For all those who asked~He is a completely different little boy today. Already running around playing like nothing happened. Thank you for all your concern. This was the worst he has ever been and to be honest a lil scary to watch him be that bad. I am so glad that it is over. Hopefully no one else gets it but chances are there that they will.

    Barb~So glad to hear that she has decided to go for it.

    Aj~:frown: I hope that you get feeling better soon. It is always hard when momma is sick. Good choice to not exercise.

    Stacey~That is a good idea, I will be keeping that one in mind for the next child that gets sick. It was Cardio Party (turbo jam) it's 40 min. I really don't know why it affected me that way other than maybe I am getting ready to start TOM.:tongue:

    Nicole~I am so sorry about the chickens! That is just so frustrating.

    DJJW~I love:love: it when my hubby is home to help out with the kids it makes it so much easier but I like it when he is gone too.:laugh:

    Well it is 9:30 and still have not gotten my exercise in so I better head out and get in so I can get ready for the day.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I'm glad my mom has decided it too. For those who don't know, I'll quickly fill you in. During Christmas my mom was hospitalized after she passed out at work. Come to find out her heart was pretty much 98% blocked on the one valve and then they also found an anirism in her aorta. And after having issues in Chicago and her surgery being canceled 3 times, she had decided at the time she was not having it done and if it was her time to go, then so be it.

    But she has changed her mind and I should know sometime today when.

    Otherwise, all is well. Got out and paid bills, ran errands this morning, and now I'm sitting down to a subway sandwich and a diet dr pepper.

    Every time I sign in here, there's been so many posts I haven't gotten a chance to sit and read them all and then when I reply, only a few posts on here so I'm sorry if I missed any one.

    Hope everyone that is ill gets feeling better soon.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Just got to say that MAN I am going to be sore tomorrow! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger?! That workout was KILLER but it was good I burned 1092 calories in one hour! Now to go get ready for the day.
  • This week has been really hard to get some workouts in. My youngest has been feeling well. So Monday night we slept in the recliner so she could be upright. Boy, was that a big mistake. But we have managed. I since I started working out lately I have already logged almost 12 miles on the treadmill. I can say that I am definitely feeling better after each workout. Snow day here in Pa so we are doing lots on indoor activities. Hoping that little feels better soon so we can go outside and play.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    did my zumba dvd but totally cancelled it out with the chips and piece of dark chocolate I ate this afternoon.....hubby has invterview for his job tomorrow and im stressing......anyway....I think this was a
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Kris~Sometimes I feel like that where I have canceled out the work that I have done. I try to remember that on here you are at a deficit to begin with. It's worked for me then I am not beating myself up when I eat something that is high calories. I tend to throw in the towel when I beat myself up over my food choices. As long as we are striving to make good choices we are moving in the right direction.:flowerforyou:
  • Hello Ladies, I'm new to this site and I'm trying to figure out how to fit in time to workout. I have a 2 1/2 yr old and a 5 month old that is just now getting out off the colic stage. I love being home with them but I all so find it so challenging at the same time. Any help for how you guys fit in your workouts would be so great.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Lizzy~ I know how you feel, I have 7 children 9 years old to 1 yr old. I wait until the oldest four are at school and then I put the 1 yr old in his bouncer (he is right there and can see me) and then my 4 & 3 yo just play around in the room while I workout. I got tired of not taking care of myself so I just try to make it work. You got to find something that works for you though. Is having "daddy" watch them an option? because I have done that too. It also helps that Stacey is "keeping tabs on me". :laugh: Once you get going you feel so good that you don't want to stop and then it gets to the point that you won't stop. Hope that helps.:flowerforyou:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Haven't talked much....been kinda emotional........the neighbors dog attacked my chickens and got my guinea hen. She is going to live, but it took big chunks off her back! :sad: :sad: :sad: :explode: I love and am attached to my little ladies!:cry: Each day she lives is a good sign, that she will recover.
    Oh this is awful!! I hope she recovers quickly, I HATE when animals are sick or hurt.

    I'm a little late, but my plan for this week is Mon - cardio, Tues - strength, Wed - cardio, Thurs - strength, Fri - cardio and maybe aerobics on Saturday. I use the treadmill for my cardio during the week. I'm struggling with calories this week. Even though I'm home during the week I do work every other weekend and this past weekend I didn't get my usual milk output pumping. I'm torn between waiting it out (at this point it was only 1 oz less over the course of the night) or upping my calorie intake. My net is only 1550 and a few people I've talked to thought that sounded low for a nursing mom, even with an older baby. The whole reason I put off weight loss for so long (9 months!) is because I'm afraid of losing my supply, arg.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA ladies...spent like 17 hours in bed yesterday with the stomach flu. I completed my journal for yesterday and it was the first time ever I got yelled at for being under 1200 LOL I always eat at least 1200 haha!

    Hoping I don't binge today because of it! I'll get back and read what I missed later, you all have a great day!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Don't have tons of time this morning, so I'll hit the high spots of the thread and come back later. :laugh:

    Nicole, sorry to hear about your chicken. I hope she recovers quickly.

    Welcome Lizzy! Does your older child nap? Can you ever coincide those naps together? If so, you can work out then. Or if not, wait until the baby is down, and then have your 2-year-old work out with you! My kids like doing the Wii Fit Plus with me. They need the exercise too in these winter months, so everybody wins.

    Katie, sorry to hear you're sick! Feel better.

    Today is mah baby's third birthday! He's too short to be 3. :laugh: I already made up my meal plan and entered it in my diary so I could make sure to have room for a piece of birthday cake. Still feeling like crud and coughing, so exercise is out. :grumble: Oh well. I'm off to go try to get the kitchen cleaned up. Maybe if I go in short spurts all day I can get the house decent enough to take pictures of the festivities this evening. Later taters!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I'm actually feeling pretty awesome today. I gained 3 lbs back last week on a hiatus and now I'm down to just one more pound to break even. I'm getting ready to schedule an actual vacation for spring. We never take vacations. I don't know which I'm more excited for...going somewhere cool or being in the 140's when I get there! LOL.
  • Lizzy~I was only able to workout when my middle two (1 1/2 & 3 year old) were napping at first but now they are beginning to get use to working out more so I have been able to do it a little earlier in the morning this week. They usually play in their room for the first 30 minutes then end up wandering back down after that. I just tell them they have to stay away from mommy so I don't accidentally kick them or something. Some times they try to workout too, sometimes they could care less and just play with their toys and others I get a child climbing under me when I'm on the floor & sitting on me when I doing crunches. But I am fitting in the exercise so that is all that matters to me. There have been days where I just couldn't get it in due to one child or another so I've had to do it after they go to bed, not my favorite but sometimes that is how it goes. Just do your best & fit it in whenever you can, some days you may have to break it up to a little here & a little there. You can do it!!

    Wildcat~I am still exclusively breast feeding, he's only 11 weeks. My calories count is at 1600 at the moment as set by MFP but I NEVER get up to that amount, I just can't eat that much. I average right around 1200 calories & so far my milk seems to be doing alright. I was actually probably not even eatting that many calories before getting on here. Just so busy will all my boys I wouldn't eat until naptime most days so the 1200 seems to be okay for me. You have to be the judge of if you need more or not but I think you are probably getting plenty of calories. Maybe baby isn't needing as much, plus 1 oz really isn't that big of a difference. Do you only pump on the weekend or everyday? Your body could just be adjusting to baby needing less since your not the only food they are getting now. I think that you will be fine but of course that is just my opinion & you have to listen to your body & if baby is acting like they are not getting enough then maybe try increasing your calories just a bit.

    Katie~Sorry your still not feeling that great. It seems to be going around everywhere. Everyone I know is either sick, getting over something, just starting to feel bad or their kids are sick. We have been avoiding everyone this last week. Hibernating in the house to try to keep away from the nastiness going around here.

    aj~Sorry your still not feeling great yet either. Happy birthday to your little guy! Good thinking to plan out those calories ahead of time to fit in the cake!

    DJJW~Good job getting those pounds back down! I hate when I have to reloose pounds I already lost. Yippie a vacation & being at a happy weight while enjoying that vacation!!

    Not a whole lot new going on here. 3 more day till hubby is home from training! So far we have avoided the major sickness going on around here, seems like everyone is sick or getting over something. I have been trying to avoid hanging out with to many people because #2 always seems to catch everything then pass it to #3. I do not want to have two small children throwing up, I can handle all the other stuff but when they are to young to get to the bathroom that is the worst. I had to back up on the dvds yesterday because I was just so sore from all the lunges & squats on the Ramp it Up dvd I didn't think I could make it through another day. So I went back and did the Start it Up instead & threw in the ab dvd to go with it! But back to Ramp it Up today, just got to push threw the pain! The most exciting thing here is that the baby slept 9 hours straight last night, so I got in 7 good hours! Then I had to go in & check on him, haha even with #4 I still have to check when he sleeps that good! So I picked him up & nursed him cause I was hurting from him not nursing all night, and right back out he went! So that will either give me lots of energy today or make me feel even more tired, guess we will see.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Lizzy~I was only able to workout when my middle two (1 1/2 & 3 year old) were napping at first but now they are beginning to get use to working out more so I have been able to do it a little earlier in the morning this week. They usually play in their room for the first 30 minutes then end up wandering back down after that. I just tell them they have to stay away from mommy so I don't accidentally kick them or something. Some times they try to workout too, sometimes they could care less and just play with their toys and others I get a child climbing under me when I'm on the floor & sitting on me when I doing crunches. But I am fitting in the exercise so that is all that matters to me. There have been days where I just couldn't get it in due to one child or another so I've had to do it after they go to bed, not my favorite but sometimes that is how it goes. Just do your best & fit it in whenever you can, some days you may have to break it up to a little here & a little there. You can do it!!

    That sounds a lot like my day, I try to put some sort of craft that doesn't need to be watched (mine are 2 and almost 5) so play-doh, water colors, child scissors and glue. But at the tail end of things I'm just trying to not get them kicked. They count for me when I do my crunches, and I've started to using them for my bench presses. They love it and I get a good burn. LOL
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    For those that are nursing mothers~did you know that in the food database they have it where you can had "breastfeeding mom" to your diary and it minus out so many calories? That is what I did when my lil guy was still nursing then I tried to make sure I got in enough calories so that my milk wouldn't dry up.

    Katie & Aj~Hope that you both get feeling better soon.

    DJJW~Way to go on the loss and congrats on the vacay!

    Christi~Don't you just love it when they start sleeping longer through the night? I agree that it does freak you out when they start doing it because you are like "WHOA are they okay?" Don't feel bad that it happens even with your #4 because it happened even with my #7! :laugh:

    Well off to go get my work out in and get ready for the day. I get to play "chauffer" (sp?) today. The hubby wants me to take him to his appts.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Lizzy~I was only able to workout when my middle two (1 1/2 & 3 year old) were napping at first but now they are beginning to get use to working out more so I have been able to do it a little earlier in the morning this week. They usually play in their room for the first 30 minutes then end up wandering back down after that. I just tell them they have to stay away from mommy so I don't accidentally kick them or something. Some times they try to workout too, sometimes they could care less and just play with their toys and others I get a child climbing under me when I'm on the floor & sitting on me when I doing crunches. But I am fitting in the exercise so that is all that matters to me. There have been days where I just couldn't get it in due to one child or another so I've had to do it after they go to bed, not my favorite but sometimes that is how it goes. Just do your best & fit it in whenever you can, some days you may have to break it up to a little here & a little there. You can do it!!

    That sounds a lot like my day, I try to put some sort of craft that doesn't need to be watched (mine are 2 and almost 5) so play-doh, water colors, child scissors and glue. But at the tail end of things I'm just trying to not get them kicked. They count for me when I do my crunches, and I've started to using them for my bench presses. They love it and I get a good burn. LOL

    :laugh: I bench press my kids too! I start with the youngest and work my way up to the oldest. They LOVE it! They complain if they don't get their time of doing it.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Whew! It took me a little bit to read all of the posts!

    Thanks everyone about my little hen! Each day she is making huge improvement! I too hate when aniamls are hurt in anyway! that is why I am so emotional about it. She has been a trooper though!

    I hope everyone and their kiddos are feeling better! It seems like there is alot going around.

    Skeaking of chickens, I need to go check on her and then start painting a door..yuck!
  • Katie~thanks for the tip about the breastfeeding. I looked for one under exercise & it wasn't there so I just never put anything, never thought to look under food! So you just clicked on that once a day? Wow it put -500 calories, does that mean I am then suppose to eat back those 500 calories on top of my normal calories? If so I don't think I am going to be adding that, haha. I have a hard enough time some days getting over 1200 calories & right now MFP has me at a 1600 calorie count, that would put me at 2100. yikes! :laugh:
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