Need buddies so I am not tempted to go to McDonalds



  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Don't waste your time and energy bigblondewolf - not worth it!

    Ha! Yep, I'm out. There is zero use in trying to change a person's opinion. Although he's been reported for his lewd comments earlier so have fun with that.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Nothing is the matter with me, i'm just making a point. What's the matter with you?

    If you're not going to discuss this as a grown up then I'm moving on. No need for a potty mouth now is there?

    Yeah i'm not the grown up. So far two people have resorted to insults instead of discussing. I'm sorry if you don't agree with me, i didn't call you stupid because you didn't. but yeah i'm the immature one.

    You never answered the sex "addiction" scenario.

    the person above me is throwing out more insults. I guess she is also the expert on addiction. Keep the insults coming. It's the internet i expect it.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member

    Neither are people who resort to insults in a discussion.

    I never claimed to be smart.

    But you're wrong.

    I can point you to a bunch of websites that agree with me.

    That has to be one of the most poorly constructed websites I've seen since the days of custom Myspace pages.

    If you truly believe that nonsense, then how do you explain babies born with substance addiction from in-utero circumstances? Are you really insinuating that these babies make a choice to want to do cocaine at 3 weeks old?

    Don't waste your time and energy bigblondewolf - not worth it!

    Ha! Yep, I'm out. There is zero use in trying to change a person's opinion. Although he's been reported for his lewd comments earlier so have fun with that.

    Have a good day.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I ate Micky D's last night. Their southest salad with grilled chicken is great! 290 calories sans dressing, which you don't need. They marinate the chicken in something that is enough like dressing that adding dressing is unnecessary. I also get their fruit and yogurt parfait. 150 calories.

    Sadly, I do buy my kids happy meals. They get a 4 piece nugget with apples and fries and a milk. It's not horrible, but it's not great. They only eat it like twice a month.
  • staceymarie1971
    I feel your pain....McDonalds is bad but it just tastes good! LOL!! I don't go there often anymore but when I do I get a happy meal and honestly, I'm happy! Someone said there is a weight watchers recipe for big mac pizza! I'm going to look for it and if it's good, I'll let you know....Anyway, congrats on making a commitment to health! Just know you're not alone!!:smile:
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I ate Micky D's last night. Their southest salad with grilled chicken is great! 290 calories sans dressing, which you don't need. They marinate the chicken in something that is enough like dressing that adding dressing is unnecessary. I also get their fruit and yogurt parfait. 150 calories.

    Sadly, I do buy my kids happy meals. They get a 4 piece nugget with apples and fries and a milk. It's not horrible, but it's not great. They only eat it like twice a month.

    I'm taking my kids to get a $1.99 happy meal today and then let them run around for a bit in the play ground. They have an exercise class this afternoon as well so I don't feel guilty.
  • kquizz
    You can do it man!

    I would suggest you start cooking more! if you cook delicious food, it will be easier to resist the terror of fast food.

    Even if you just cook a cheeseburger at your house, you can bake the fries instead of frying them and drink a diet pop. You are getting the same meal, but it will taste better, and be much healthier for you (especially if you skip the bun and put the burger ontop of a salad [if you are into that])

    If you slip up NO BIG DEAL! just try harder the next day, we all fall down, we just have to get back up.
    Thank you for your service, and I believe in you!

    Good luck
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    Really - when you are in the right mindset - you'll figure out how to either A) Avoid those things that trigger bad habits for you (Like eating fast foods or B) Figure out how to eat these things and still create a healthier lifestyle for yourself -

    This feed is full of great ideas - and a few sarcastic funnies to keep everyone entertained - but reality is - you've got to find what works for you - it's a constant battle of trying to find that balance - but when you do - you'll be successful at achieving what you're working for!

    :) Nic
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I agree with those who say the more you have it, the more you crave it...and vice versa. I go through moments where I have McDs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If I miss a couple of days, the people at drive through are everything okay? I havnt seen you in awhile!! I know who is working, in, I'll go in a bit earlier to avoid the woman I really dont like who works night shift on certain days, and Im tight with the breakfast crew LoL Im AWFUL!!

    BUT...then when I make the effort not to go in, I would say it takes me about 3 or 4 days solid of self-restraint...and the edge is taken off my desire to eat it. After a couple weeks, I have no desire whatsoever to eat it. It usually starts back up again when Im in a crunch, decide to grab something right quick, and then I slowly go back up to my 3 meal a day habit.

    I actually did have Taco Bell last night after almost a month of no fast food, but got one gordita and no drink, I had water with it. Even so, it wasnt all that satisfying as far as "ooh so good to have again!" Actually, I felt pretty awful afterwards. So, the longer you can manage to go without, not only the easier it will get, but also your desire to have it at all will go down big time. Its only hard in the beginning!
  • FemWeight
    lol fast foods it gets me every time .. That is until I Google some of the foods I like from my favorite fast food places see the calories .. Once i see it I then chose what would be my best choice of action :D
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I don't work at a super walmart, but they do have produce and some fruits, and cupcakes. I did get a vegetable thing one night and it was highly unsatisfying. Maybe I need something else.

    First off, thanks for your service! I did 3 years in the Army out of high school and that was enough for me, so I have respect for careerists.

    Now, the tough love:

    You have spent enough time being bored, annoyed, and disappointed in the military that you should be used to the condition of being “unsatisfied”. Therefore, you understand that you can exist without having the joy of eating a ridiculous amount of delicious and fattening food at fast food places. I spent weeks of my life out in the field eating MREs and survived, I’m sure you've done something similar countless times.

    McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King, etc., all sell grilled chicken sandwiches and other alternatives that will greatly reduce the amount of calories you eat, with lower fat and more protein. Do they taste as good as a Big Mac and Double Whopper with Cheese? Of course not – but you are a military serviceman, and have spent years enduring less than ideal circumstances. Once you get your weight under control, of course you can treat yourself to fattening food occasionally, but you aren't there right now!

    If you do succumb, mitigate by leaving some of the food uneaten. Eat ¾ of the sandwich, leave a few fries behind…

    (Feel free to friend me if I haven't pissed you off, lol)
  • angelicaurquizo
    So I've been skimming some of the replies to this, and I agree with a lot of things people are saying, but I wanted to add my own thoughts too.

    Like you, I love soda. Especially coke. But I find it helpful to buy those flavored carbonated waters I think they're like 60-80 cents and it makes me sort of feel like I'm drinking a soda but it's about 100% better for you. For me it's the fizzyness that I like so they help me. Also, I'm a sweets lover. If you love chocolate, I like to buy Fiber One bars. They have caramel, peanut butter, chocolate, pretty much anything sweet, so whenever I crave something like that, eating those helps to push the craving out of my head. It tastes unhealthy which satisfies the craving, but it's good for you which improves your health much more than the other options.
    Most things you just need to trick your mind in order to help your body.

    And like I've read in some other comments, the more I eat healthy, the more I realize I'm starting to prefer it. I'm on day 7 of my no cheating eating and on the first and second days my boyfriend and I were at Walmart noticing everything tasty way more than usual because of course, we go on a no cheat month and all of a sudden the dispays of Klondike bars and Reeses cups look so much more appetizing. But now, I'm like yeah a reeses would be good, but I think I'll just eat a tablespoon of natural peanut butter instead.

    Also, for myself, the more I exercise and burn calories and improve my endurance, the more I'm actually afraid of eating bad because I don't want all my hard work to go to waste.

    Losing weight is so much more than just dieting. It's a lifestyle. You have to learn to be healthy physically andmentally. Everything goes hand in hand. Get everything unhealthy out of your house and replace it with good stuff. Eat 3 healthy meals and 2-3 healthy snacks to keep your hunger from tempting you and if you stick to it, you'll realize you're probably much happier with the changes you're making. And a huge key that I had a problem with is do not be discouraged. If you gain a pound back, work harder or eat better, don't dwell on it because having a postive mindset can do a whole lot.

    Good luck and KEEP IT UP!! You'll reach your goals!
  • Jrdswife904
    Jrdswife904 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey everyone!! Would love to meet some new people and find some friends to go thru this journey with. Feel free to add me if you are looking for some!!
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    I have an emotional attachment to McDonalds. I know it sounds silly but it's for real. When I was a kid, my dad hated it and my mom loved it. My mom and I would go whenever we were out of the house together and it reminds me so much of that time I spent with her as a kid.

    When I was training for my first bodybuilding competition, my roommate brought McDonalds home and I threw and absolute temper tantrum. He didn't do it to be mean but I reacted like he had just punched me in the face. I yelled, stormed out of the house, and slammed the door behind me. Over reaction much? Food can have a deceptively strong hold on our psychology.

    When I was cutting, I would tell myself that that food would always be available to have another day. 2 of my favorite restaurants went out of business and closed during my 16-week prep which really pissed me off given that rationale. However, I don't think McDonalds or any other fast food place is going out of business anytime soon! The first 8 weeks of my prep, I had McD's already chosen as my post-competition meal and I was planning on going all-out. After a while, I stopped craving it. I ended up not even wanting it by the time the show rolled around. Pre-show I was eatting fast food once or twice a week (with one of those being McDonalds) and now I eat fast food maybe once a month - not because I'm trying but because I really don't even thing about it any more.

    Stick with it and find a rationale that will overpower your cravings... it does get easier with time!
  • jbeck961
    That was awesome. What a way to encourage your brother.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    You can do it man!

    I would suggest you start cooking more! if you cook delicious food, it will be easier to resist the terror of fast food.

    Even if you just cook a cheeseburger at your house, you can bake the fries instead of frying them and drink a diet pop. You are getting the same meal, but it will taste better, and be much healthier for you (especially if you skip the bun and put the burger ontop of a salad [if you are into that])

    If you slip up NO BIG DEAL! just try harder the next day, we all fall down, we just have to get back up.
    Thank you for your service, and I believe in you!

    Good luck

    Best advice in the whole MFing thread!

    Take time out of your day, cook, relax, enjoy and reflect upon your day. It's cheaper, it tastes better, you develop a skill and hobby that will bring you much happiness. And not to mention what being able throwing down an awesome dinner does for dating life. That's just my take on it. Even down to stuff like bbq sauce / hot sauce / pasta sauce, I do it all from scratch. Sweet Baby Ray can't hold a candle to my beer based bbq sauces.

    I'm not saying evil, satan, sugar, addictive. I'm just saying you can make it all cheaper and better and have good results if you focus on portions.

    Between work, workouts and cooking, I'm spent at the end of my day. I sleep better, wake up earlier, it's formed a better cycle / routine.

    Good luck man and feel free to add me.

    The road by my office has just about every fast food place known to man out there. I honestly don't even see them anymore. I have no clue how this happened but I just don't acknowledge their existance... I used to go 5 days a week for lunch. That $140(low figure) a month for awful lunch is two full weeks of awesome food to cook at home for me.
  • steelinquisitor
    I've always been big but not fat . I am 37 years old 6'1" feet tall and 271 pounds. Food is delicious and I love to eat. I have been in the Navy for 19 years and I need to lose 20 pounds by November to be able to retire in June. I just started and could really use some friends when I am tempted to go to a fast food restaurant. I want to lose 70 pounds total to hopefully be more able to do things.

    I'm just struggling with the implication that if you gain weight in the navy, they won't let you leave ...

    Oh they will let me leave by separating me with no retirement benefits. It seems sad that I have put in 19 years and they will just let me go for having trouble with weight. They have helped me by forcing me to go to a workout session in the morning 3 days a week, but that is not really helpful because I was working out before. That is why I joined this site to see where I am going wrong and try to fix the problem.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member

    Oh they will let me leave by separating me with no retirement benefits. It seems sad that I have put in 19 years and they will just let me go for having trouble with weight. They have helped me by forcing me to go to a workout session in the morning 3 days a week, but that is not really helpful because I was working out before. That is why I joined this site to see where I am going wrong and try to fix the problem.
    Yikes this is pretty terrifying, and seems wrong on so many levels! But in the same respect look at it as a great motivator to skip out on the fast food and take this chance to get healthy again :flowerforyou: