Would you log lawnmowing?



  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I log mine, of course I have five acres that I mow and spend about an hour of doing push mowing for trim and about four hours on a riding tractor that while riding i am tense the entire time riding and by the time I get off the tractor my legs are sore from having my muscles so tight. (we have hills that make me nervous mowing which is probably why I tighten my leg muscles) Of course my setting is sedentary so I also log cleaning ect. but I also do not eat back the calories though either. I log more to have a record of what has worked best for various results that I wanted. Ie. noticed that my clothes get smaller the more strength based things I add despite the number of the scale not moving.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I mowed the lawn Saturday, logged it, ate back some (if not all) of the calories in brownies, ice cream, and milk.

    You jelly?

    You affected?

    I'm jelly cuz brownies, dammit! I had ice cream and a milk shake, though. I didn't mow the yard, I spent 3 hours cutting down a tree (no chainsaw) and then cutting it into 3' pieces for the yard waste pick-up that never showed up. Was there chocolate sauce involved? Did you put the ice cream on top of the brownies? These are important questions.

    No chocolate sauce :( I would get a spoonful of ice cream and then a spoonful of brownie, and repeat until my wife yelled that I better not be eating all the brownies...oops.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    If I was using a non-mechanical mower with 12" high grass,sprinting up and down the rows, and swinging a 40lb kettlebell in one arm while I did it, then I would log it.

    Otherwise, no.

    So the calorie burn from my hrm monitor is only from the sheer excitement of mowing my yard??? I'm actually seriously asking, because I know you can explain this.

    I can't explain why you got such a reading. I do know, however, than you can't burn 600+ calories in 30 min cutting grass--not even doing it the way I described above.

    In most cases, an HRM-even if set up correctly--will not be accurate for this type activity.

    The last time I mowed, it was for 37 minutes, and I got 368 on my hrm. I don't have a self-propelled mower, and my front yard is on a hill. I have to put a lot of effort into pushing it because my grass is really thick and I'm struggling to mow a straight line across the hill. I'm sure I provide some entertainment for my neighbors. I was curious about how accurate the burn was, but I don't eat most of my cardio calories back anyway.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I mowed the lawn Saturday, logged it, ate back some (if not all) of the calories in brownies, ice cream, and milk.

    You jelly?

    You affected?

    I'm jelly cuz brownies, dammit! I had ice cream and a milk shake, though. I didn't mow the yard, I spent 3 hours cutting down a tree (no chainsaw) and then cutting it into 3' pieces for the yard waste pick-up that never showed up. Was there chocolate sauce involved? Did you put the ice cream on top of the brownies? These are important questions.

    No chocolate sauce :( I would get a spoonful of ice cream and then a spoonful of brownie, and repeat until my wife yelled that I better not be eating all the brownies...oops.

    She's not supporting your goals! :wink: That still sounds good, even without the chocolate sauce.
  • And you should...Steps are steps.

    Weird, this replied to the wrong post...Oh well, time to cut the grass
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    Yes absolutely...calorie lab is great site for getting the values for everyday activities.
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    LAWN MOWING????? Heck YES!

    I post mini blind dusting.
    Floor Mopping
    Garden Weeding
    Changing a Tire
    Chasing a Dog
    Taking out the Garbage

    You must start by doing what you can before tackling the GYM or jogging. Just get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour if you have to sit all day at work or if you are DISABLED as I am. Everything you do burns calories.:drinker:
  • I log it. I log everything I put I my mouth so why not any activity I do outside of my daily burn.
  • sbb2k14
    sbb2k14 Posts: 1 Member
    I do. I'm set to sedentary, and the whole process takes about 3 to 4 hours of mostly continuous walking up and down hills. Days when I do cut the grass, it becomes my workout for the day. Really, it would depend on your settings and how much you have to cut.
  • ImpracticalGirl
    ImpracticalGirl Posts: 59 Member
    I set my activity level to sedentary, so, yes, I'd log lawnmowing if done with a manual push mower. I also plan to log shoveling snow from my driveway for the long coming winter. :grumble:
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    Nope. I don't log throwing pallets of sod either. It's just part of my daily activity. Granted it was a hard day, but it was just a chore or my honey do list.

    Throwing pallets of sod- that's back breaking- grueling- misery inducing work! I'd want the biggest cheat meal ever if I ever had to do that again....
  • jke78
    jke78 Posts: 59 Member
    I log lawn mowing. I have an acre, I push it, and my watch tells me I burn about 600 calories doing it. I only eat back some of the calories. Now when I used to use my riding mower, I didn't log that!

    I agree, there's a BIG difference between riding an pushing. :smile:
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member

    I agree, there's a BIG difference between riding an pushing. :smile:

    Wait... what?
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    walking or riding?


    *edited* ooops - this is what I get for not reading through the replies at least a little
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    I agree, there's a BIG difference between riding an pushing. :smile:

    Wait... what?

    She's saying there's a big difference between a riding mower and a push mower.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member

    I agree, there's a BIG difference between riding an pushing. :smile:

    Wait... what?

    She's saying there's a big difference between a riding mower and a push mower.

    I agree with that statement. I have done both and push mowing is a bit more difficult and takes an effort especially if the grass is Saint Augustine grass. For the people that have said they wouldn't log it, I question wether they have even done said activity.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member

    I agree, there's a BIG difference between riding an pushing. :smile:

    Wait... what?

    She's saying there's a big difference between a riding mower and a push mower.

    I agree with that statement. I have done both and push mowing is a bit more difficult and takes an effort especially if the grass is Saint Augustine grass. For the people that have said they wouldn't log it, I question wether they have even done said activity.

    Since I've never been lucky enough to own a riding mower, I'd like to know how it burns any more calories than driving a car.
  • I used to log it when I did WW, I had to push mow my hilly, 1/2 acre yard with a push mower that wasn't self-propelled :-\
  • Kontxesi
    Kontxesi Posts: 86 Member
    This has been answered to death, but:

    I log it. Mowing is not something I did before (had a fiance and then a brother who took care of it), so it's a "new" activity. I use a push mower, and it takes me 2+ hours to do the whole yard. I don't log it for nearly as many calories as MFP says it should take, but I do track it.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I did recently. I put my heart rate monitoring on to see if it was worth monitoring and it was. This morning I mowed the lawn and was sweating buckets (just like any other exercise). However, my backyard is a little hilly and I was using a reel mower.