Day 2 and I want to quit already



  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Consistency is the key at the start I find, as you allow better habits time to bed in. Your targets may be too aggressive, thus why you're rebounding so strongly, so quickly. Ease off a little, or even set your goal to maintain your weight, just to get started, then as you're happy to push on a little, do so at your own pace. Its difficult if not impossible to change everything at once, but much easier to make small changes, get used to them, and build them up :)
  • Oh, we all understand what you're going through!

    One trick that works like a charm for me is to eat a lot of vegetables and beans. I had to learn an entirely new way of cooking for this to work out, because I didn't like steamed plain veggies, etc. I spent an absolutely insane amount of time online (pinterest, mostly) looking for recipes that tasted great and had a ton of nutrients in them (Bon Appetite's Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad, for ex. Sounded gross to my family before they ate it but it taste's like a Caesar salad, only it's healthy). The point is, eating high-fiber vegetable based foods makes you feel fuller on a much lower amount of calories. Just... learn recipes that make the vegetables taste amazing. By doing that, I totally stopped craving junk food.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    That carb goal of 247g per day means you're never going to lose anything. You're torturing yourself for no reason right now.

    What should it be at? I have no idea I just put in how much I want to lose per week and it auto populates it I guess.

    Don't listen to food/macro fear mongering. You can eat whatever your heart desires, as long as it fits into your daily calorie goal, and you will lose weight. The however is, once you do this for a little while, you may find a slightly different balance works best for you but don't worry about that right now - just concentrate on calories and consistent logging for the next month or so until you get it down pat.

    Good luck!
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    I checked your diary quickly, and you are doing very well. Just keep at it. I've been here 16 months, and down 70lbs. I am in no hurry to get to goal, because I am making a life change. My body did not get here in a year, so why do I think I can loose the weight in a year? Naaaaah.
    Things will get easier. There will be days you go over cals, but then there will also be days where you are not so hungry and you will make up for the "over cals" days. It is all about balance. I look at my weekly total cals, not so much the daily. I hope this helps. :wink:
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    stay busy!!!

    and eat every 2 hours...this helps me.

    I've already eaten twice today and its only 10 am :P
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    sounds like your diet is not the right mix of foods

    when you are doing it right you can feel full on 1300-1400 calories a day
    Good Luck

  • jodiecooks281
    jodiecooks281 Posts: 22 Member
    There isn't any reason you should feel hungry! You need to eat little and often!

    I like to use the motto Never hungry never full!
    Think 5 small meals over the day instead of 3 larger ones..........This is my normal food intake as an example!

    Breakfast: 30g porridge, with semi skimmed milk, 1/2 teaspooon of honey and a good sprinkle of cinnamon

    (Avoid cereals and porridge like ready-break they are not very good for you and are not slow realise, the bigger the porridge oats the better for you, they realise energy slowly over the day and keep you full for longer)

    Morning snack: Pear and Nakd bar (cocoa orange flavour) They might have 145 calories in them but they have no sugar and again are slow realise energy which will last you until you next eat!

    Lunch: 4 Ryvitas with cucumber and mint cottage cheese or soup, The food doctor sweet chilli soya & corn chips, cherry toms

    Afternoon snack: Pear 1 handful of dried apricots and nuts (no salt etc)

    Tea: pan cooked steak with parmesan cheese salad or beef burger with halloumi cheese, tomato (no bread or chips) and raw spinch salad on the side

    Dessert: Greek yoghurt with fruit and little coco powder!

    If your struggling with meal ideals it is wroth looking at what other people are eating on here or feel free to message me and I can help you think of meal ideas!!!

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I agree that you should set your goal to lose 1 lb a week to start, then you can get more aggressive once you have the meal planning more in place. Looking at your diary, you definitely can add more veggies. More food with only a small amount of calories will help with the psychological need to eat but not have much impact on your total calories.

    Did you go with the MFP defaults for your macros? If you are hungry all of the time, you might want to adjust them to up the protein and fat and lower the carbs a little.

    Most of all, this is a process. You don't have to get it "right" the first day. Keep listening to your body and tweak it as you go to get to where you should be. Also, be prepared to be constantly tweaking. I recently had to up my calories after 7 months because I was exercising more and losing too fast. I am 248 lb. and had to go from 1700 to 1900 calories. I get between 8000 and 10,000 steps a day, take an hour long water aerobics class 3 x a week and do 1/2 hour on the resistance band machines 3 x a week.

    You can do this. Just be willing to adjust.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    You did great yesterday! Glad to see that you upped your calories. It was set a little too low for starting off. If you want to change it later, you can :). Yay for not giving up! Also, if you are using the MFP recommended plan, you can eat back about half your calories from exercise. A lot of calorie estimations for exercise are set too high.
  • I see you bumped your calories up. Is it a bit easier sticking to this now? When I started, I accidently had mine set to 1200 and nearly went off the deep end my first 4 days because I was freaking hungry!! I bumped the calories up to 1800 and had real success dropping weight.
    As far as workouts go, I just walked. Started out small with a walk around my block, and built it up a bit every couple days until I could walk 5 miles. Don't just jump into it hardcore, build up to it.
  • don't quit.... I am doing this with my friends at work and we are constantly trying to come up with things to eat with LOW carbs... What kind of foods do you like.. Are you doing it with anyone??? Having SOMEONE even if its a stranger helps so much. I went to a sabres game yesterday and instead of finishing my sons nachos, pretzel with Cheese, OR and a slice of pizza, I only ate my 100 calorie almonds. and the BIGGEST reason I didn't eat the left overs is because I knew I would have to come to work tomorrow and tell my friends I cheated.. and we have a policy.. 3 strikes of cheating and you have to tell the whole office how much you weigh!!... Jump on our band wagon, or someone else's.. but don't quit!!!!..... I PROMISE it will be worth it!!!.. Let me know what you like.. We are coming up with SO MANY things for low carb more protein foods!!!!!.. Good luck!!!
  • So I am going to tell you how I have lost my weight with success. Slow and steady absolutly wins the race. You do not want the problems that come with losing weight too fast (saggy skin and health issues). I started my weight loss journey at the end of April this year. I told myself enough is enough. I started at 233.6 and I weighed in this morning at 188.9. An amazing feeling to see that number on the scale for sure. I have worked hard but not to hard. It is not miserable. I do a protein smoothie diet. It may sound miserable but it is not bad at all.
    This is just an example of my day...
    I blend in my blender bullet
    1 c. ice
    8 oz light and fit Greek yogurt(play around with flavors, my favorite is the toasted coconut vanilla)
    and a scoop of protein.(i look for the one with lowest carbs possible but still a good amount of protein. (wal-mart has some good ones) don't get the really cheap stuff because it doesn't blend well.
    **I will add a chopped up frozen banana if I use banana flavored yogurt and I will do frozen strawberries and blueberries if it is a fruity flavored yogurt. You just have to play around with the flavors. It never gets boring. If you like coffee they have a mocha flavored one and you can do a scoop of coffee flavored protein powder.

    I will have a cup of whole fat cottage cheese with salt and pepper

    I will have a veggie burger(the morning star ones in the green box) I always look for the ones with the lower
    sometimes i will have cottage cheese with it or break it up on a salad with onion and raw salad mushrooms and a light dressing with lots of pepper.

    pre-workout i will eat a banana with peanut butter on it and drink a sugar free vanilla/blueberry iced coffee with skim milk(99 cents and dunkin donuts from 3-6, the best) this gives me a boost of energy that i absolutely need to make it through my workout.

    right after my workout i have a protein shake

    for dinner i have something with very light carbs since it is usually around nine that i eat
    i usually just have another protein smoothie (which is why i call it a protein smoothie diet) If i am on the go i will replace any meals with one of them too. They have all you need in them. Add some flax seed for some good fiber.. it blends so well you would never know its in there.

    and of course lots of water.

    I also set my desktop background at work to something inspirational. Keep a picture on the fridge with and inspirational quote. It really helps me. I have tried so many diets and this one really seems to work. I can sip all through out the day.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    You might want to look at when you feel hungry too. I get late night snack attacks but am so busy in the mornings that I never have issues then. Maybe adjust when you are eating to when you struggle the most with snacking. I try to save calories for night or go to the gym late to head off the late night munchies.

    Plus, I'm not gonna lie. I took that garcinia stuff the first month of starting this. Not sure if it really made me feel fuller or if it was all in my head, but it seemed to work. I'm sure there are other, natural appetite suppressants out there. Also, I was 223 and 5'3" so I just accepted that I would feel hungry sometimes and that isn't a bad thing. If you feel stuffed all the time, you are probably doing something wrong. I'm down to 192 lbs in about 7 months.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Instead of starting out at any kind of deficit, why don’t you just log what you normally eat for a week? Afterwards, you’ll have a visual which can help you determine where you can swap out certain foods for better choices and see where you might want exercise portion control.
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    That carb goal of 247g per day means you're never going to lose anything. You're torturing yourself for no reason right now.

    Huh? What do carbs have to do with weightloss?

    you need to eat a balanced diet to avoid cravings and fuel your body properly!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Just eat what you normally do only in moderation. One thing I try NEVER to drink my calories. EAT FOOD, I like food. Good luck
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    One little thing I've noticed as someone who has ALWAYS been overweight. Don't be afraid to be a little bit hungry :) After being overweight for so long, I'm not sure I ever really experienced hunger. I didn't listen to my body, I just ate and ate.

    Now, if I'm hungry, I eat. When I'm not hungry anymore (not stuffed full, just not hungry) I stop. Then if I get hungry again, I eat. On top of that, I try to make healthier choices when I eat. Rather than a bag of chips when I need a snack, I wrap roast beef or ham around a cheese stick.

    This journey to health is all about, well, the journey :) This is a new road to be on, and it's one I want to stay on for a long, long time. So it has to be a road I can live with. My most recent favorite quote is this: "I'm not saying it won't be hard. I'm saying it will be worth it."
  • It does get easier! After a couple if weeks, you get used to it and the routine just kicks in!
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    As for keeping the hunger at bay, don't be scared of fat. Fats and protein really keep me satiated (sated?).
    Of course, stay within your calorie goal.
    Eating more fat will require shifting your macros around a bit.
    If you stay within your calorie goals, shifting your macros wont really matter as far as weight loss goes, but you may find decreased hunger by increasing fat and protein.
    When I stopped buying and eating food re-formulated to be "low-fat" and started eating and buying the full fat stuff (cottage cheese, sour cream, dressing, etc) and not worrying if the meats I buy were supper lean, my meals kept me full longer, and I was less tempted to snack just to tide me over.
    Besides, the full fat stuff and fat free or low fat stuff often have very similar calorie counts. And the full fat stuff tastes better.

    Or.... that method wont work for you so much. No worries. If you stayed within your calorie goals, no harm no foul.

    Regardless, the hunger does subside. I don't know it your stomach shrinking when you eat less food is a real thing or a myth, but I know I can't eat the same amount of food I used to.

    And also, willpower. It gets stronger the more you use it.

    Stay with it! Keep positive. Don't beat yourself up if a day goes south. Just acknowledge what happened, and pick up where you left off.

    Go, baby, go!
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    If you are wanting to do low carb, there are low carb boards where you can get answers for your questions. I control my carbs and try to keep my carbs around 100 a day. The carbs I do eat are from oatmeal, whole grains, fruit veggies, etc. I watch sugars especially because I am insulin resistant. My total sugars are usually around 30 a day. Basically I don't add sugar to my food. I use unsweetened almond milk in my coffee, for instance, because even 2% milk has enough sugars to mess with my totals at meal time.
    A lot of people like low carb high fat diets because they don't feel as hungry throughout the day. That is because your body digests carbs first and fats last. But, when people say low carb they mean LOW carb (some below 30, but usually under 100). 247 isn't low carb.
    Im not suggesting that you choose this way of eating, just that you are unnecessarily creating angst for yourself. If you love your carbs and sugar and have no medical reasons for cutting carbs, just count calories. It works for most people. If you continue to find hunger difficult to deal with, do some research on low carb. You may find that it is an easier way for you to control your hunger.