Any 10,000 Steps (Daily) Success stories?



  • TminusFitnessN321
    TminusFitnessN321 Posts: 58 Member
    I try to do 10,000 a day and my other exercises and so far I've lost 6lbs in 2 1/2 weeks.
  • rhemajoy
    rhemajoy Posts: 2
    I started out at 4,000 then worked up to 6,000. Now I am doing a minimum of 10,000 with even a 16,000 and 15,000 day. I don't record my food much on myfitnesspal because I am logging it elsewhere. This is causing a conflict with my withing step counter because of the calorie imbalance. It's not synching with mfp. But, I am logging my food and walking. I have lost 10 lbs as of today. But, the weight loss isn't what is exciting me as much as the build up of endurance and huge energy increase, and a more positive attitude. I have fibromyalgia and exercise has been a dread for so long. Since I started counting steps, I have even been able to work in some jogging. I am sleeping so much better and feeling so much better. I am now the area coordinator for TOPS and doing a one hour presentation on the benefits of walking at the end of this month. It has changed so much of my life just getting out and walking. I used to not be a morning person. But, it's so hot right now that I have started getting up at 7:30 to get my workout in. I wake up now and can't wait to get out there and enjoy the peace of the crisp new morning. I can't even believe this is me typing this!
  • CanadaChick74
    CanadaChick74 Posts: 59 Member
    I got my FitBit to earn points on, and to track how many steps I walk during one of my motorsports days. Here was this past Sunday's:

    28323 steps taken
    232 floors climbed
    10.96 miles traveled
    2532 calories burned
    1725 active score

    I'll be honest though, my daily goal is 5,000 - I have a desk job.

    I'd never heard of that website. Just signed up! I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds 10,000 steps a bit out of reach at the moment. I, too, have a desk job and it's hard to get all those steps in :(
  • spa407
    spa407 Posts: 47 Member
    My daily goal started at 10,000 steps when I started wearing a fitbit zip the end of May. Most days I make it but there're have been a few nights I've done some marching in place to get there. I have an easier time during the week then on weekends. I do a good deal of walking as part of my job. This week I've upped my goal to 12,500.
  • andydebnam85
    andydebnam85 Posts: 9 Member
    my daily goal is set up for 10000 steps but with going to gym and work on a busy day it can be anything from 10000 to 23000 it really depends on if it is busy on the reception if its quiet i normally run around the hotel with bags linen attached to me i really need to get a grip with the nutrition side of the fitness to see the real good results
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I'm a total "stepping" success story. I participated in a pedometer based study at UCSF Medical School that began in September. I was in a group that used a pedometer ( a very large cluncky medical grade pedometer) and a phone app that you had to interract with twice per day--once in the morning, and once at night. The purpose of the study was to lower your fasting glucose and A1C by walking 12,000 steps per day, and in my case eating 1500-2000 calories per day. The first two weeks of the study, you wore the pedometer (blind--coudlnt' see the output) so that the study could get a baseline of your steps on a daily basis. I averaed 1600 steps per day ( I have a desk job, and was not active).

    I began the study on Octboer 1, with the goal to increase my steps 20% per week until I reached the 12,000 daily goal. (It took me until around Christmas to get to that level).

    I started tracking calories on MFP (the calorie component was introduced after pedometer component by two weeks) on October 15. I've lost almost 65 pounds. And I will say that while I do aim for 12,000 steps per day, I do 12,000 without question on Friday-Monday. Tuesday-Thursday are tougher for me and I usually hit 6,000-8,000.

    Not only have I lost the 65 pounds (and am nearly halfway to my goal weight. But, I feel good. I go to Curves 3 X per week. And I started Couch 2 5K this week, and just completed Week 1 Day 3. (I'm doing a 5K in June....the real reason for me to be doing the C25K program is to help increase my walking pace).

    It has been great.

    The study concluded March 25. I was the study's poster child for the most weight loss. My cholesterol went down 24 points from 224 to 200--all in the "bad" cholesterol. My good cholesterol went up. I've lost lots of inches. My A1C went from 5.9 to 5.4.

    Happy walkin' to all. I'm a believer.

    That's great. :) My cholesterol is okay(155 though I'd like to increase the HDL to 40, which was 34 in LDL is low at 61 but now I'm seeing VLDL not really in the loop much on these differences but it was a little high) aside from triglycerides which have gone up considerably. :( Curious what yours changed??? Do you know? I know my A1C was 5.8, went up to 5.9(when my NP started me on Metformin) and now up to 6.1(despite the Metformin and she increased my dose, I swear if its up more I'm going off) I think the one in March was. I've lost over 15 lbs so far since early June. Hit a bit of a struggle and fell off the tracking wagon a couple days ago but getting back to it. I know walking and exercise really helps to lowers my bp too. I want to get the A1C back down. I'm on Metformin and want to get off it. Too much G.I. side effects with it. :( I think it will be longer before I can say bye-bye to the BP pills too. I'm waiting for cool weather to resume walking with my daughter. But we swim and I ride the exercise bike some nights just need to build it to a habit. I gave up my morning soda months ago. I pass it by even when its around now. Its just not my habit anymore so I know I bit one bad habit now I need to work on creating a healthy good one.
  • hatfish
    hatfish Posts: 3
    I do a minimum of 10,000 steps
  • hatfish
    hatfish Posts: 3
    double post
  • chopsart
    chopsart Posts: 123 Member
    I have worn my Fitbit Ultra off and on for a couple of years. It even went through the washing machine! Now that I am on MFP, I wear it daily and find it very motivating.
  • gummibear64
    gummibear64 Posts: 26 Member
    I just go my Fitbit One so I hope that I can get to the magical 10,000 number.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 515 Member
    Bump; my highest day has been 22,000 steps... am quite impressed at the numbers I'm seeing here. I've dropped a total of 20 pounds since incorporating walking at least 10,0000 steps a day (monitored by Fitbit).

    Woo hoo for walking!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I have a success story today :drinker:

    I had taken a break from walking/trying to attempt 10,000 steps for the past few months and restarted last week or so. Today I got my highest steps ever (since clocking them)....

    :love: 15,112 steps:love: thruout the day--WOOT!!!!!!! Walking is fabulous, period.
  • tgustafson85
    tgustafson85 Posts: 12 Member
    I got a FitBit as part of a wellness/incentive program at work. The past month I started actively using the Fitbit, and usually get around 12,000 steps per day. I combine this with long bike rides a few times a week. I've lost 10 pounds -- enough to lower my BMI into the "healthy range" and a couple friends took notice!

    Even though I'm in my 20s, I enjoy "mall walking". I work on a corporate campus with skyways which connect the buildings together and I do laps on my lunch breaks. When I can't get my bike ride in for whatever reason, I head to the nearby mall after work to get in more steps.

    And when I'm feeling particularly ambitious, I drive to the Mall of America to do the 10k version of the "Mayo Clinic Mile" -- , 2 laps on each floor 1-3 and the theme park, and 1 lap around the 4th floor. It's also a great way to do some people watching!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I once got 30,000 in one day. That was pretty awesome, however, I don't think I stopped walking from the time I woke up to when I went to bed.
  • twixtfmnfy
    twixtfmnfy Posts: 4 Member
    I think I am a 10,000 step a day success story. My job offered us pedometers as part of a wellness program, and I decided to participate. When I first started my goal was 3500 steps a day (I was REALLY overweight), but now my goal is set at 10,000 and has been for quite a while. Most days I get at least 12,000 and a lot of days I make it higher. I walk every change I get now. If I get to work early, I walk around the building until work time. I walk during lunch when weather permits. I walk at night. I park as far from wherever I am going as Ican (I live way out in the country, so ditching the car and walking to work and stuff is not doable. I have lost all the weight I have lost with walking as my primary exercise. In the last couple of months I purchased a bike and have started riding sometimes.

    I love this - thank you for the practical tips you have given. I hope someday to be a 10,000 step success story just like you are for others! :) Congratulations on the weight you have dropped and for making such awesome choices - all without having to have a gym membership or even running! :) I love that you prove it IS possible to lose weight with walking as your primary exercise ;)
  • Love these success stories..I am feeling motivated finally!!
  • cheretv
    I walk 2.5 miles uphill for 5000 steps and then run back home for the rest. When I hike I get a lot more than that. The only time I don't make it is when I walk with my husband. He only does 2 miles.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I've worn a fitbit every day since July 2012. I nearly always get my 10,000 steps in. I try for 15,000 and it has made a huge difference in my ability to maintain.

    My all time high is 35,000 steps and 105 floors on the same day. Walking all over San Francisco is the key to that. Think how fit I'd be if I lived there.

    In general, my fitbit reminds me not to sit at my desk for long periods of time and inspires me at work to go talk to a person instead of emailing them. I'm pretty active at work because I teach seventh and eighth grade and am moving around all day, but if I don't hit my goal at work, I know I have to work harder on my treadmill.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I got a Fitbit about a week ago, and felt like such a slob to realize just how little I move!!!! Most days, I work from home and so Im sitting at my desk all day....My first day with Flex I got in 2k steps maaaaybe? And that much because I kept getting up to move around so that I wouldnt feel like such a bum lol So Ive been making the effort to walk around my apartment building, or pace the house when its raining, whenever Im on the phone to rack up steps.

    Today was my first day going into the office, and that was 7k steps from that alone because I spend the whole time on my feet walking around. Either way, I have to make the effort to go for a walk to get in all 10k steps and Ive hit it more than Ive missed it over the past week. But then I feel sooo good!!! I now really look forward to that feeling with my Flex vibrates to celebrate my 10k steps :)
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I'm at nearly 9 000 000 steps since I got it in Jan 2013. My highest day so far was 65 000 steps in August however that will be close to doubled this coming Saturday because I'm running a 100km ultramarathon :)

    I bought my Fitbit when I was a running newbie remember it was a huge motivation to keep going when I was 200lbs and struggling to run 5km.
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