What do/did you hate most about being fat?



  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    There are some great posts on here, with lots of things that I don't like about being what my mother-in-law calls a "big, beautiful woman." Emphasis on the big. But I've lost ~110 lbs, 38 of them since joining MFP. And one thing I can do now that I couldn't before, even 40 lbs ago, is get up and down off the floor. I really didn't like not being able to do that, and love that I can now. Just think what I'll be able to do when I lose this last 50!!!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Not being able to wear jeans because they cut in weird places/fall down/don't zip up.

    Also, I'm a double bass player and singer. Seeing performance pictures of my arms and big face on stage were disheartening.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    meh. nothing. I loved everything about me when I was fat. I was a much more self confident/self accepting individual back in those days.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I often hear of overweight people saying that their weight doesn't bother them, it bother's other people but if that were the case we wouldn't be here. We didn't gain the weight for their benefit so why would we lose it for them.

    it really didn't. I was told I had to lose it in order to be a candidate for kidney donation. so I lost it for the recipient's benefit.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    meh. nothing. I loved everything about me when I was fat. I was a much more self confident/self accepting individual back in those days.

    So do you think you're LESS confident now that you're thinner or has nothing really changed?
  • rupert991
    Hm where to start... well I've ripped 3 pairs of pants this year cause I'm too big for them so that definitely sucks!!
  • dulceproductions
    dulceproductions Posts: 19 Member
    1) Not fitting comfortably in seats - theater, airplane or amusement rides

    ^ This.

    I avoided certain theaters if they had normal seats because my thighs and knees would kill me throughout the entire movie.
    I was mortified when I was asked to get out of a roller coaster because the harness wouldn't close. Another time, I sat and broke a plastic lawn chair while having lunch at a restaurant with coworkers.
    I hate the "Oh, crap. Please don't sit next to me!" look I get from passengers on a flight when I'm trying to find my seat.

    Also, people make incorrect assumption about my personality and character because of my weight. I often had to prove I wasn't lazy. I obsessed about being clean and tidy because I heard people make comments about others.
    People with (maybe) good intentions making comments about my weight, what I eat, or my health.
    People with (definitely) bad intentions making fun of my weight. Trying to put me down or be critical of me. This is particularly ironic since they are overweight and/or have a terrible lifestyle.

    The horizontal mambo is less pleasurable and more limited at my heaviest.

    Tired of being the "fat friend". Yes, the quality of suitors have always been better for me than my thin friends, but that always surprised them!

    Feeling tired, achy and unhealthy ALL the time. Clothes not fitting.

    Worst of all, losing my mother to a heart attack because of obesity and knowing I'm on the same path..... correction.... was on the same path. I've lost 40+lbs. so far and I'm exercising. The thought of leaving my children too early scares he hell out of me.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    1) Pictures. I HATED seeing riding photos and I would just pick myself apart.
    2) Airplane seats.
    3) Getting to the point where I wasn't able to do that sport I loved (horseback riding) and couldn't find snowboarding pants that fit.
    4) Not having any self confidence anymore

    .... lots of things. I still struggle with self image daily, but it is getting better.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    It took me a life time to discover what dietary salicylate can do (it flies in the face of the commonly accepted rules), and how it can make you thyroid under function because it could not remove the toxin from my system. The count of people, including those in the medical profession who knew it was a simple case of my ignorance and what I was putting in my mouth, concluding I did not have any interest in my health is beyond number. I have made good use of the Salicylate Sensitive, web site, (a bit of a misnomer because it is a toxin)
    Hmmm... aspirin can certainly be harmful if overused, or if someone is allergic ("sensitive"), but it's not a toxin.
    And these studies say that the precursor is much more potent in its effect on thyroid hormones.

    "Salsalate and its metabolite salicylate are inhibitors of thyroid hormone binding to serum transport proteins and reduce serum total thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in vivo ... Salsalate potency in displacing T4 from TBG and ALB was approximately 100-fold greater than salicylate potency."

    "Case report: abnormal thyroid function tests in a patient and two normal volunteers treated with salsalate"

    Salsalate does alter thyroid hormone function

    Of course, so do steroids & NSAIDS.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Phoebe, I mean this in a totally non-creepy way: I love you. :flowerforyou:
    We're here because we're just plain sick and tired of it for ALL of the reasons listed on this topic.
    Won't it be wonderful when we don't have to feel this way any more?
    using the "normal" size stalls in the rest room.. i always felt like i was squished...
    Yep. I used to always use the handicap stall. Now I'm OK with a regular one most of the time. Still like the extra space though.
    Not being able to fit into some restaurant booths
    So you politely tell the hostess that you'd prefer a table. They should have asked your preference to begin with.
    I am tall, and it's hard enough to find long enough sleeves and pants, but to find them in plus sizes... practically impossible
    Yes! I sew. Altering patterns to make them longer is pretty easy.
    I've even learned a little bit about making patterns, when I couldn't find something I wanted in my (fat) size.
    And ready to wear fat clothes are usually ugly tents.

    I had to go to a lingere shop to get a bra that fit, because there's nothing in a big enough cup in local department stores even though I'm down to "only" a 38 band. It's a very comfortable bra, but I really didn't have $60 to spend. (And the other one they sold me doesn't fit quite right; the sales gal said to pull it way down in back, which I've never worn a bra that way! I'm going to post it on ebay & get some money toward buying another that actually fits.)

    I hate photos. I strenuously avoid them.
    I've had a few taken as I've lost weight, just to document, but still avoid cameras.

    I hated being winded & unwilling to walk up stairs. Seriously, my bedroom is upstairs & I used to plan my day so I'd only have to walk up once, to go to bed. Thankfully, that's no longer an issue. I can walk for several miles at a time now.

    I hate(d) the way I feel & look, the judgment of others (though I tried to pretend it didn't matter).
    Still not ready to say that I feel pretty, or attractive, but I'm a lot better looking than I used to be.

    I hate small chairs. The gym I go to has small chairs _with_ _arms_ in the lobby. How stupid is that?!
    But now that I've lost 50 lb, I finally fit in them.
    I always worried on a plane about spilling over the armrest.

    Thigh seams on pants wearing out from rubbing.
    Shorts riding up between my legs when I walked.
    I hated weighing at the doctor
    Oh, yes... my doctor's office staff (my GP) started getting annoyed at me when I'd refuse to be weighed. (Or have my blood pressure or temp checked when it had nothing to do with why I was being seen.)
    The last time I was in I was down over 50 lb, so let them record it. My doctor was impressed & happy with me.

    Things I'm liking about myself now...
    I am so happy to finally be developing muscles & losing fat!
    One of my last checkups with the weight clinic, the doctor was poking at my abdomen to check something & she paused & said, "I can feel your ribs". I smiled back & said, "ain't it great?!"
    I can look at myself in the mirror & think, "you're doing OK". There's a long way to go, but overall I'm happy with where I am. Only 3 problem areas: bingo wings, belly pudge, and a bit on the thighs & upper butt that's not proportional to the rest of the (still fat) body.

    One good thing about being larger, it's easier to carry concealed on-body. I used to be able to hide a full-size pistol by wearing a loose shirt, even in front of a class (among other things, I'm a firearm safety instructor), and they'd be surprised (when we got around to discussing holsters) to learn that the pistol they saw on my hip wasn't the only one I had. Not sure I could pull that off now, though the boobs still give decent drapeage to cover a belly band holster.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    meh. nothing. I loved everything about me when I was fat. I was a much more self confident/self accepting individual back in those days.

    So do you think you're LESS confident now that you're thinner or has nothing really changed?

    Definitely less confident. My body grosses me out a lot more as a 140 pound person with 15 pounds of extra skin hanging off of her like melting wax than it ever did as a 310 pound body full of fat. I avoid mirrors at all costs. It just makes me cry.
  • PhoebeGrey
    meh. nothing. I loved everything about me when I was fat. I was a much more self confident/self accepting individual back in those days.

    So do you think you're LESS confident now that you're thinner or has nothing really changed?

    Definitely less confident. My body grosses me out a lot more as a 140 pound person with 15 pounds of extra skin hanging off of her like melting wax than it ever did as a 310 pound body full of fat. I avoid mirrors at all costs. It just makes me cry.

    That's really sad :cry:
  • theonepercentile
    Puffy face
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I don't actually mind being fat, it has never bothered me, but to go for what I want to do over next few years I know I need to be a certain weight so it cant be used against me.

    I think if it gets to you then those who like to bully can sense it and do it even more to hurt you...

    Like a wasp senses fear bully's seem to sense self hatred, and prey up on it.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    meh. nothing. I loved everything about me when I was fat. I was a much more self confident/self accepting individual back in those days.

    So do you think you're LESS confident now that you're thinner or has nothing really changed?

    Definitely less confident. My body grosses me out a lot more as a 140 pound person with 15 pounds of extra skin hanging off of her like melting wax than it ever did as a 310 pound body full of fat. I avoid mirrors at all costs. It just makes me cry.

    That's really sad :cry:

  • fruitysky
    fruitysky Posts: 30 Member
    For me, the hardest thing is my sisters. I am the youngest of three girls and I am the biggest of the three. It's horrible; i remember having to borrow my sister's shirt one time. The shirt that was loose on her fit me skin tight! Seeing myself in pictures and mirrors is also pretty horrible.
  • Ryan6691
    Ryan6691 Posts: 22 Member
    Having to sit down and lift my leg up to tie my shoes.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Not being able to wear clothing I liked (custom made lobster dresses and half naked cavorting cowboy skirts from Etsy aside) - I'm shallow yes?
  • mhollencamp102012
    mhollencamp102012 Posts: 165 Member
    There are so many things that i hate about being fat I dont think I could list them all.....however, I do know my top two...

    #1. Having my picture taken
    and a close runner up

    #2. SEX! I absolutly hate the way my body feels...looks....is naked....there for I always leave my nighty on when we are "getting busy" can not STAND my stomach touching his. ( and his stomach isnt big so its all mine)
  • 86myHeadache
    86myHeadache Posts: 44 Member
    * Not being able to do the things that I enjoyed
    *Not liking myself
    *Worried if I could/should continue my career aspirations
    *Not being able to really look at myself in the mirror.
    *Knowing I wasn't who I truly was.