Ideas for a reward when I hit target



  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    A weekend get away without the kids :wink:
  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    My doctor's office is next to an ULTA, so my mini-rewards tend to be makeup. I also like jewelry. I did get myself a yoga mat once, but I don't like to "reward" myself with fitness tools; those should be givens.

    I have trained for a 5K this Saturday, and I will congratulate myself with a massage next week. (Although I tend to think of massages as necessities too).

    Oh, also, I buy myself a song on iTunes for every pound that I lose. I have literally worked my butt off because someone released new music and I wanted it.
  • belrowley
    Clothes, facial, massage, night away with the significant other, anything you like but resist buying sometimes.

    Personally, I am excited for new jeans.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    The only rewards I have planned when I get to goal are clothes that fit.
    Primarily, I want several nice bra & panty sets, but some separates of each are needed too, and of course just regular clothes. :laugh:
    New yarn!!!
    Just me then? OK.
    For me it'd be fabric, but I already have more sitting around than I can use.

    Maybe a weekend in a state park, rented cabin, hiking or enjoying nature?
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Clothes, facial, massage, night away with the significant other, anything you like but resist buying sometimes.

    Personally, I am excited for new jeans.

    Jeans or anything without elastic :)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Clothes, make up (maybe a make over?), massage- those are all of my rewards along the way and then at my goal, I want to do like a mini photo shoot and get fancy pictures of myself to have :)
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    My reward is a 2 week trip to Cabo San Lucas

    I set incremental goals along the way.

    First one was a new pair of sunglasses. So I can keep an eye on my goal.

    Second one was a new pair of flip flops, so I can keep striding towards my goal

    Third one is a shopping spree at the tommy Bahama store for some new threads , Cause this skinny guy is gonna be lookin good in Cabo !!!!
  • molls10m
    A massage or new clothes!!
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I got a new tattoo when I hit the 100lbs lost mark

  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    I've never rewarded myself directly for weight loss but I've rewarded myself for fitness accomplishments.

    When I was learning to run I'd aware myself a dollar for every mile I completed during the C25K app. If I completed 2.18 miles during my workout I'd put $2.18 into my savings account. I used this money to get new running shoes, sign up for a 5k and buy new workout gear.

    I would award myself with cute/nerdy workout tank tops whenever I'd hit a new impressive (to me) weight while lifting. Or if I was just going consistently for awhile I'd award myself with new workout gear so I'd be motivated to keep going.

    I was planning on buying a FitBit for myself when I got to a milestone during my weight loss but my bf bought one for me for my birthday.

    I did use DietBet to win money for my weight loss accomplishments. I only did it once because I don't have much weight to lose and I found 3% a struggle. I guess you could say that I rewarded myself with money but really I just like gambling and DietBet is fun.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If I ever get to my goal, getting there will be reward enough!

    I have put off a restaurant meal until I hit 175 pounds. It's less reward and more scheduling, but I'm looking forward to it in a big way. :)
  • C5North
    C5North Posts: 50 Member
    I get it. I really do.

    But, for me, achieving my goal will be its own reward. Not hat I deserve a reward. I am disgusted with myself for letting it get this out of hand. Why should I reward myself for doing what I should have been doing years ago? Why should I reward myself for getting out of a situation I never should have allowed myself to get into? The fork didn't make me fat.
  • shifterbrainz
    shifterbrainz Posts: 245 Member
    I bought a cool electronic scale when I started back on the road to sanity but was very disappointed it had a 400lb load limit.. The best reward so far was the first day I stepped on it and it didn't read "ERR"! I'm glad I didn't I didn't get a talking scale as I imagine hearing it grunt and groan when I stepped on might have been a demotivator :/
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    New clothes or a mini vacation to celebrate.

    This is what I try to do. That way, every four to six months +/- I can get excited about going someplace fun (my choice).
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    I typically don't set rewards for meeting goals, but I do like to buy fitness related things when I feel I'm doing well. Sometimes it's small stuff like a foam roller and massage ball I bought recently (best investment for the money ever if you work out!), or more expensive things like quality running shoes.Maybe spend a few dollars to go ad-free on an app you like, new clothes as others have mentioned, or even a really nice pillow to help you sleep better if you don't have one already. The difference between a $5 pillow and a $100 one is pretty ridiculous, and not an investment that normally would come to mind :) Don't buy one just cause it's expensive, though! Gotta find the right one.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Well I haven't gotten a 10lb reward yet and I'm considering downloading dragon quest 4 for my cell phone.
  • tomandshell
    tomandshell Posts: 32 Member
    I tried to reward myself with food, but every time I grabbed a treat at the store, I would look at the calories and put it back. Can't break out of my new healthier mindset, even when I tried, lol.

    However, my wife has found ways to reward me as I have lost weight. I'm just not going to go into further detail...
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    I reward myself with a new goal. Not necessarily weight related, but fitness related. Now I'm working toward a lower bf% and when I hit that I'll probably choose a strength goal. It's good to keep me motivated to remain fit after losing.
  • dolljirl
    dolljirl Posts: 3 Member
    My plan is too sign up for dance classes once I hit my goal. I have always been to ashamed to dance in public due to my size. So, my dream is to learn how to dance.
  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    Ive decided Im going to reward my self with a new suit (which Ill need to as some of the others might be a bit loose), and also a J Lindbergh golf top, which should look quite good on a new skinnier me! :-)
    thx for the responses all