PLANET FITNESS GYM and its" Judgment Zone"



  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I consider Planet Fitness to be the most judgmental place I could put myself in.

    LOL this.

    Glad this crap hasn't made it's way over the the UK............yet.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I consider Planet Fitness to be the most judgmental place I could put myself in.

    LOL this.

    Glad this crap hasn't made it's way over the the UK............yet.

    I think the English are self judgmental enough? ;)
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    its probably cheaperto join planet f*tness than to buy pizza 4 times a month.

    It's only the first monday. My planet fitness will definately let you walk out with more than 10 dollars worth of pizza though. A couple of months ago, I had plans and if I ate at home I wouldn't have had time for the gym so I went to the gym and then grabbed a couple of slices on the way out so I didn't have to go home and cook.

    Most months though on Pizza monday I put in an extra 20 minutes of so of gym time and grab a slice of cheese or pepper/onion on my way out.
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    My PF has a scale, I have never seen bagels or pizza, it has plenty of free weights, a larger section than the machines. I guess it depends on which PF you go to. Also, mine doesn't have candy at the front desk and the folks that work there are in shape.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I've never heard of this place but can't BELIEVE there is a gym that hands out pizza and other junk food.

    If you went for alcohol rehab would they serve cocktails with dinner??
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I've never heard of this place but can't BELIEVE there is a gym that hands out pizza and other junk food.

    If you went for alcohol rehab would they serve cocktails with dinner??

    Ummm, in general, you don't need alcohol to survive. Last time I checked, you do need food to survive.

    What is wrong with pizza? I have it once a week. What's wrong with bagels? I don't eat them because I don't like them, but there's nothing wrong with them. If you have no self control, then I guess you need to stay away from PF. I've belonged there for over 3 years and have never had the pizza in that time. Only because I don't want to eat pizza that a bunch of people who haven't washed their hand have pawed at, not because I'm offended that they offer it.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    OMG not this crap again.
    They're not force feeding you the food or candy.
    The pizza & bagels are not an everyday thing.

    PF Haters: We get it, you don't like PF, you feel it's a mediocre gym, no need to bash it in every freaking thread.

    I'm a inbetweener, I don't hate it & I don't love it. It gets the job done, I've never seen the bagels or pizza, I don't take the candy because I don't like tootsie rolls.

    They also have free pens & stickers, no one talks about those.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    If you went for alcohol rehab would they serve cocktails with dinner??

    Only on the first Monday of each month and only as long as you have a designated driver. You can eat the olives out of the Martinis and still drive however. Judgement free zone and all. :drinker:
  • I just started attending this gym and I understand whole concept. I have worked out at 24 hr and LA Fitness and apart from just exercising they never seemed to care.

    1. pizza night and bagle morning. I count my calories here but It does motivate me to work out alittle more If I want a slice.

    I just started counting my calories and well from 300 pounds to 275 well its amazing and working out I feel great. the only times I indulge is with pizza nights and bagle morning of couse still counting calories..

    I also see less people here all in shape which makes me feel more comfortable that we are all their to work out.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I just started attending this gym and I understand whole concept. I have worked out at 24 hr and LA Fitness and apart from just exercising they never seemed to care.

    1. pizza night and bagle morning. I count my calories here but It does motivate me to work out alittle more If I want a slice.

    I just started counting my calories and well from 300 pounds to 275 well its amazing and working out I feel great. the only times I indulge is with pizza nights and bagle morning of couse still counting calories..

    I also see less people here all in shape which makes me feel more comfortable that we are all their to work out.

    That's the only issue I have.

    Listen, there are two types of people at the gym, okay? 1.) People who are in shape and have worked their *kitten* off to get there. 2.) People who are not in shape and working their *kitten* off to get there.

    Somehow feeling like working out in a gym with only people that are less "in shape" is ridiculous. I have NEVER ever EVER seen someone in shape poke fun at or call someone out for giving it their all at the gym.

    Additionally Planet Fitness DOES poke fun at people who are in shape and have worked out for days upon weeks upon months upon years to have the physique they have. And that my friend is just plain wrong.

    It's like they have a gym simply for "fat acceptance" but not "people acceptance". If it's a judgement free zone why do they have a bell that goes off when someone is lifting? Why do they only have smith machines? Why don't they have higher weight free weights? Why are they based mainly toward cardio?

    I'll tell you why... because they intend on making a crap ton of money off people who have low self-esteem and feel "safer" in their own made up "judgement free zone" which is in fact really judgemental.

    If it makes you happy going there then good for you... but i personally will never go to a gym than makes fun of people who have dedicated their lives to fitness, encourages poor eating habits, will limit strength gain, and causes an embarrasing bell to go off if you make ANY noise lifting weights.
  • risak
    risak Posts: 79 Member
    Yes the pizza and cupcakes are a little ridiculous. But for $10 a month how can one complain? I love it there (as much as one can love a gym...). We have tons of cardio machines, a circuit weight room, lots of cable weights and free weights. We also have showers and a scale in the locker room. Actually 2 one digital and one old school medical one.

    Just got new treadmills that you can plug your ipod into or listen to one of the 12 TVs in front of you.

    The locker room is big enough to stretch in and do some burpees and stuff like that to finish off my workout.
  • well your actualy supose 2 eat something like a tiny candy or sweet after working out...not like indulge in it but like a tiny few ones is oay thats why the tootsie rolls are there
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    So glad we don't have PF here
  • I have a gym membership at Planet Fitness and I love it so far. I went and toured a few gyms before deciding and I pay the $20 a month(black card). I don't mind the no scales because I'm a med student so I use the scale at school. I do wish they had scales though! I think my gym is very bright and bubbly and they play upbeat hip music. I haven't been to any different ones but mine is great. I love the workout circuits and the massages! If I wasnt a black card member with all the perks I'd pay the same as gold gym... But I wouldn't have perks there either. I feel like gold gym had a bad vibe and I'm not into that. There's cleaning solution everywhere with paper towels and that makes me a happy girl. I like working out so much there I loose track of time and stay for hours.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Yep I love my PF too. I think I just got lucky or something, cuz all three PF's I've been a member at in two different states had good equipment including free weights and squat racks. The first two PF's didn't have locker room scales but this one does. I see nothing wrong with free pizza either, if you have no self control or pizza is a trigger food for you that's a personal problem and everyone else shouldn't have to suffer because of it. It's not holding back my weight loss.

    My only complaint about the gym itself is there is no pool, hot tub, or punching bags. Obv there won't be a pool because the membership is only $10 a month but I'm really hoping there will eventually be some punching bags :laugh:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Awesome Necro!