Is weight lifting 4 weight loss becoming the new Myth?



  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    • Strength training is for either maintaining muscle, growing muscle, and/or recruiting muscle.
    • Cardiovascular training is for cardiovascular health.
    • Weight loss means the loss of weight, whether it comes from fat, muscle, fluid, waste, etc. and it requires one thing: a deficit of some kind, no matter if it is created by diet, strength training, or cardiovascular training.
    • Fat loss means losing fat. It requires one thing: a deficit of some kind, no matter if it is created by diet, strength training, or cardiovascular training.

    These things should be common sense. Unfortunately there are too many out there who conflate and distort them because they want to sound smart and/or sell something.

    I wish we had a "like button!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I kind of get where the OP is coming from and really it is about the marketing and hijacking of the benefits of resistance training by an idiotic weight loss industry which is based on fear to sell useless routines or ones of very minimal benefit.

    If you don't lift you will get skinny fat bro!
    Cardio makes your muscles fall off!
    Weights make you bulky!

    Etc etc.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."


  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    The myth is one being better than the other. Do both. Enjoy.


    QFT. I eat the "right" amount for me to lose the weight. I do resistance training for my muscle and bone health. I run or walk (or Zumba, or whatever I feel like) for my heart health and for stress relief/relaxation. They all work together for total body fitness.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    From Urban Dictionary: "too long; didn't read." really means: (meant tongue in cheek don't get your knickers in a twist reading this, but yea I still think it is rude and childish).

    1. The inability to accept, understand or pay attention to information when not separated by a header.
    2. The ability to arbitrarily read 400 small posts but not a long one.
    3. A sign of ADD or lack of reading capability.
    4. A very cheap response and an indication of lack of wit.
    5. 90% of the time: A lie.
    6. A desperate attempt at a comeback used by people who just can't think of one.
    7. Usually used by people who've been torn apart verbally but want one last attempt at looking witty.
    8. Total failure at #7.
    7. A sign that, not only is someone too lazy and stupid to read but, clearly, too lazy and stupid to even type out four words indicating such.
    9. Collect every "tl,dr" post online, and you'll have a good estimate of the number of lazy idiots on Earth, who currently have Internet access.
    10. Should really be:
    "Too Lazy, Don't Read."


    looool :laugh:
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm not seeing any myth; I'm seeing an OP that's apparently confused as to why people recommend weight lifting. It's not to burn more calories, although it does do a bit of that; rather, it's to retain lean mass. It's really that simple and no amount of cardio is going to give you that same benefit. But if you don't want to lift, then don't. Frankly, you don't have to do any exercise just to lose weight, and certainly no one's forcing you to do it.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.

    Just you wait.

    You'll have some plank come along any second now and say "you must be new here" followed by "bacon!" and possibly a cat gif.

    Any second now...
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    I have not read this whole string, but exercise will not burn that many calories. Diet is way more important in regards to losing weight. Cardio is great for gaining the ability to exert moderate effort over a sustained period of time. Strength training is great for training yourself to exert more force for short duration, and build muscle mass.

    You have to really bust *kitten* in either department in order to burn enough calories to make a tangible difference. In other words it is much easier not to eat a Snickers bar than it is to run long enough on a tread mill to burn the Snicker bar off.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.

    Probably because the one that was packed full of good scientific knowledge was packed full of good, scientific knowledge. This one......not so much.

    Anyway, I would say tl;dr but unfortunately, I did read it. I prefer lifting to cardio because I look sexier when incorporating heavy lifting, but I still do both.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.

    Just you wait.

    You'll have some plank come along any second now and say "you must be new here" followed by "bacon!" and possibly a cat gif.

    Any second now...

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Eat at a deficit to lose fat.

    Do cardio for your health.

    Lift to look hot.



    And the folks saying TL:DNR or whatever, if you read the first read the whole thing. It just says the same wrong stuff over and over.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Great way to start Friday off with some light reading :laugh:

    No point in repeating what everyone else has said lol
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.

    Just you wait.

    You'll have some plank come along any second now and say "you must be new here" followed by "bacon!" and possibly a cat gif.

    Any second now...



    Now I am oddly turned on.

    Bloody kids these days...
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Far too much TL;DR going on here and I think that response is unnecessary, juvenile and rude. If you can't be bothered to read the entire post then your response is irrelevant, start your own thread instead.

    I was thinking the same thing. Recently I read a post equally as long that was packed full of good scientific information and the OP was praised by all for it. I don't really understand the double-standard where length is concerned.

    Just you wait.

    You'll have some plank come along any second now and say "you must be new here" followed by "bacon!" and possibly a cat gif.

    Any second now...


    Thanks a lot, I may have to have a Jay and Silent Bob marathon real soon.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The title of this thread made me laugh. Then I saw how long it was and there was no point to reading something wrong.
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    methinks this will be a **** storm.

    Me thinks so too...this is that Friday post that everyone was looking for yesterday
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    TL;DR, but in for gifs.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I feel like people are going to bash on this without really understanding your meaning.

    My thoughts - yep, weight lifting is overrated for the average Joe (I'm thinking non-competition weight lifters who don't aim to get super big just because) - other than for those people who love it. That's because they've found their favourite exercise and will stick to a workout plan, hence keeping fit! You will burn calories while lifting weights, and once they show in the way that you were aiming for you're going to feel great because you feel like you look great (and probably do!).

    Cardio is great, it will help to burn those higher calories and help you on a day to day basis with your calorie goals. I personally like cardio because it also helps me stave off hunger (I'm randomly less hungry after doing a cardio workout). I also think there are a lot of heart and lung benefits that are particularly emphasized in cardio exercises that can be hard to find elsewhere unless you're lifting very heavy or very quickly (which... would just be a cardio exercise haha).

    I personally think both types of exercises have their place and the benefits and consequences. It's up for each individual to decide which mix of exercise is most useful for them.

    And lets face it. You have to watch your diet no matter if you do weights or cardio.

    I have to disagree with the bolded part...

    I lift and do some cardio (nothing hard tho as far as cardio) and it's not overrated...

    Women esp should do some sort of resistence/strength training to help with health later in life..because not only will it help maintain muscle mass it's good for our bones too...consequences of weight lifting??? if done right...I can't think of any....consequences of cardio if done right...not maintaining muscle mass.

    As well...prior to weight lifting I maintained on 1995...I now maintain on 2267...that says something.