
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Good Morning,
    Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather I like that reference to Mara. I could have used that when I went to St. Louis last week. We celebrated my darling mom's 96th birthday. She still lives at home. We are unable to stay with her because one of my brothers is a hoarder and he hoards in her home, so we stay at my other brother's home. Mara, Mara, Mara. Despite the difficulty we overall enjoyed our visit. A relative from Sweden was also there for a visit, so it was great to see her.

    Yesterday on the way home we stopped in Mason City Iowa to see Music Man Square. It was a wonderful Museum. We got our own tour guide. What they did was make a replica of the set of the movie. So all the store fronts were there that were in the movie. She said Shirley Jones was just there last week because she is starting a tour related to the Music Man. Next to the museum was the home of the author of the Music Man Meredith Willson. Yes two ll. Both DH and I like house tours, so this was a bonus.

    The garden I referred to was Shaw's garden or the Missouri Botanical Garden. If you are ever in St. Louis and like gardens this is worth a stop. The gardens were stunning. They had New Guinea impatience that looked like a bush because they were so full. It also helped that we had one of the most beautiful days of the year to experience it.

    Today will work to rid myself of the two pounds I gained on our trip by watching portions and moving more.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: :heart: MNMargaret
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I'm heading home this morning.

    As I wrote on my home page...

    JB, I know what you mean, "still having quite a time getting my eating under control. Old habits die hard!" Ditto and ditto. I've gotten sloppier over the last few days, not measuring, taking "just one bite" and then two bites.

    Sugar has crept back in. Without a doubt, a little sugar leads to more sugar. The more I eat, the more my appetite for it grows. Urgh.

    I finally leave for home in the Sierra Foothills this morning. I stayed longer in the bay area (east of San Francisco) than I planned because I wanted to stay away from the King Fire. I didn't want to risk being around smoke with my newly cataract-free eye.

    As it turns out, the air quality near my home in the foothills stayed pretty good. Most of the smoke traveled Northwest. My sister in Reno had to deal with really bad air quality. (I mean miserably bad.)

    So...time for a renewed effort from me. I hope it's catching for everyone who's in the same boat!! And for those of you who are staying on track, kudos to you. I'm grateful for the inspiration from every one of you.

    (And, my, aren't I full of cliches this morning, lol.)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Another awesomely beautiful day here. We have to enjoy them while they last, because winter will be here soon enough. I went garage saleing a little this morning after walking the kids to school. Found a nice stick blender for the studio (I can always use more of those as they burn out pretty quickly mixing glazes.) and a couple of other little things. Then went to Aldi to get some water bottles. I'm feeling a little vulnerable to temptation this morning, and it was really hard to walk past the boxes of chips, cookies, breads and sweets, but I did it! I got out with just the water bottles, a box of grape tomatoes, raisins and a lemon. So, I'm sitting here snacking on a little box of raisins like a good girl, pretending they are rich buttery pound cake with lemon curd filling. My weight is still up a little. Two of those four mystery pounds are still hanging around, but at least it's not more. I panicked there for a while thinking "OH NO, It's all coming back!!!"

    This afternoon I have to go home and change into my new long dress. Hubby will be home about 5:00 and we will leave for the symphony. I'm really looking forward to it.

    I got my flu shot yesterday and it was in the arm I sleep on, so it was a little sore last night, but feels better this morning. I've had worse. Slept pretty well last night in spite of it.

    Well, I should get busy doing something constructive. I hope you all have a great day!

    Here is the joke of the day:


    Bill, Jim, and Scott were at a convention together and were sharing a large suite on the top of a 75-story skyscraper. After a long day of meetings they were shocked to hear that the elevators in their hotel were broken and they would have to climb 75 flights of stairs to get to their room. Bill said to Jim and Scott, let's break the monotony of this unpleasant task by concentrating on something interesting. I'll tell jokes for 25 flights, and Jim can sing songs for 25 flights, and Scott can tell sad stories the rest of the way. At the 26th floor Bill stopped telling jokes and Jim began to sing. At the 51st floor Jim stopped singing and Scott began to tell sad stories. "I will tell my saddest story first," he said. "I left the room key in the car!"


    Later, ladies!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I’m not sure what to say about the thinning hair. The last time I had mine cut, the woman told me my hair was much thinner on one side than the other. First time I ever heard that! The time before, the girl used thinning shears on me, and I don’t think she did it evenly. I’ll monitor this, but I really don’t know what to do if thinner hair isn’t the result of the thinning shears. I've never liked to have my hair thinned. I've had trouble finding someone to cut my hair to my liking since my barber moved away. I hope someone else in the group has more expertise.:flowerforyou: On another subject, I’m sorry you will not be able to see the DGC today. I know you were looking forward to it, but your son and DDIL are right that you don’t need to be exposed just before your trip. I imagine the kids wouldn’t be able to enjoy your visit due to their illnesses, either. I didn’t know anxiety was caused by a daemon named Mara. Now I know what to blame when I’m anxious. :bigsmile: Thanks!

    Lesley: Good news about your lungs and BP. Good luck with your health. It seems as though you’re getting good medical care and advice. I hope your new regime solves the problems you've been experiencing.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Computer gremlins were at work over night, and I had to restart my computer to get control of it this morning. :mad: :grumble: I wonder if I need to shut it down every day. It has been running and safely “asleep” on a regular basis until now.:sad:

    Joyce: In my experience, most people don’t want to be advised about their weight. I would not offer advice unless asked, and even then I"d be very careful about what I said.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I LOVE the idea of superhero day at school. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Carol: I’ll keep your house sale in my prayers and send good thoughts, too. I thought you said that you could walk away, and it was actually your ex’s. Am I confused?

    Michele: I can attest that teaching English to people who already speak it is not easy. Ask anyone who teaches, from grade school through college professors. Teaching it to people who speak another language is also not easy. :noway:

    Diane in TX: I’ll have to give your butternut squash system a try! I love to sauté it with beef and mushrooms. :flowerforyou:

    Mimi: I’m glad to learn that your nephew is making progress.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’ll send good thoughts and prayers your way for a short and productive stay in the hospital. :flowerforyou: I see my grandchildren through the miracle of facetime on a regular basis. It isn’t as good as a real visit but it is better than nothing. I hope you’ll get your real visit soon.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’m glad you had lovely tours in Mason City. :flowerforyou:

    Today I’ve had some issues with both my phone and computer. I was sent an OS update for the phone but can’t install it due to lack of memory. It is a BIG update. It appears that Apple wants me to pay a monthly fee for cloud storage. I don’t want to rent cloud space and don’t trust backing up personal information to anyplace that isn’t under my direct control. :noway: A trip to the Apple Genius Bar seems to be on the agenda. I’m glad we live close enough to go to one. I need to make an appointment as soon as I finish here. I’m taking my computer and phone.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Good joke!:flowerforyou:

    So, we decided we had to buy a new bulb for one of the kitchen lights. It's only been out for six months. :tongue: had a spare one, but it was a "cold" white and I like the warm ones.
    Off we went to the supermarket and I thought I might pick up a new umbrella for my trip from the adjacent store. I bought the umbrella and two strappy, stretchy vests. I wear them instead of bras for everyday as they just about keep me under control and I hate bras. No bulbs the size and brightness we wanted in the screw fitting.:grumble:
    As we walked back through the clothes store I spied a plum coloured part lace top that would be perfect for our evening in Le Bernadine. DH bought it for me as part of my birthday present. (The other part is the gold earrings we bought on holiday) Then I just walked into a faux leather bomber jacket.:laugh: It is perfect for the trip! And really inexpensive! Oh my!
    So we bought all these things including lots of lovely smoked trout etc and rye bread and we came home having spent a lot, but with no light bulb.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I feel much better knowing I have some nice things to wear that are comfortable and smart. I so hate being uncomfortable.

    We are going to drink the champagne tonight that DS and DDIL gave us as a present for looking after the grandchildren. :bigsmile: Having had the disappointment today of not seeing the grandchildren we feel it will get us into holiday mood!:tongue::drinker: We are having Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie from skinnytaste.com with roasted butternut squash. Then our own stewed plums with yoghourt.
    By the way, the easiest way to peel and chop your butternut squash is to get your DH to do it.:tongue: Normally I use a Y shaped very sharp peeler and a very sharp knife to cut it up. DH has many good qualities, but sharpening knives is not one of them. I am the knife sharpening monitor.:laugh:

    Lots of love to all. Heather in warm but cloudy Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick pop on.........bad night again..........weather started off with our third in a row horrible very, very gray day---I hear you DeeDee!!!..........then about 12 changed to some sun and clouds; much better! Now I can see big blue patches, even better!!

    Been all over the city. Errands all am: gathering thrift store items, post office, thrift store for drop off, dr. office to pick up DH's script, 1st pharmacy to drop it off, ticket office for tickets to Hallowscream at Busch Gardens, got gas, 2nd pharmacy to pick up DD's meds...........home to get recharged for this afternoon's runabout and then still have phone calls to make and cards to write..............

    Will write more later, my tea is empty and must get moving again or I'll get stuck in place here. Seems like I have just so much energy and when it's gone, it's gone. Already decided I'm not logging today..........it's blown, just blown.

    Best to all,
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! Going to be another warm day and I am trying to keep from turning the AC back on. This is my short day and planning to walk home from work.

    Heather-Thanks for the nice words. I think you should not worry about the cost and remember you only turn 65 once and you are worth it. I can relate to going to the market and coming home with everything else but what we went for. Most the time I leave my list at home and have to try and remember everything.

    MA--I enjoy watching the bake off shows and the things they make are fantastic.

    Sylvia--Congrates on the good Doctors report. Sounds like the school made a fun day out of the capes. Is this everyweek?

    Sue--Prayers and Hugs you feel better soon!

    Joyce--I also have several of those packages from my grandchildren. They are so special and I keep them also.

    Brenda--Hugs and prayers for you to feel better soon. Why is it easier to get back in bad habits then good ones??

    DebA--Welcome back.

    Meg--Hope Benny is doing better. Our puppies lick at their feet all the time. I keep telling them to stop. Not sure what it is they are doing. I am loving this cooler weather.

    yanniejannie--That is scary and I bet the hospital is getting alot of calls from women that are concerned about what could of happened to them while asleep.

    Barbie--Congrates on the 5 minute plank.

    Diane--Happy birthday.

    Kim--Glad things are going well with the new roomie.

    Patty--Sorry to about your DGC losing the other grandma. How terrible about your neighbors dog. I hope someone did something with those dogs so they do not do that to someone else.

    Well I am all up to date with my reading here so best post and get some work done and hope when I get off I still have energy to get somethings done at home. Prayers and hugs to each and everyone of you. You keep me going and from giving up.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Yanniejannie - Remember to look after yourself! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 540 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I've been missing you for a few days. I woke up not feeling so well Wednesday, arthritis flare up. Yesterday I did my weight workout then treadmill. Today was just treadmill. I'm still maintaining between 125-126 pounds so I'm pleased.

    Also, I finished my drawing of my Grandmother. At least I think I have. I will look at it again in a day or two to be sure, I always see something to tweak so I haven't sprayed it yet. I've uploaded it to my profile page. It is next to the photo of her. I added a few things, if you can see I added a kitten peeking out of the barn. There were always cats around her. I changed the chickens which you can't really see in the photo. I added a clothesline in the background but it got cut off in the screen shot I took. I think my brother will like his birthday gift this year.

    Kim, best wishes with your new roomie.

    Sylvia, congratulations on your doctors report.

    Yanniejannie, hugs for you. Hang in there.

    DeeDee, I love to sit outside too in this cooler weather. I burn so easily I can't spend too much time outside even with sunscreen though.

    Meg, hope your puppy is better soon.

    Barbie, wow, great job holding that plank pose!

    Hugs to all I missed, welcome to everyone new.

    Cindy in OK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Katla - You're right that I do have the option to walk on the house, but I would much prefer not to. For one, it doesn't feel quite honest and, two, I REALLY want my equity. I would really like to have a down payment for the new place in order to keep my payments lower and hopefully have some left over for a few pieces of furniture.

    I worked a short day today since I still don't feel great. I got done what had to be done which is the important thing. I stopped at Aldi on my way home to get milk and eggs. Over $50 later...I did spend about $20 for gluten free items for my son to use at home and/or take back to school with him. I also needed a new bag of Stevia and aluminum foil that kicked up the bill a bit. I did get some fresh fruit, an acorn squash, and another spaghetti squash. Oh! And I bought these awesome snapea crisps! They are very good but make me feel like I'm eating something naughty.

    I guess I'll spend my afternoon catching up on lectures. I'm beginning to think the nutrition course may not be worth my time. I've found it to be pretty boring with no new information at this point. Someone asked if I am taking the classes for credit or for fun and the answer is fun. I think I will pull out a crocheting project to do while I listen. This is one of those times I wish I had an exercise bike so I could exercise instead of sitting. (I was listening with headphones while I walked until I got the boot.)

    Prayers for the sick and discouraged and high fives for those with successes!

    Carol in NC
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Been quiet here lately as no internet at home. My Son went off to Uni and took his Sky subscription with him and we didn't set up an alternative in good time.

    Currently I'm visiting my Parents in Dorset having left a poorly Hubby looking after an improving Arthur. Have been doing really well with my diet till now dropping 13lbs in 4 weeks but Mums idea of healthy is if it looks nice on the packet so today was a bit of a bad food day and a poor exercise day.

    However I did manage some me time and finally got my hair cut. Nothing Special there some may say but for me it's the first hair cut since January and boy did it need doing.

    Tomorrow I'm off back home to tidy up before going back to work. It's been a fortnight since I was last in and I fear my desk may be buried lol.

    Heather : enjoy NYC

    Everyone else have a lovely weekend.

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Oh what a sad story.

    When I hear about the terrible things some dogs do to the others, I know that helping at a dog training centre, like I do, is well worth it - if we can get the 'a trained dog is a happy dog and has happy owners' message out to as many as possible, this dreadful issue will happen less frequently. Your poor friends, my heart goes out to them.

    I took my lovely happy old springer to training last night instead of the doodles! He had to work! He has never been brilliant at obedience and I gave up trying to get the gold award with him when he was 2. At 10 he's calmed down a bit, so I'm putting him through his paces again! I didn't do any of the off-lead exercises with him, but kept him on the lead to do them. (Can you imagine how embarrassed I would be if he let me down badly!) He did ok on lead and today has done the 'stop the dog' at home for me, off lead, getting very excited that he did it right! There may be hope yet. He's the only dog I've had that never achieved gold standard, and of course, my doodles are in the display team showcasing their obedience! One day, Toby, one day! Once we start preparing for next summer's displays, the girls will have to start again, so he's got the autumn to show me what he can do.

    I have just downloaded 21 Cadfael books by Ellis Peters onto my kindle as a daily deal (just over £20 for all of them). I have always liked the TV programme with Derek Jacobi in the main part, so it will be interesting to have all the books to get through. I read one many years ago which was in the borrowing library at the caravan site (can't remember which one!). Most of the deals don't interest me but this is one I couldn't let pass by. My in-laws always give me kindle money for my birthday and are always intrigued to see just how many 'books' I can get. I think they'll be impressed with my deal today. I carry my kindle with me almost everywhere, just in case I have 5 minutes to read!

    I've got a busy Saturday and Sunday so I'll catch up with you all at the end of the weekend. So happy weekend ladies.

    MA in UK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Second day on Duramine and only side affects so far are: headache, thirsty, higher BP.
    Have made up a spreadsheet with the listed side affects and my results (daily weight, BP and sleep efficiency.
    I have found my sleep efficiency dropped last night from 94% to 88% with many bathroom visits, I can cope with that. Have to report on sheet daily and give to doctor on Thursday.
    My food cals today are 1682 cals. I am only allowed to walk the dog, clean house and do gardening until Monday when I should be used to headache. Then NO cardio before breakfast and switch to weights and Tabat and doggy walking.
    Banned from protein shakes, alcohol and cough medicine whilst I am on Duramine for the month. Plus switch to herb teas instead of coffee except black coffee with breakfast
    I can do this.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your day sounds triumphant. Good news on the clothes.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: The drawing of your grandmother is remarkable. You have a wonderful talent.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: I’d want the equity, too. I hope you get a good offer and sell the old place in time to get your townhouse.:flowerforyou:

    Lesley: I think setting up a spreadsheet to keep track of the impact of your new medicine regime is brilliant.:flowerforyou:

    I’m back from the Apple store. When I made my “genius” appointment I told them I had problems with the computer and phone and would need extra time. It took LOTS of extra time and now everything is as it should be. The person who helped me was skilled with both laptops and phones, and we had some complicated things to do. It was successful, and I think she deserves the title “Genius.” The Apple service was free but the parking bill at a nearby parking garage was $15. While I was getting help with my phone and laptop, DH bought a new ipad to replace the one he took back to Best Buy yesterday, so we're in good shape for now.:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Morning vit. F's

    Did 45 minutes of Kari Anderson's Go Step DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a few DVD's in the 90 Day Supreme Challenge, enough that it will add up to about an hour's workout

    Diane - I do hope your sis gets a car. Without one right now, how does she get around? Happy early birthday. Where are you going for dinner? I've heard so much about a neti pot -- all good. Just never used one myself. Yup, I know the cats are marking me. It's just sometimes a pain when you get them under you. Then again, the time goes by quicker because you're concentrating on the cat and not your discomfort. To all cat lovers out there -- we get these very light balls at WalMart and many times we'd find them in the food or water dish. What we subsequently found out was that an indoor cat will bring their prey (the ball) to their "nest" (food dishes) and that's why they do that.

    This is a good pub in that it serves water!

    Kim - that is so nice of you to help out your friend

    Lesley - in a sense, a side effect of the med being thirst is a blessing in disguise, you'll drink more water. Wonderful that you're making up a spreadsheet

    I just got the results of my routine bloodwork. My HDL is way down. Everything I've read to bring it up, I do. Maybe what I need to do is incorporate MORE oats. I've been having the wheat bran muffins, maybe I should change them to oat bran muffins. I exercise a fair amount, don't drink (or very little if I do), don't smoke (never have), have a pretty varied diet. Yet my HDL is down. I do hope the doc doesn't put me on suppliment. Total cholesterol was 112.

    Cynthia - glad to hear you're feeling better. You know, when we first moved to Hickory we went to this one vet mainly because he was close to the apartment and one of our cats at the time was diabetic so we could get him there in record time if needed. Well, since we moved, we like him so much that we continue to go back to him, even tho it can be a 20 minute drive. Jessica will drive from VA (6 hrs) to go to him. Now THAT's dedication.

    Alison - that's so great that you're having everyone down in FL. I know what a great hostess you are.

    Patty - so sorry for your gd's loss. How horrible about the dogs!

    Patty - you'll do great with Chapter Two. Like I said, it's pretty easy. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to Chapter Three, mainly because I'm not into supliments at all. But looking at what's covered from then on looks like I just might learn something.

    katla - I'm sure teaching English to non-English students is tough. I guess I'm just a bit sad that Bryan, who had so much potential, has chosen to do something that "makes him happy". My girlfriend from Switzerland who teaches English (we went to h.s. together) said that he won't be able to support a family on that salary. I guess we shall see. I guess I'm also a bit sad that he's chosen to totally distance himself from us. Jessica usually has Thanksgiving at her place and she sent an invite via facebook to him and Dianna (in add'n to others), she said that Dianna took herself out of the conversation. I didn't even know you could do that! Maybe that's how she was brought up -- this might have been her way of saying that she wouldn't be there, I don't know

    mimi - safe travels as you go back home. It'll be so good to get there. "There's no place like home"

    Sylvia - congrats on walking past those sweets, etc. Just think of the money you saved....lol Have fun at the symphony. Now you got me having some raisins!

    katla - Vince always tells me that I should do a complete shutdown of my computer at least every other day or so.

    Heather - good buy on those clothes. I love finding things that I like, especially if they are on sale. I like your easy way to get your butternut squash cut!!! lol

    Cindy in OK - you are so very talented!

    Carol - our Aldi has a pretty extensive line of gluten free foods, so I'm sure you were able to get some real good things

    Vince and I had eye MD appts. this morning. I had made mine weeks ago at 9:45 and he had a followup to his surgery at 10. It worked out well since they dialated my eyes. He drove home and I just had my eyes closed the whole time. Still trying to get them back to normal.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I just hate it that Aldis has all those treats right in the door. Leslie, sounds like you have all this stuff worked out. I think I have missed what this medicine is for.

    My sister and I went out today for her birthday. At least we were able to keep it in the same month! It was September 6th. Since it was my treat and gift for her, I asked her what she wanted. She said she didn't care would wouldn't mind at all if it was The Pie Pan, a local family owned and operated place. They started out just a local coffee shop that sold sweets like pies and cakes. Eventually they added meals. And they are good just down home good cooking. I don't like their salads so I looked at the senior/kids meal section. It was purely carbohydrates, pasta, breads, corn dogs. So then I saw the salmon patties. It was one of Mom's favorite things to fix only she put a cream sauce on it. I took green beans and pickled beets which were also Mom's things to fix. We always had pickled beets. Norma had her usual coconut meringe pie. All three of us used to order that but then I stopped and jsut ate my yeast roll for desert. I tried to avoid eating it but went ahead and ate it. Then we came home and started on destructing all my jewely. It took us several hours to pry off earring backs,etc. Now I need to go to Jo-Annes to buy the ornaments. She left me her glue gun and sticks. But although I have the one she made for me I can not visualize how to start it. I know that once she starts me then my own imagination will kick in and I will be able to finish them. She will have to do the ribbon, I am very ribbon challenged!

    She was in a small car wreck the other day. She was rear ended and a very small hole is in her back bumper. What she didn't know was that it damaged some of the interior workings of the lift that she had installed in the minivan for her mobility scooter. So it's going to take a month for them to get the part in and it will be installed in less than a day. But it means that she has lost her independence. Her pain level will be intensified going to church because she will have to walk fro the car to where she sits in the sanctuary instead of just wheeling herself right to her seat. We were going to go to the mall and she can't do that until she hets her mobiliy back. Her scooter will sit unused in the garage.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Here we are at the Music Man Museum.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: I totally forgot to do my squats yesterday and my free weights. So now I am in a funk. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I had - like - 2 peanut butter cookies today too. Just stupid of course. Although, I have to say that a co-worker and I went for a brisk walk at lunch. I call her the wicked woman. She makes me walk 1 km in 10 minutes. Helloooo. See Renny sweat.

    The cookies were delicious, and one of them I bought myself and the other one was a treat by another co-worker thanking me for all the assistance I had given her. Okay, not. STOP giving me fun food in the middle of the afternoon, because I am sure not to resist. Bleh.

    On another note, my mom - I heard - is now doing less well. I will call her tomorrow and have a little chat. Never know with a 91 year old. My mil is doing much much better now that she has a catheter. At least she gets to sleep at night, and makes a whole lot more sense during the day. Yay!!!!

    Dear MFP ladies, sometimes we fall off the wagon but a lot of the times we don't. Hang in there. We can do this.

    Vancouver Island, BC (warm, sunny, rainy and who knows what the weather will be)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: The computer doctor came today and saved all the data from my laptop computer and helped us buy a new one with Windows 7 and just the right amount of memory and speed for a price we can live with. He did some work on the desktop computer that makes it run faster now. When the new computer comes, he'll come back and help install software and do whatever we need to make it run great.. :sad: Until then, I'll be sharing the desk top computer with Jake so i really won't have much time to be in touch with all of you.

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly beautiful NW Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    This is my first day back after a week in Seattle/Sammamish area. The work portion of the trip was wonderful. The family visit was a challenge as I knew it would be. My brother is a retired airline pilot and his wife still works running her own accounting firm. It's good to see them so happy together because there was period of about 11 years when they were in very little contact with each other. I was astonished to see how much weight my SIL has put on, but after staying with them it's easy to see how it happened. I bit my tongue and just tried to model good food choices and portion control. Actually, they eat well; it's the alcohol and wine consumption that's out of proportion. Kicking myself for imbibing much more than my usual 2 drinks a week. :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Count me in among those of you getting back on the wagon. I've got the audio book "Grain Brain" on my kindle and the sobering message in this book is a great motivator.

    Woke up this morning fully intending to workout at 5:30 AM, but exhaustion and pain kept me in bed. :yawn: :noway: Think I slept wrong and my shoulder and arm are extremely stiff and sore. Chiropractor visit set for early tomorrow. Also, seems I may have a touch of Morton's neuroma. Does anyone have experience with that? Haven't seen podiatrist yet, but it's going to be a priority during the next two weeks that I'm home.

    Heather: Have a wonderful time in NYC. I'm glad you'll indulge in one of the best restaurants.:flowerforyou: You can balance your budget via many of the more economical options that abound in the city.

    Margaret: I love the Music Man. :laugh: Cute picture.

    Mimi: That photo of you and DGD is precious.

    Carol: Your condo sounds fantastic. Does it come with amenities like a gym or pool? Sending up prayers it becomes yours with minimal stress.

    Past my bedtime, ladies. Stay well, stay strong. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Word for 2014: Release