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How do you deal with critics?



  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    There are a lot of aspects in your life where people are going to try to derail you from accomplishing things simply because they can't accomplish things in theirs. This woman at your workplace is no different.

    She is probably also just a troll and trying to get a negative reaction out of you for her amusement. You can really piss her off being passive aggresive "nice" to her mean comments. Kind of like when somebody is a total a$$hat to you when driving and you give them a big smile and a wave. Drives them absolutely bonkers.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I have similar problems with a couple of colleagues, thankfully not ones I have to see often. Like you I tend to be able to smile and ignore, but sometimes it really gets to me.

    Reading your thread, a new tactic occurred to me - asking a question.

    E.g. Her, "I hope you don't put it all on again like you did last time".
    You, "Hmm, yeah, good point. How do you stop yourself from getting overweight?".

    Her, "There' s nothing on this menu you can you eat".
    You, "Hmm, you may be right. How do you decide what's a good thing to order?".

    I'm envisaging the "hmms" as a slightly bored, distracted noises and then paying no attention to the answer.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Tell her to mind her own damn business

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Any ideas on other ways to get her snide comments to stop?

    Have you politely talked to her about your concern?
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    Do none of your co-workers say anything? If I heard something like this going on continually with one co-worker sniping at another, I'd speak up with something like "She seems to be doing just fine so far, don't you think?"
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I nod, I smile, I carry on doing what I'm doing.

    **Side note - I used to get teased some by co workers about my food choices (I eat a lot of chocolate/crisps at work). They'd say 'Oh, are you really going to eat all that. Just so you can burn it off at the gym?'

    I followed the nod, smile, carry on approach.. I still eat my chocolate. And they've stopped mentioning it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You did great handling that because I would have told her off! I know we're supposed to remember, what other people think of us is none of our business. Some people are just *kitten* and they belittle others to make themselves feel better. Kudos to you for not knocking her out!
  • I tend to take an upfront approach with this kind of thing (though it's not been weight-related for me -- yet!).

    I agree that it's none of her damn business, and that you should not be treated this way. But some people simply cannot / will not take a hint, so being direct but professional may be the only way to get through to her.

    I would find a time to speak with her privately so she can actually *hear* what you have to say, rather than in a public place where she's going to be embarrassed or defensive, which will cause your words to go in one ear and out the other.

    I would simply say that you do not appreciate her comments and you would like her to please stop. And that's it. No discussion, no "here's why I don't like the comments" (you) or "I only say those things because...." (her).

    If she comments again, tell her immediately that she needs to stop and that if she doesn't, you will discuss the situation with HR. And if she comments AGAIN, go to HR.

    Three strikes and you're out in my book. (And yes, I realize she has way more than three strikes at this point, but until you say something directly, you kind of can't count them.)

    Good luck!

    PS - I do think you should start documenting her comments in case you do need to go to HR. Doing in front of her is kind of genius.
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    I know how I'd deal with that. Other people may decide to not use this method.

    When she says something negative, take out a piece of paper and write it down, together with the date and time. Use the same piece of paper each time, so anyone can see what she's said and you've written.

    She'll stop saying those things by about the third or fourth time.

    If she asks why you're writing it, say "it's for your Wikipedia webpage on the quotes section".

    Oooh, I like that. I've always just stuck with the favorite and easy thing I have used: Thank you for your concern, I'll take that under consideration. The end.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Punch her in the face.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I would slap her silly with an awesome comeback, but first, I'd give her my most wicked smile to prepare her for her imminent defeat.

    ... but wait there's more! Then I'd eat some tortilla chips with cheesy refried beans and swirl the queso with my tongue all up in her fizace. IIFYM biotch what u know bout dat?
  • SerendipitySkye
    SerendipitySkye Posts: 202 Member
    I had someone like this in my life. Every time she said something just like what she is saying to you, I would say, "Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it." And then go about my business. I could actually see her get tense inside because she was not getting a rise from me. After awhile, my cheery attitude with her got boring to her, I guess, and she moved on to someone else. I filled the next person in on what to say....it was fun to watch as she got bored with her too. :) Good luck!! ~Skye :flowerforyou:
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Some people are just "Negative Nellies". She probably strives to bring other's down to her level. "Kill her with kindness" and be happy.
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    Punch her in the face.

    Specifically the jaw...
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    A thread this long means you are bound to have sensible advice. Shoot me for repeating it.
    What the first poster said she does it because you are an easy target, it distracts her from her own shortcomings.

    You dont have to turn on her, but have a quiet word and point out she is constantly making commenst about what you can and cannot eat. Ask her why she does it because you find it most unhelpful, but she might not realise, she is doing it(she knows very well what she is doing but she needs a way out). You can also point out you know what you are doing and have the support of a nutritionist, your Dr and many friends plus others who have achieved weight loss. You have the results so are very confident you know what you are doing.

    Just ask her in future if she wouldnt mind not commenting, bow she knows how you view it. Leave it at that.
    Do it with confidence and I dont think she will come back at you. If you dont have the confidence do it in front of colleagues so she cant attack your reasonable request.

    If she cant respect your wishes then you know shes an trouble causer and deserves to be treated accordingly.

    You sound like you are doing a fantastic job, dont give this woman any more time other than above imo.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Bore her mute! Next time she offers a 'helpful' comment really turn into her and start to talk earnestly and non stop about how much you've lost/how you did it/what your aspirations are/how good it feels now/how bad it felt before/what you have just bought clothes wise/macros/statistics/etc/etc -you get the idea. Don't let her walk away. Pin her down and lecture her. Every. Freakin. Time. She. Does. It.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I have so many coworkers like this. The haters gonna hate always. I remember hearing one of our MANGERS making fun of me to his then twenty year old attractive girl that works for him. We had a breakfast at work and I was in there getting some, They walked in and just looked at me and I didn't even get out of earshot and he says to her, be careful or you will end up looking like her.

    I never forgot that, and still to this day they ridicule others. You just go about your business and try to ignore what others say, misery loves company and I tell myself these people must have some real insecurities somewhere.
    And you have us here for all the support, encouragement :flowerforyou:
  • p_emmel5
    p_emmel5 Posts: 39 Member
    I have never understood why some people strive to bring others down to their level of dispair just because they are too lazy or weak to raise themselves up.

    Really enjoyed the comment (paraphrased) about thanking her for the advice since she has done such a good job with her own health. :bigsmile:

    You did the right thing by just ignoring her. There isn't much you can do to people like that as they have no respect of themselves. Then again, sometimes they just don't realize they are being dumb *kitten* until it is pointed out. That may be all it takes. Going to HR is one step, but once you do the investigation is out of your hands and you can't stop it. I personally would approach her, with a witness, and tell her the comments are not appropriate. If the comments continue take it to your supervisor, they are legally bound to address the situation.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    I nod, I smile, I carry on doing what I'm doing.

    **Side note - I used to get teased some by co workers about my food choices (I eat a lot of chocolate/crisps at work). They'd say 'Oh, are you really going to eat all that. Just so you can burn it off at the gym?'

    I followed the nod, smile, carry on approach.. I still eat my chocolate. And they've stopped mentioning it.

    Similar to this. I have a coworker that lifts and is actually strong...but his diet sucks. As I was getting ready for my first BB comp, I had to get my BF down to 5% or below. This guy would insist on me following his advice...low carb diet...didn't matter how many calories you ate, just keep carbs rock bottom low. ....wtf? Thought logging was useless. And of course I had to follow his advice on workouts. In my mind I'm thinking, you are like 20% BF and when I'm going for strength vs size, my PR would blow yours away. But instead, I simply nod my head and say...yea, I'll have to try that.

    Overall, he is a great guy. So I figure I can live with this behavior. Take what you can if you can...just keep doing what you are doing...looks like it's working!:wink:
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I get the same thing OP.

    "Can you eat that?" , "Shouldn't you be eating a salad?" , "You'll probably put the weight back on". It gets annoying.. I guess I'm quite sensitive towards this, but I've realised that telling these people that their negativity is not needed usually shuts them up.