Best exercise for weight loss?

i need a little help with an exercise programme which will help me lose weight i do have access to a gym, any help would be much appreciated :D
also i like to make new friends so adds are very welcome! x


  • bethanygordon5693
    i dont know if im being stupid but what does the exercise of calorie deficit mean?
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    i dont know if im being stupid but what does the exercise of calorie deficit mean?

    It was a tongue in check comment meaing, you only need a calorie deficit to lose weight, exercise is for health.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Calorie restriction, and then take your pick of different workouts, different activities, try everything, but you can't out exercise a bad diet, you might not gain weight, but you certainty won't lose either.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    You're so beautiful. Just walk. Best exercise for losing weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Weight control, whether you're trying to lose, maintain, or gain is all about energy balance. If you consume more energy (calories) than your body needs to maintain the status quot then your body puts that excess energy into storage for later (body fat). If you consume a balance of energy you will maintain the status quot...if you consume less energy than your body requires then your body has to compensate by dipping into stored energy (fat).

    Exercise is great for your overall health and well being and being fit is awesome. Additionally, regular exercise increases your body's calorie requirements which generally makes weight control easier. I do the same exercise now in maintenance as I did when I was losing...the difference between my losing and maintaining is my consumption.

    Diet (noun) for weight control; exercise for fitness and your overall health and well being.
  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    to answer the question posed.. I would say running. ( in terms of calories burnt versus minutes spent on the exercise). ie. you have to walk for a lot longer to burn the same calories as running. Working for me anyhow.
  • wjennyl
    wjennyl Posts: 8 Member
    the best exercise is one you enjoy and will do regularly. If you are new to exercise you might need to try a few new things before you find something you love. Right now I am doing Aquafit classes and walking. Next term I want to try tai chi.
  • laura_m_sullivan
    How do I get get a little weight loss tracker along the bottom of my messages?x
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Technically, you do lose some additional calories by moving than you do my just lying around so exercise does help with weight loss BUT nowhere near as much as people expect it to.

    Exercise increases the number of calories you consume in two ways: 1) by increased energy consumption during the exercise, and 2) by increasing your muscle mass which increases the amount of calories you burn at rest.

    Both of these effects, however, contribute much less to weight loss than calorie restriction. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you eat.

    A 100-calorie snack bag of mini-cookies takes approximately 9 minutes of running to wear off. To burn off enough calories to lose a pound, you need to run approximately 5 hours and 15 minutes. Many of us can't run for over 5 hours a week but we can cut back the 3500 calories needed to lose a pound.
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    I heard somewhere that "the best exercise is the exercise you will do".

    It sounds really cheese, but it's totally true. You could tell me that the best exercise to burn calories is running, or using some crazy gym machine, and I still wouldn't do it. Or maybe I'd try it once then not bother again.

    Personally I swim once per week (at least a mile) and cycle to the supermarket on Saturdays (13 miles round trip). Today I did a 10 mile walk because it was a nice day and my dad's walking group was going. These are forms of exercise that I quite enjoy and get a sense of achievement from. I know I'm burning calories (I feel warmer, slightly out of breath, a bit achy afterwards) but I don't feel like I'm going to die (which is what happens if I try running!).

    Other than that, I do exercise I can easily fit into my everyday life without leaving the house (so things that are not dependent on the weather and don't take too much time). I've been doing Wii Zumba (20 minute or 40 minute lessons so easy to fit into the day) and also started doing more body weight exercises (squats, sit-ups, lunges, attempting push-ups).

    Having a calorie deficit is the most important thing, but exercise helps you get there. For example, if your calorie goal is 1,500 and you burn 300 through exercise, you can actually eat 1,800 calories, which is much nicer!

    I'm not saying these will be the right exercises for you, I'm just saying that this is what works for me, and you need to find something that works for you based on what you enjoy and what fits your lifestyle (or is feasible within the lifestyle you want to have).
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    You already have a fair calorie deficit on most days which will cause weight loss at a reasonable pace.. The vast majority of any weight loss in an individual without medical issues is from calorie deficit.

    if I were to suggest a first gym-based exercise, I would say start with any of the cardio machines, treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike. The first few times on any new equipment my seem dreadfully difficult until you learn how to move - muscle memory. Give anything at least 3 or 4 tries. Once you have the hang of it try challenging yourself and set your own next goal.
  • Leo7777
    Hya Hun : )

    I would say any exercise you enjoy and therefore will stick too.

    For me I like hiking/hill walking because its free and burns lots of calories, and also weightlifting as its making me feel really toned and the number on the scales is going down.

  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    The best exercise for weight loss is something you like so you will continue doing it and not be miserable.
  • bethanygordon5693
    thankyou to everyone that answered my question ill take it all into consideration! :) means a lot but to everyone else i dont understand why theres need for the sarcastic comments, but hey thank you to everyone for the help, i was wondering wether or not to start doing a kettle bells class or something like a routine aswell as the gym? :bigsmile:
  • melocity27
    melocity27 Posts: 2 Member
    I'd recommend looking at HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. I read about it a few days ago, originally on and have found a number of positive articles about it. I can definitely attest to the after effect of the boosted metabolism and my husband said he's feeling the same effect.

    The version we are doing is 30 sec as fast as we can walk/run (I'm still on the tail end of recovering from a broken foot and running scares me for now). Then 90 seconds to recover at a slow/med walk - the article I read said to aim for 8 sets of this (we're up to 5).

    Great thing is you can do this anywhere. treadmill/bike at the gym, outside or even at home walking in place. The time commitment is much better than just straight cardio as well.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    thankyou to everyone that answered my question ill take it all into consideration! :) means a lot but to everyone else i dont understand why theres need for the sarcastic comments, but hey thank you to everyone for the help, i was wondering wether or not to start doing a kettle bells class or something like a routine aswell as the gym? :bigsmile:

    People were simply pointing out the truth...your exercise has very little to do with your weight loss. As I noted in my initial post...I do the same exercise in maintenance as I did when I was losing weight...the difference is the number of calories I'm consuming.

    It's actually important to understand this conceptually as it is one of the biggest mistakes people make when they go into maintenance...they so closely associate fitness and exercise with weight loss goals that they get into maintenance and stop exercising or substantially reduce the amount of exercise they do...and then they are surprised that they gain the weight back.

    People very often fail to establish actual fitness goals that go beyond burning calories and trying to lose weight...this is a detriment to long term success. This is why it is important to find exercise that you enjoy doing and will stick to...forever.

    I ride roughly 80 miles per week (more if I'm training for an event) and hit the weight room a couple days per week. I did this when I was losing and I do it in maintenance....the difference between the two weight control goals is simply my consumption.
  • bethanygordon5693
    thank you :) i just wanted to know the exercise? i know about the eating and i haven't been logging properly by not weighing my foods not eating enough protein and basically slacking, i need to lose three stone in total and was wanting to know what worked best for others? that all lol... ill definitely take everything into consideration
  • FromFatToFab14
    FromFatToFab14 Posts: 7 Member
    Personally I don't like gyms....too many people and eyes your portions when eating and have one cheat day to keep your body and mind okay....I like to lift dumbbells and exercise programs on TV...I love to makes you feel sexy and you can do it at your own pace...20 minutes of dancing and your heart will be pumping and you will be sweating :-) Just love your body because you only get one!