New Insanity Thread



  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    That is huge J_L! Well done you! And your burn looks amazing Paul! I only hope I have the energy for it!
    I pressed play yesterday just before lunch. Guzzled down my Recovery formula (Sportsfx), then chomped through my lunch. Felt extremely bloated as you'd expect then... BOOM! Massive energy crash at 4pm...! Lesson learnt ;-)
    But it got me wondering... I haven't had any soreness from these workouts, and I was assuming it was down to the formulas. However since other people have been mentioning their aches - is no one else on the formulas or am I just lucky in that I've not had any soreness?

    Week 3 Month 1 finished (and didn't need to stop during the warm - up nor much at all during the work out. Oh, ok, maybe a little during the Plank-Ski and Plank-In-Out moves! But everyone on the screen was dying too, so I was in good company ;-) )

    Keep pressing play y'all!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Thanks Rev Gill and Way to go to you too for getting it done yesterday!!
    re. soreness: I think I was mostly sore in my calves from all the jumping at the start but I haven't been too sore since the 1st week. Thankfully. Oh those Plank-Ski and Plank-In-Out moves are killer...and the abs video, I can't lift my leg up in a crunch position! Maybe its due to my lack of flexibility in my hip flexor...hopefully soon.

    Keep pressing play!
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Start of week 2 of month 2. Completed insanity max cardio conditioning. It wasn't easy this morning. Thanks Jennifer and Rev for continuing to post regularly. It's more fun if I don't start thinking I'm the only one crazy enough to stick to Insanity!

  • mariaparag
    hello my name is maria and a friend of mine send me this and told me that it may help!!
    Do you think i have to buy it?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Lord knows I loves me some Shaun T, but I got tired of him saying "How ya'll doin?" 50 times during the workout, so this morning doing Plyo Cardio Circuit, turned him down and turned up some hip hop. Great workout, actually burned more calories. Start month 2 on Monday, kinda excited, kinda scared.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Insanity max cardio interval.. I was magnificent.

  • kaylaw436
    So I just finished my first week of insanity. Tough!! Kinda fell off the exercise wagon after I had my baby and moved to a new state all within 5 weeks. Time to get back in shape and lose this baby belly (it's no longer cute when the baby is 5 months old). I've lost 2.4 pounds so far. The time commitment is hard for me because the little one doesn't like to nap for more than 20 minutes at a time. Hopefully I can stay motivated seeing everyone else doing it.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Okay so month 2 day 1 down.... Fit test AND Max interval circuit! Was drenched by the time it was all over - its as hard starting month 2 as it was starting month 1 (which is good... I guess)
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed insanity max interval plyo.

  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Way to go dym, kaylaw and Benjikan! Kaylaw, don't be afraid to pause and deal with the baby for a short while if you have to. Just get as much of the workout in as you can before life gets in the way. I've got a 9 month old and 2 year old in the house. The 2 year old constantly wants to help grandpa workout. This would be fine except with some of the jumping moves it get dangerous for him and me. Their mom is trying to wrap up body beast and has exactly your struggles, but she's on her last few days of the program now, with good results to show for the effort.
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    I hear you Dym! I was thinking just the same thing today during my workout... ;-)

    Man, yesterday was hard - I swear someone had switched my legs with someone elses! Today was tough but nowhere near as tough as that.
    Well done Benjikan! I'd heard that the two together were a nightmare, so well done for doing them both. I think I'm going to chicken out and do the Fit test the day before.... Just got to finish week 4 of month 1 first. ;-)
    And welcome Kaylaw! I can't imagine how hard it must be to carve out time when you have a little one demanding attention. However, taking time for yourself and your own fitness will ultimately benefit the baby, so keep it up as and when you can!
    Paul - Grandpa? Seriously? I would have put your profile pic and analysis at a 30yo!

    3.6 mile dog walk just done, now for some mowing before getting down to some sewing.. Oh my, I know how to spend a day off! :-D
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Hi RevGil! Yep 10 grandkids with # 11 due any day. I had to pull my MFP profile down as I saw it erroneously gave me a birthdate which made me 31 or so. Not true! I'll be 58 in November, which shows that age alone isn't an obstacle to insanity! We've got my youngest daughter and kids with us probably through January while her husband is on overseas assignment. With my 92 year old dad living with us too, it makes for an interesting dinner table event each day! Enjoy your day off.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Completed insanity max recovery. Time to get ready for a business trip for the rest of the day.

  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    I've kept pressing play everyone...sorry I haven't been online much. I missed my workout on Saturday due to our annual inventory count at work but I worked out Sunday morning and then did my Sunday workout on Sunday night...I was a bit sore after that and definitely felt it during last night's workout. Oh well, short term pain, long term gain!

    I'll have to post my measurements soon but the quick snapshot is (in 2 weeks):
    Waist - lost 1.5 inches
    Hips - lost 1 inch
    Butt - lost 1 inch

    Super pleased with these results - the before and during pictures are pretty awesome too!
    Keep pressing play, can't wait to see what Month 1's results look like :)
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    I've kept pressing play everyone...sorry I haven't been online much. I missed my workout on Saturday due to our annual inventory count at work but I worked out Sunday morning and then did my Sunday workout on Sunday night...I was a bit sore after that and definitely felt it during last night's workout. Oh well, short term pain, long term gain!

    I'll have to post my measurements soon but the quick snapshot is (in 2 weeks):
    Waist - lost 1.5 inches
    Hips - lost 1 inch
    Butt - lost 1 inch

    Super pleased with these results - the before and during pictures are pretty awesome too!
    Keep pressing play, can't wait to see what Month 1's results look like :)

    Is the calorie change helping yet? Sounds like things are going great!
  • SwanLyriks
    SwanLyriks Posts: 4 Member
    Can I join in? i bought Insanity and Im challenging myself to complete it. Im starting it at 285lbs! Im on day 5 of week 1 and so far Im still in it to win it. Day 2 and 3 were a total pain in the *kitten*, but Im finding by today...Im not nearly in as much pain. Im feeling encouraged that maybe I AM doing something. So far my only goal with Insanity is to be able to keep up with Shaun T by Day 63. I do modify some moves as to know....kill myself but for the most part, I do the full moves but very slowly compared to the video. But I tell myself Im competing with myself, not the experts on the video.

    If I lose 20 lbs Ill be incredibly happy.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Can I join in? i bought Insanity and Im challenging myself to complete it. Im starting it at 285lbs! Im on day 5 of week 1 and so far Im still in it to win it. Day 2 and 3 were a total pain in the *kitten*, but Im finding by today...Im not nearly in as much pain. Im feeling encouraged that maybe I AM doing something. So far my only goal with Insanity is to be able to keep up with Shaun T by Day 63. I do modify some moves as to know....kill myself but for the most part, I do the full moves but very slowly compared to the video. But I tell myself Im competing with myself, not the experts on the video.

    If I lose 20 lbs Ill be incredibly happy.

    Sure Swan, glad to have you! Ibuprofen and some workouts with a foam roller work wonders for those early program pains. Make sure you are using court or cross training shoes and not running shoes with this program. Other than that, just keep pressing play and doing your best at a pace you can handle. This program is capable of reducing 20 pounds if you follow the program and eat properly. I encourage you to check in every day here with your accomplishments and challenges. Even if you feel like you are talking to your self the discipline of daily reporting is a critical part of changing your life to get the results you want. Good luck!
  • RevGillTC
    RevGillTC Posts: 61 Member
    Wow J_L - There'll be nothing left of you! I too am interested to hear whether the increased calories are working... I need to take more notice of my measurements. I'm getting disheartened that the scale (and BF monitor integrated into the scales) aren't moving - however at the last count I'd lost 3" and I'm sure I've lost more. Certainly I can take off my jeans without undoing them (which makes a belt a must! - Oh, and I've gone in a notch on the belt too... :-D) But for some reason (ok, 1 reason - that this has always been my way of measuring success) I feel I'm not achieving anything. Stupid I know... Just thought I'd share.

    Anywho, welcome Swan! It's great to have newbees on the thread as it keeps us all accountable! It sounds like you are doing great, with a very sensible attitude towards the workout. Just be sure to measure yourself otherwise you'll end up like me complaining above ;-)

    Ooo, btw Paul - sounds manic at your house with all those peeps. But great that you have your extended family all around you. However, how do you find the time and space to do insanity?!!!!

    Finished the last Cardio Recovery of Month 1. Two more workouts, a rest day then recovery week. Eek!

    Keep pressing play y'all!
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for sharing this idea over here, there are many women who want to reduce their lbs, and for them this plays as a motivational step for you.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    Wow J_L - There'll be nothing left of you! I too am interested to hear whether the increased calories are working... I need to take more notice of my measurements. I'm getting disheartened that the scale (and BF monitor integrated into the scales) aren't moving - however at the last count I'd lost 3" and I'm sure I've lost more. Certainly I can take off my jeans without undoing them (which makes a belt a must! - Oh, and I've gone in a notch on the belt too... :-D) But for some reason (ok, 1 reason - that this has always been my way of measuring success) I feel I'm not achieving anything. Stupid I know... Just thought I'd share.

    Anywho, welcome Swan! It's great to have newbees on the thread as it keeps us all accountable! It sounds like you are doing great, with a very sensible attitude towards the workout. Just be sure to measure yourself otherwise you'll end up like me complaining above ;-)

    Ooo, btw Paul - sounds manic at your house with all those peeps. But great that you have your extended family all around you. However, how do you find the time and space to do insanity?!!!!

    Finished the last Cardio Recovery of Month 1. Two more workouts, a rest day then recovery week. Eek!

    Keep pressing play y'all!

    Rev, diet management is an active science. You need to recalculate targets periodically, but, more importantly, you need to make adjustments if things aren't working right. The target formula I shared earlier in this thread is just a starting point. I still make 200 calorie per day adjustments to start or stop doing good or bad things. For example if nothing is happening and I still want weight to go down I subtract 200 calories and see how it goes for a week or so. Still nothing, I drop another 200 and watch for a couple weeks. Eventually something will happen! Conversely if I am dropping weight, but suddenly see I'm losing lean mass instead of fat I will tweak my macros to add more protein ( if it's been low) or go back up 200 calories. Weight loss is not a spectator sport, you have to be engaged and actively managing it to get the results you want.