Men which do you Prefer???



  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Skirts / Dresses for sure. Flow some long hair down a nice shirt and dress and let a lady look like a lady. Don't need another attention loving pants so tight it cuts off the circulation woman walking around amongst the crowd.

    Saw this just the other day.... parked outside a grocery store and watching people walk in and out. Out comes a young woman with a pretty dress on, hair down past mid back and you could tell this was a lady. That's the kind of woman you want raising your family. Any man in his right mind when he sees a well dressed woman in a dress looking like a real woman, thinks to himself don't see that much anymore.

    To be fair, the only time you should really see a woman outside of the house is at the grocery store. But she really should have shoulder length or shorter hair, so she doesn't have to worry about it getting in to whatever she's cooking.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Whatever makes her butt look bigger I would go with.

    pretty sure my husband feels similarly. haha

    Sidenote though...I wear a LOT of dresses/skirts and whenever I do, I notice that men in general (all ages) are so much more attentive and helpful, guys will run ahead and open the door for me at the gas station or whatever...they do that when I have jeans on, but with skirts/dresses it's like 10X more frequent. And I'm talking about modest styles, nothing all sexy (clearly I'm the nerdy-lady type anyway) and if I wear a short skirt it's with leggings/boots...I just think a lot of men (at least here in Missouri) are still kind of programmed to treat women differently and that comes out tenfold w/ skirts being worn. I don't even think most of the guys realize what they're's just like "woman in dress, I must do this".
  • Journey0912
    Journey0912 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm a sucker for a woman with a tan in a bright colored sundress. The ones without the lace or frills and maybe a few of those tiny owls with eyes so big they look like they just saw a ghost. It's gotta be at least a bit snug fitting to show off that womanly physique, and maybe even a tasteful belt that's not too big and also not too know that look... I'm trying really hard but I wan't it to look like I'm not. Oh, and the shoes! A minimalistic wedge with at least an inch or two platform so when she walks into the bar, we are almost the same height, and she just gazes into my eyes.

    Sorry, forgot what we were talking about. It's gotta be jeans. Show me them glutes, baby!
  • Journey0912
    Journey0912 Posts: 46 Member
    This is too funny.....I'm cracking up over here!
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    I, let me ask my wife....
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Ok, correction, most women when dressing formally will choose a dress over pants. (That leaves you and those like minded out)

    I know every woman doesn't go to church, that's kinda obvious though right? But my opinion was formed with Christian teachings so don't get mad at me, get mad at the Bible. Heb 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Society means nothing in light of true scripture. Theres plenty of things going on in today's society that are terrible but this is the wrong place for all that.

    Nothing wrong with opinion, no problem with that. So feel free to let me have question you have quite a strong one.
    1. How most women will dress for formal occasions depends on the weather and the occasion. If it's for work (for myself in a professional position) it was almost always pants. For social situations, about half and half, pants and skirts. I don't break out a formal dress unless it's for a wedding or a funeral.
    2. I don't go to church, or follow the Christian Bible. I believe in a god or higher power, but the natural world is my church, and there's no need to dress up all fancy for that. My god doesn't judge me based on the fabric I show up in. I think one of the things going on in today's society that is terrible is the judgment based on a woman's appearance if men like you think her skirt is a little too short or her hair isn't quite long enough. Or she's not subservient enough.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    jeans!! Skirts lie and make your butt bigger!

    You say that like it's a bad thing...
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    I just asked my SO this question and he looked at me (kinda strangely) and said

    " I prefer whatever makes YOU happy."

    Smart guy, my man
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I just asked my SO this question and he looked at me (kinda strangely) and said

    " I prefer whatever makes YOU happy."

    Smart guy, my man

    Now let one of their friends ask the same question so we can get the real answer.
  • midvalesfinest
    are the jeans crotchless?
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    I just asked my SO this question and he looked at me (kinda strangely) and said

    " I prefer whatever makes YOU happy."

    Smart guy, my man

    Now let one of their friends ask the same question so we can get the real answer.

    I just asked my son ( 12 and home sick from school) and HIS answer is this

    " I like it when you wear pants because sometimes your legs are hairy"

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I just asked my SO this question and he looked at me (kinda strangely) and said

    " I prefer whatever makes YOU happy."

    Smart guy, my man

    Now let one of their friends ask the same question so we can get the real answer.

    I just asked my son ( 12 and home sick from school) and HIS answer is this

    " I like it when you wear pants because sometimes your legs are hairy"


    Honest future man there.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Neither tbh.

    But I'll take a bearded Wil Wheaton in a kilt any day.
  • Abbdul
    Abbdul Posts: 103 Member
    I prefer no cloths :P but since you asked it depends on the body-type , i mean some girl look good in both and then some look good in jeans and blah blah blah
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    my preference is whatever the woman i'm interested in likes/is comfortable wearing
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    The question is Do you prefer skirts & dresses on a woman or jeans? Just a random woman not counting "circumstances" or "the occassion".

    a male friend and I are of different opinions so thought I would poll the audience. Thanks all.

    Skirts and dresses.
    Easier access!
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Sun Dresses for the win
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    LOL. assumptions? mind of your own? got all that from my opinion that a woman looks better in a dress than jeans. This was a general forum on opinion right? My thoughts may not be well liked but they are still my own as are yours...I've not attacked a single comment, show the same respect please.

    OP - Skirt, black stilettos, garter+hose

    Have you been in my closet again? :wink:
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    I am not a man but I feel qualified to join in. :)

    I had a girlfriend who wore skirts with jeans underneath and she made it look really good.

    As usual, I am controversial. :P
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I can't believe I'm posting on this... But here it goes...
    @jesse: I'm sorry you're opinion caused an uproar. I know that feeling bc I share the same beliefs as you. I wear skirts and dresses exclusively (and just for the record, my hubby loves it. Lol) but it is deemed as old fashioned. And I don't expect people to understand. Not everyone believes the way I do and I understand and respect that. I did not always wear skirts. I used to wear jeans ALL the time (except for church...) but God convicted me of it, so I changed. No biggie to me. But to some, it seems crazy. That is why it was MY conviction and I do not expect anyone else to change.

    All this being said, I just want to say (in a kind and loving manner) don't assume everyone feels or shares the same beliefs as you. There are no absolutes in this world. And please be respectful of others beliefs. :)

    ALSO, a conservative, PROBABLY should have seen a condemning comment coming from posting their Christian beliefs in a board like this. *trying not to be to obvious of an "assumer" lol

    "I used to wear jeans all the time but God convicted me of it"??? ]"Convicted"?? Your god must be a micro-managing control freak and an a**hole. How restricting....I'd run like a hare from any religion that oppressive. And if I ever did go to church again, which I haven't since I left my parents' home at 18 ,since religion offers me nothing of any value, I'd wear a ratty t shirt and sweatpants and be comfortable.