Heather Vaughn Ive been eating 4000 calories a day!!



  • BusyB223
    BusyB223 Posts: 248 Member
    BUSYB your so sweet thank you

    Thank you... How did you make out over the weekend?
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I just ate lunch.. 2 pizza slices a small bag of chips and a diet soda and now I only have 200 calories left for the whole day! WOW .

    So what happened to "today is a new day"?

    One of the most uncalled for comments I have ever seen.

    Agreed. Jeez. Cutting a lunch by 50% or more is a good first step. Completely uncalled for and rude.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    I know it's been said, but tracking was a huge eye opener for me. Example? Here are the "nutrition" totals for a lunch that I used to eat pretty regularly (2-3 times per week). Again - this is for ONE lunch on one day:

    Calories: 1630
    Fat: 66g
    Sodium: 3290mg
    Carbs: 197g

    Blerg..... was it good? Oh hell yeah it was good. But the thought of it makes me a little nauseous now. By way of comparison, I still eat at this particular establishment, but here are the totals for what I order now:

    Calories: 540
    Fat: 16g
    Sodium: 1620mg
    Carbs: 45g

    It's still good, and the thought of not having a massive coronary incident while my daughter is playing on the playground makes up for all the rest of it.

  • MrsHVaughn
    about the "what happened to a new day"
    Oh its ok guys LOL no need to defend me. There are so rude people. its life. :D I have a youtube channel and 500,000 veiws so ive seen alot worse comments! lol But i do appriciate everyone of you your responses, support and tips! THANK YOU!
    I have done well!! And today the best, seems like im getting better and better. I was still hitting 2000 a day but that is far better than 4k and I know i will drop wiehgt quickly cutting out those sodas and fast food! <3
  • MrsHVaughn
    lordy that was full of spelling errors, I type super fast and go back and correct. Please excuse that last comment I never corrected it!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Thank you everyone for the welcome. I have been trying to do a water fast but My food addiction is just too strong so im going to take baby steps. Today I started NO soda and count calories. I can eat what i crave but i need to get it under x calories which will be hard but i believe i can do it.

    Water fasting is not a good way to start, at all. Cutting the soda is huge! Good luck!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I just ate lunch.. 2 pizza slices a small bag of chips and a diet soda and now I only have 200 calories left for the whole day! WOW .

    Instead of two slices, make it one. Eat it slowly, and savor it. Instead of chips, have a huge *kitten* salad with beans or chicken or tuna in int for protein to keep you full. Pack in tons of vegetables, whatever kind you like best. They fill you up fast, and are very low in calories. Good luck!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    lordy that was full of spelling errors, I type super fast and go back and correct. Please excuse that last comment I never corrected it!

    You have an hour to change a past post. Edit is the option by reply for you.
  • eziskowski_1941
    I am glad to coment as i had the problems controling my calories each day, I suggest excercise each day , walking is great , maybe 30 minutes will bring u in line for staying under 2000 , just remember it takes 3500 cal. to loose one pound .

    I started loosing weight three years ago and lost 40 lbs, I now weight 185. Its been tough but i feel like another person , I can walk 5 miles a day and go out weekend and dance the night away.
  • eziskowski_1941
    I am glad to coment as i had the problems controling my calories each day, I suggest excercise each day , walking is great , maybe 30 minutes will bring u in line for staying under 2000 , just remember it takes 3500 cal. to loose one pound .

    I started loosing weight three years ago and lost 40 lbs, I now weight 185. Its been tough but i feel like another person , I can walk 5 miles a day and go out weekend and dance the night away.
  • MistyHiker
    MistyHiker Posts: 175 Member
    I was pretty shocked when I first started too. I was at 4500 calories easily. Fast Food, TONS of sweet tea. Now I look back and cannot believe I was consuming that many calories, and alot of that disgusting food! Today marks 50 pounds lost for me, and I am never going back!!

  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    pfft. i can crush 4k in a day without even trying.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    pfft. i can crush 4k in a day without even trying.

    Maybe you should teach Wingman how to eat. :wink:
  • shelbikinz
    shelbikinz Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Heather. Welcome to the site. I also didn't realize just how much I was eating before I started tracking. It's already been pointed out numerous times in this thread so I won't go into it, but being aware of the nutrition of what you're eating as opposed to JUST calories is very important.

    I wish you all the best in your journey and I hope you meet your goal.

  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    ive found that if you crave pizza and chips buy diet chips and make homemade pizza - wont taste the same but at least you wont eb left with 200 calories for the day!
    or eat a bit eof damn good pizza and stuff you face with spinach and repeat. until you are stuffed off of one slice and a bag of spinach. and you will still be low on calories for the meal. one whole bag of spinach is juse 40 calories!
  • MrsHVaughn
    To anyone who is curious I have been doing great.. Im at 2000 or less a day and today is my second day with no soda just water including a lemon water in the AM!
    DAY1 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    DAY2 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    Thanks again for all the support
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    To anyone who is curious I have been doing great.. Im at 2000 or less a day and today is my second day with no soda just water including a lemon water in the AM!
    DAY1 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    DAY2 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    Thanks again for all the support

    It's always nice to hear back from an OP, with an update. Please keep updating... It does sound like you're doing great!
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Those are very good changes, congratulations! And your idea of changing by baby steps is excellent.

    I think you will really accomplish this and keep it off.

    Just keep logging everything, food and exercise. After a couple of months it will be a habit, and habits are effortless.
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    To anyone who is curious I have been doing great.. Im at 2000 or less a day and today is my second day with no soda just water including a lemon water in the AM!
    DAY1 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    DAY2 one 32 ounce Diet DRP
    Thanks again for all the support

    That's great. I had to take the baby step approach as well. Once you start understanding the properly calorie intake for your weight, height, and age, you will REALLY see the weight melt off. Check out this site, it will give you the proper calorie intake for your measurements: http://www.calorieking.com/

    Tip, if you want to eat more, incorporate excercise for the day. That can earn you 100+ to can eat a day.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Really well done on the changes you are making. For me I am currently trying to switch my snacks to fruit and make sure I am at the gym 4 times a week