Question about BMI, Body Shape and Short Girls

Where should a short girl stop with her weight loss and her BMI? Today while on MFP I was reading and discovering that many of us shorties go to the far left and loose as much weight as possible. With my body shape, I don't know if I could actually lose any more weight! Or am I just using my body shape as a crutch?

How do you know where to stop as a short gal loosing weight? I'm curious as I'm trying to decide for myself what to do! :o) My BMI Range is 141-104 and I can't even IMAGINE getting down to 104...What are your thoughts? How did you pick your goal?


  • almorrow1s
    almorrow1s Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I think my ideal healthy weight according to that is 117-145, and I'll be happy to hit 145 cause there's NO WAY I'd ever get to 117, and I'd look pretty weird at that weight. I think as long as you feel comfortable and you're in the healthy range, that should be your goal.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Just try to stay on the lesser side of the healthy range
  • ariellespiller
    I don't know if there's a technical way to answer this question...for me (I'm 5'2" with a small frame), I picked the weight 130 because I feel like that's where I look best. Not so skinny as to be unhealthy, but plenty thin for me. Get to a nice low pant size that you're excited about, and stay there! :glasses:
  • smalltowngirl504
    I am 5 feet tall and my range, is 97-127... give or take on the lower end, thats from memory, my goal is 125.... because I know thats attainable, I picked a goal *I* knew I could stick with and be proud of, I've had 3 kids and was 115 when I got pregnant with the first, so Ill take 10 lbs after 3 kids!! That is how I chose my goal, if you are comfortable and within a healthy BMI, and it works for you, and you feel its a reachable goal, then thats where you set yours, everyone is different... do what makes you feel best and you may even surprise yourself in the end!!!!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    My BMI range is 148 to 110 and I don't think I could be under 120 and healthy! I am 5ft 3 and my goal is to be around 145ish. Just in that healthy BMI. I do not want to weigh less than my 13yr old who is 5ft 2 and weighs 128lbs and is a size 1!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'm 5'5" and according to the BMI calculator on this site, my "healthy range" is 111 to 150. My personal goal is 125 based on my past weight. I got down to 120 before my wedding, and while I felt skinny, it still wasn't good enough for me. I look back at pictures now, though, and I think I was WAY too thin at 120. I can't imagine 111 being healthy for me and my body type. So my goals are based on past experience.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I'm currently 144.5 lbs. When I started MFP I was 149.5 which according to my height is in the upper portion of my BMI index. Although I was normal, I couldn't fit into any of my clothes anymore. My goal is to try to get down to 127 which is a little higher than midway in my range. I'm not certain if I could get down that far anymore (I used to weigh that when I was dancing everyday) as my body has changed since I turned 30, but I would be happy with even something close to 135.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    DON'T USE BMI. BMI is one of the worst things out there for indicating where people should be. So a body builder who is 5'9 and 250 would be overweight and yet only have a 9% body fat. This is why BMI doesn't work. When I lost tons of weight I kept measuring the scale and getting so frustrated. I know at my smallest I have been 145 (my smallest BMI is 135-I would look like a skeleton). So I couldn't get below 160 and when I saw the doc and told him I can't lose any more weight-he said-you don't need to. I was doing so much strength training that when I was 160 I fit into a 10 and I usually cannot fit that size unless I am around 145. So unless you have someone who can measure your body fat, go by measurements with a tape or just by how your clothes fit. This is the BEST indicator.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I think it always shocks me to find out how many people may be the same height as me and around the same weight but could be a completely different pant size. I don't quite get that! is a website that you can put in your height and weight and see people at your same size (or future size!) I put in people at my height and weight and get a completely different pant size. I'm extremely happy where I am...I was just reading a lot of girls today who planned on getting down to the 100 pound mark at around my height and my jaw dropped. I don't even know HOW I would do that, or what pants I would wear! Maybe I'm already too old! LOL! :o)
  • KayakDeb
    I'm aiming for being "fat" by BMI standards. I'm 5'6" and want to be in the 160-ish pounds range. When I get too slim (been there before) - I get lightheaded if I don't eat regularly - and I get cold easily. Since I enjoy winter sports and water sports - having some "insulation" is a good thing. A few years ago, I went through the ice rescuing my daughter's dog out on our frozen lake - I was wet for approx 45 minutes in 25-degree weather. In THAT case, I was glad for the fat....LOL!
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    I wonder this too, but....
    I'm 5"2 (and a half!) and felt pretty good being below 130lbs. ie: 127-129 lbs. Then I was watching Dr. Oz and he has his lose 10 pounds challenge. I had just started on my 'lose the baby weight' goal and thought, what the h*ll, I'll make my goal 118 instead of 128.
    I really didn't think I could do it but...
    I'm pretty much there and feel fantastic! My BMI is 21 or so and I'm no longer pear shaped. I had accepted 'pear' as my shape about 10 years ago. I haven't been below 120lbs. for about 15 years.
    I don't think I want to lose anymore though because my boobs (sorry for the description) are starting to shrink and I really don't want that. Although it is coming off easier now after I got past the 127 plateau... I think it's because of the muscle to fat ratio.
    That extra ten pounds that I was happy with carrying is no longer acceptable for me, and I'm very happy I tried!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    DON'T USE BMI. BMI is one of the worst things out there for indicating where people should be. So a body builder who is 5'9 and 250 would be overweight and yet only have a 9% body fat. This is why BMI doesn't work. When I lost tons of weight I kept measuring the scale and getting so frustrated. I know at my smallest I have been 145 (my smallest BMI is 135-I would look like a skeleton). So I couldn't get below 160 and when I saw the doc and told him I can't lose any more weight-he said-you don't need to. I was doing so much strength training that when I was 160 I fit into a 10 and I usually cannot fit that size unless I am around 145. So unless you have someone who can measure your body fat, go by measurements with a tape or just by how your clothes fit. This is the BEST indicator.

    Interesting! Thank you so much! I have been wanting to get this done but a little nervous of the actual results! I have to figure this has to apply to me. I cannot possibly loose any more weight...I think I would look unhealthy. And I wouldn't have any more pants to wear. I think I will just continue with my fitness goals and go from there. I thought that BMI was a load of crap...haha!
  • alyssa83202
    According to my BMI, I am healthy between 154 and 108 lbs. I'd feel too heavy at 154 and way to small at 108! A few years ago, I was 125lbs and I think that is a good weight for me (I'm 5'6"). Maybe you should just focus on how you'd like to look and not worry so much about your weight, because I'm sure you'll know what a good size for you is when you get to it! good luck!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight was originally 125. It still sort of is. I'd love to be under 125.
    As I start to lose fat and gain muscle, I'll check in and see where my body fat % is. I'd like it to remain around 15% or less (over 12%) which would put me between 115 and 124 somewhere.
    That's how I'm determining it. I did all of this with a body comp test.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    Tara, I am on the taller side! I am 5"6' and my healthy BMI is 115- 154, I want to be 15 pounds below my top number that way I have wriggle room, you know as a mommy ( who has a lot going on) that you can't always get those workouts in, and instead of pushing myself to have a maintenance number I want a flex number, a low and a high that I feel comfortable with, mine is 140.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my healthy range is supposed to be 103-136. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh right. I mean, I'm sure that makes sense, but I have no idea how on earth I would ever get to the point of weighing 136. And that would be the fat end of the normal range! I am aiming for 145. Although I'm not happy with my body yet, I am amazed at my current weight. If you would have asked me a year ago if I thought I could lose 35 lbs successfully I would have said yeah right I WISH! But here I am. So maybe 135ish is doable... we'll see!
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    It's funny - I'm 5'4.5" and since losing weight now I think going lower than my goal weight will still be healthy for me. I thought "I will NEVER be able to get down to 130! And I'll be so skinny then!" Well guess what? I'm at 131 right now and I feel I still have a way to go. My new goal weight is 125 and when I get there we'll see...

    My range is supposedly 111-146. At 111 I think I would be skin and bones...

    You gotta remember though - along with BMI (which isn't the best indicator because you CAN have a lot of muscle, be fit, and be "overweight" to the BMI standards), there is also body FRAME you have to take into account. Google "women frame size" and you can take various measurements of your wrist and elbow to see what "frame" you are. I am a medium frame, so I shouldn't get to that low-end of BMI like a super-tiny boned girl could. It just won't work for my frame/body type.

    Go to this site, its pretty cool: Here you can see your weight in different aspects and even select your "Frame" size and recalculate.

    Hope this helps! Keep it up chica you're awesome!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I'm 5'2" with a medium to large frame and my goal weight is currently 130. I've never been at a normal weight as an adult, so I don't know exactly what weight I should be at, but it seems to be a reasonable goal -- healthy, but not too aggressive.

    And can I just say how relieved I am to see so many other women near my height aiming for the 130s and 140s instead of 115, 110, or 98! :laugh: Clearly the lower weights are healthy and doable for certain people, and I mean NO disrespect towards anyone who has that as their goal -- I'm just glad not to be the only shorty not looking to go that low! :flowerforyou:
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I think it always shocks me to find out how many people may be the same height as me and around the same weight but could be a completely different pant size. I don't quite get that! is a website that you can put in your height and weight and see people at your same size (or future size!) I put in people at my height and weight and get a completely different pant size. I'm extremely happy where I am...I was just reading a lot of girls today who planned on getting down to the 100 pound mark at around my height and my jaw dropped. I don't even know HOW I would do that, or what pants I would wear! Maybe I'm already too old! LOL! :o)

    I put in 5'2" and 130 pictures :(
  • Shawnalee0703
    DON'T USE BMI. BMI is one of the worst things out there for indicating where people should be. So a body builder who is 5'9 and 250 would be overweight and yet only have a 9% body fat. This is why BMI doesn't work. When I lost tons of weight I kept measuring the scale and getting so frustrated. I know at my smallest I have been 145 (my smallest BMI is 135-I would look like a skeleton). So I couldn't get below 160 and when I saw the doc and told him I can't lose any more weight-he said-you don't need to. I was doing so much strength training that when I was 160 I fit into a 10 and I usually cannot fit that size unless I am around 145. So unless you have someone who can measure your body fat, go by measurements with a tape or just by how your clothes fit. This is the BEST indicator.
    I feel the same way about bmi!! It does not take into account your muscle mass or anything.... I am supposed to lose another 45 lbs according to bmi! I am muscular and even at 190 I am in a size 12. I have a personal goal of 160's (another 25lbs probably)and or size 8 then reevaluate because I would be pretty.interesting looking at 145 if even possible! Lol go by body fat if you can, or the way you feel and how happy you are.