My Motivation



  • Im so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Sad how life turns out, keep pushing forward, I am sure your wife is watching over you
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    That's Awesome!! She will always be there with you telling you to keep going, keep going, push harder, push harder.....:smile:
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    You may not have seen it but I responded to you in that thread that got deleted.

    I truly can't imagine the pain you are in and how much of a whirlwind your life must be with emotions. You are a larger person than me, for sure.

    All kudos to you for your strength and doing this for her!
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Wow! What a heartbreaking, but inspirational story! Good luck to you in all your training, and you know when you don't "feel like" doing it, or may be running out of steam, then that little hand at your back urging you on or the voice in your ear saying "you can do it!" is her pushing you to be the best you you can possibly be!
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    I started a donation page for the Gastric Cancer Foundation in her honor last night and in less than fifteen hours it has already raised $1,425. People are wonderful. :)
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    We hit the $2,000 mark with the donations recently. I'm just really glad that she is going to have some kind of legacy to help others. That was really her -- always thinking of others before herself.
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Just got in from a run. 2.37 miles. I could have gone much farther, too, but I realized that I had forgotten to take the doggy out. I think she would not have appreciated had I made her wait another mile or two. I'm sure my next run will be over 3 miles. I WILL get to a half marathon by July!
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    Very inspirational story. I am sorry for your loss. Keep going. YOu have further information for donations for your cause???
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    edited October 2014
    Very inspirational story. I am sorry for your loss. Keep going. YOu have further information for donations for your cause???
    Thank you :) I'm starting to feel better lately. Spending as much time as I can on me is part of the healing.

    Here is the web page:
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    You are an amazing and strong man. I am so sorry for your loss and do not doubt for a second you will run your race in July.
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Rough night last night. Did some serious emotional eating, but I didn't care. I couldn't sleep all night, just thinking of how much I miss her and how much I wish not only that I could see her again but that I'm now having all these new experiences that I wish I could share with her.
  • michelleagrela
    michelleagrela Posts: 4 Member
    John, Nat is so proud of you!!!!! Very inspiring!
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks. :) Haven't been able to run all week because I tore my calf last Sunday, but I have been spending a lot of time on the elliptical trainer.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    omg I want to hug you both.
  • pirate_john_75
    pirate_john_75 Posts: 96 Member
    Fell off the wagon a bit in the last few days... The numbness of it has worn off and I'm very much in a funk right now. The good news is that I was granted an additional ten days of bereavement starting tomorrow so I am off work until November 13. I am going to start tomorrow to focus on getting myself healthy -- healthy body, healthy mind.

    I had lost 25 but now I've put back on about six or seven of those. My goal is to spend every day at the gym during my time off.
  • TanyaLafley
    TanyaLafley Posts: 62 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss.
  • jaxass
    jaxass Posts: 2,128 Member
    My condolences to you, friends and family. I can't even fathom the struggles you have been through these last few days. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

    If there's a silver lining in all of this, it's that she inspired you to get healthier and in turn, you have inspired others through your testimony.

    Stay strong and Keep The Faith!