"Healthy" Foods You Wished You Liked But Don't



  • I would die if I had some sort of allergy to fruits and veggies, but there are ones that really turn me off:

    Brussels sprouts
    butternut squash
    frisee lettuce (a.k.a. chicory or curly endive)
  • alseger
    alseger Posts: 10 Member
    I saw your post peripherally and for a split second I thought you wrote 'frisbee lettuce'. I am chuckling like an idiot because I thought any food you don't like could be called frisbee tuna, or frisbee hummus... any food you would rather throw than have to eat...

  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    For the most part I really like all the typical "yuck" foods (kale, brussel sprouts, tofu, broccoli, seafood, etc.).

    My "uh uh, no way" foods: raw onion, raw tomato, cottage cheese, hardboiled eggs, liver

    My "ok fine, but I'm not happy about it" foods: most meat (if my body absorbed non-heme iron better I would never touch beef, pork or poultry again), cooked carrots.
  • _Tzefira_
    _Tzefira_ Posts: 65 Member
    Lima beans
    Cantaloupe *hoark*
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm with you all on the cottage cheese. Also any kind of seafood (no healthy grilled fish for me, thanks).
  • gummibear64
    gummibear64 Posts: 26 Member
    My list includes kale, quinoa, oatmeal and green tea.
  • Fish...I wish I liked it, but the smell and the taste and the thought of it makes me sick. I am going to try it again to see if my tastes have changed. I ate a beet today and it didn't kill me.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    As a vegetarian who has enough trouble getting protein, I REALLY wish I liked eggs, but I can't stand them in any form. Adding eggs to just about anything is such an easy way to get extra protein without a lot of extra calories, but I can't stomach the taste, smell, or the fact that it is an egg. Yuck!

    I'm a vegan. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT "PROTEIN"!!!! There is protein in everything and you only way you will become protein deficient is if you do not eat ANYTHING! lol, even white rice has a lot of protein and too much protein in the body can be very acidic. A healthy amount of protein in the body is to achieve 5% of your daily calories from it.

    Best of luck and stop with the chicken periods ;)

    Based on no fact whatsoever. Just sayin. I have a few Vegan friends, and they all have that look. You know, waif like, pasty, not enough muscle tone. No wonder if they all think 5% protein is enough. Not saying you have to eat meat, I didn't for about 5 years, but you do need protein, sorry.

    To answer the question though, there are things I don't like. Mostly offal of any kind. And weird **** like snails. But I don't wish I did like them.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    chia seeds
    whole grain bread (especially the really dense stuff, most whole grain health breads, i mean, i am ok with it but i dont love it like i love a white sourdough or french bread.)
    sugar free or fat free almost anything unless it is naturally sugar or fat free "lite"almost anything especially fat free cheese.
    diet frozen meals like lean cuisine or ww (not healthy at all, but supposedly better for you, and traste like crap)
    pomegranate juice
    acai juice
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    Raw celery. Cooked is okay but raw is unacceptable. If I do eat it raw, I need lots of cream cheese or peanut butter but that defeats the purpose of a health food, right? Haha
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    Raw celery. Cooked is okay but raw is unacceptable. If I do eat it raw, I need lots of cream cheese or peanut butter but that defeats the purpose of a health food, right? Haha

    i am the opposite. cooked celery is blech... raw is a crunchy delight
  • VegnStrong
    VegnStrong Posts: 27 Member
    Brussel sprouts..I have tried every possible way i can think of to cook and like, but they are still too gross.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Any kind of yogurt. I'm sure I could do with them handy dandy probiotics but they taste like the bitter vomit-y tears of children to me.
  • Salmon.. oh how I loathe that nasty stuff. Yurk. Also olives, grapefruit, cantaloupe.

    Tomatoes, but only when raw. Cooked I am fine with.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    cottage cheese
    pork chops
    turkey substitutes
    egg beaters
    coconut oil
    honey dew
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member

    (smushy foods)
  • Momwidomski
    Momwidomski Posts: 24 Member
    I'm with you on the brussel sprouts. Had them as a kid, hated them and never ate them again.
    I tried hummus, can live without it.
    Kale is just awful.
  • Momwidomski
    Momwidomski Posts: 24 Member
    Fat free cream cheese is not bad and mixed with pineapple chunks it tastes pretty darn good on the celery.
  • melbot2point0
    melbot2point0 Posts: 9 Member
    Fish, I don't like any fish except tuna fish sandwiches
    Milk (I am getting better though)
    Raw kale (I put it in my smoothies and I don't taste it)
    Tea, especially herbal tea, but I've gotten used to choking down black tea so, it's a start.
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    brussels sprouts