Women 5'2 to 5'4 Ages 40+: what's your weight goal?



  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member

    I really love the photos you posted. What a great illustration of why skinnier isn't always better! I'm 55 years old - 5'4" and 146 lbs, (down from 153). I'm small framed and my ultimate goal, (before seeing your photos), was 125. Now, I believe I'm going to be a little more realistic and shoot for 135 with a good muscle mass. Thanks for the very intelligent reminder!

    No problem!
    Before using MFP and going on the forum for info, i would have thought i'd have to to slim right down to at least 115-120 to look similar to photo 3.
    But i'd probably have to put on maybe 7-9lbs in Muscle.
    I'm aiming for similar to the middle photo, so i'm guessing i'd probably have to put on around 5 lbs in Muscle. (Not sure how tall the lady is in the photo, but i'm judging it from my current weight and her being around 5'4/5'5).
    Just not sure "how easy" adding that 5 lb of Muscle will be though! :laugh:
  • Euphomad
    Euphomad Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5" 3", 57 year old Australian, I think in Kilos rather than lbs - but remember when I when I joined weight watchers after my first child was born over 26 years ago, their set goal for me was 126lb, when I rejoined after my second child they had reset my goal to 134lb, and again when my 3rd child was born (1994) they reset my goal to 164 lb. With my last child, I had gestational diabetes, gained over 44lb and ended up being 231.51b.

    I am now about 168 lb and trying to achieve 143lb by my birthday in January. (I'll re-assess my goal then) When I was 126lb, people kept telling my I looked ill, when I was 134 - 140lb, I felt and looked o.k.

    I was diagnosed with diabetes Type II last year, and B.P quite high. My husband has just had a coronary stent put in. And so we are both doing our best to change our lifestyle and diet. I have a doctors appointment in December, by which I hope to have normal glucose levels, normal B.P. and normal cholesterol levels as I do not want to go on medication.

    Glucose levels since starting regular exercise has reduced by two -thirds, and relatively normal readings each day except first thing in the morning. B.P. o.k. on the third take, once I have done regular breathing/ relaxation techniques.

    I am determined to get as healthy as I can by January 2015 and beyond. Doctors, say to reduce the waist line to under 34"(women) to be healthy, the ratio between hip and waist (ideal 0.8) more important than B.M.I.
  • DorisBrennan
    DorisBrennan Posts: 1 Member
    How did you lose the weight? Did you do a program? I desperately want to lose another 14-17 pounds by May... it is going soooooo slow. :)
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member

    I'm 42, 5'4" (just scraping it). I was 343 pounds (no lie). Currently struggling at 232, looking for 143 but even if I never lose another pound, I'm grateful for what I've already achieved. I have a long way to go compared to some here, but... I already feel so much better just to have accomplished 100+ pounds.

    Some days it's hard not to give up - but that's the last thing I'll ever do.
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 52 years old, 5'4"! Starting weight 196, CW 155. I have changed my goal weight a few times but at this time I'm hoping to hit 130.
  • BeattyCarolyn1964
    I'm 5"3 and weigh 150 lbs...my goal weight is 130...125 would be great...120 would be awesome!
  • BeattyCarolyn1964
    wow...good for you girl!!! Be proud...you have done fantastic so far!
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 40 and 5'4" and I currently weigh 128lbs. When I first started working out almost 4 years ago I weighed 130lbs but was flabby! I felt fat. I lost the weight and at one point was down to 117lbs. That was way to too thin for me. I started working out with weights (at home) and I put on weight but in muscle! I still wear the same size I did at 117lbs now at 128lbs. I think the key ladies is adding in weight training along with cardio. Muscle will burn fat. Don't be afraid to lift them weights! I workout at home and I have done lots of at home programs. My 2 favorite programs that both involve weights are LesMills Pump and Body Beast! Another key thing is to not just rely on the scale for progress. Take your measurements! While your body is transforming especially when involving weight training, the scale may not always go down but you'll find your measurements are getting smaller! I am currently happy at my weight and I am just continuing to work on toning up. If any of you ladies would like to add me as friend I'll accept. I'd love to be able to chat with ladies my age! :smile:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm 55, 5'1.5" and have been hovering between 117-120 lbs. As you can see, I'm on the stocky, muscular side. I had a goal of around 114 (I started at 126 and wanted to lose 10% of my body weight for health reasons -- to lower cholesterol). However, I have trouble staying below 120 and plateau'd there for about 4 months. I am actually pretty happy with my body now (I'm a bit fitter and smaller than in the picture which is from early summer) and might be content maintaining, but getting more toned.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I am 39, 5'4" and I am 144 lbs right now. My goal is to get down to about 130 lbs but I'd be happy with 135 lbs considering I'm a medium frame and do a lot of weight lifting. My mail goal is to get more toned now.
  • summerluno2
    If anyone is interested in joining our group; we'd love to have you! Women 40+ trying to lose. We log/talk throughout the week motivating each other, sharing recipes, ideas, etc. Jump on in! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/21684-friends-in-their-40-s
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I love reading people's stats when they're my height.

    I'm 50, 5'2". I woke up this morning at 179.2 - I love dropping into a new 10 lb category. It's also one I haven't seen in well over 15 years. Started this whole process in Jan 2013 at 248 lbs. It's been slow, I swore my scale was stuck at 184.6 this summer, but over the last week and a half, I've dropped 4.6 lbs.

    My goal - not set in stone - is 136 lbs. It would put me just under a BMI of 25. I'm not sure if it's realistic, so it may change later on. In my late 20s, I did WW, went from 172 to 117 for about ten minutes :ohwell: and gained it all back and then some over the years. This time is different, I've made lots of healthier changes both in food, exercise and lifestyle. At the same time, ice cream will always be a part of my life :drinker:

    All new friends welcome.
  • SuzySu
    I'm 5'3.5" and 47.
    Starting weight (beg of Sept): 136lbs
    Current weight: 130lbs
    Goal weight: 120lbs (if it doesn't make me look gaunt).
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    I am 5'4" at 44 and currently 161 lbs. Maxed out at 170 lbs. And I was only 128 lbs when I was 9 months pregnant!! : ( My goal is 120 lbs as I have gotten there many times over the years I just need to figure out how to stay there! I was 101-103 lbs when I was 20 but I can't imagine getting back there again.
  • sjeannot
    Iam 5'3 1/2" and at first, my goal weight was tobe healthy. I was 230lbs and now I am 145 lbs. Blessed to have been able to keep it off. I stay at this weight with little change because I do like to eat nowadays; sometimes unproportionately but, now I just want to tone up my arms, my thighs, my abs. So maybe anpther 5-10lbs and I will be just where I ought to. I am very happy where I am though. I lost a lot of weight and was able to keep it off and I am not going back/
  • SarahLynne22
    SarahLynne22 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'3" and just turned 40 on Sep 22. Last year I was hovering around 160 and decided I had enough, so I started exercising and am happy to say that I am around 135 right now. My goal weight is 125-130, but with a decent muscular base. My 20's I was right around 120 and never exercised or watched what I ate. After I got married, my weight started creeping up. I feel better today than I have in a long time.
  • PlumpKitten
    PlumpKitten Posts: 112 Member
    Funnily enough, to get the ideal physique i'm after i'd actually have to put weight on! (in Muscle)
    Check the photo's below. I personally think the lady looks a lot better when she's at the heavier weights. (Which she achieved through weight training).

    Thank you for that great photo!
    I dieted for quite a long time to drop baby weight. But I got sick of limiting calories so much, so I poured on the exercise instead.
    In the last while, my weight has plateaued (even gone up a tiny bit), but I've seen much more definition in my arms, legs and back -- and feel much stronger.
    That is a great illustration of how being fit and just being skinny are not the same.
  • 98bikinisuitedlbs
    98bikinisuitedlbs Posts: 416 Member
    442yo, 5'1 and CW 105. Fluctuating between 103-106, hope to get couple lbs and hit maintenance soon.
  • du6157
    du6157 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 54, 5'3', want to get to 145. I have a heavy body type, so I'll never see the 120s again. In my youth I was thin at 125, but was usually around 130. Your body type and your eating habits are going to determine how low you go, and if you stay there.
  • cajunbandmom
    cajunbandmom Posts: 38 Member
    5'4 44 years old... I started at 379 now I am 190 my goal is 175. I have about 25 pounds of skin issues so my dr doesn't want me going past about 175.00