2000 calories feels like torture



  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I suspect it may have a lot to do with WHAT you are eating, not the cals. More protein for example, or foods with fiber to keep you fuller.

    I agree with this. ^^^
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    Do 5:2, it will help you learn what 'hunger' actually feels like

    I agree with this!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You need to try and increase your protein. 100 g isn't really enough for a young man eating 2000 calories. Your macro ratios should be set to at least 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. You should feel more satiated at 2000 calories with the right macro ratio.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'd agree you may be hungry because you're eating a diet heavy in refined carbs. Try eating more fats, more protein, more vegetables, and fewer bread and pasta based foods. See if that makes you feel fuller.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I opened my diary and I'm 22 and 98.9 kgs. Oh and I'm 180 cm tall. I said to MFP I'm a couch potatoe and I plan on exercising 4 times per week 15 minutes.
    I recognize very.. very few things, but it's just a language barrier.

    If you're hungry on 2000 calories, eat more foods with proteins/fats to keep you full. Fiber does wonders too.

    Colruyt - Boomstammetje,
    Groentesoep Zelfgemaakt - Groentesoep Zelfgemaakt,
    Random - Aardappelpuree
    Marc Payot - Mie Toastbrood, 2 sneetje/tranche
    Beleg - Kipsalade,

    This may be the first time that an OP opening a diary leaves me to where I can't offer advice.
    Mmmmm Boomstammetje. Wait.............what?

    They're these little sausage type things. Dutch convenience food.
  • missmaesson
    missmaesson Posts: 4 Member
    Mmmmm Boomstammetje. Wait.............what?
    They're these little sausage type things. Dutch convenience food.
    Nooo, those are 'knakworstjes' :D
  • missmaesson
    missmaesson Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Xuluwuki,
    I see lots of bread, cookies and occasional snacks like frikandellen and croissants. You could try to eat less of those types of foods, because they are dense in calories. Are you from Belgium? You could try Brinta as a breakfast, that keeps me full longer than bread. Instead of gehakt and boomstammetjes you could try to eat more chicken.
    Good luck!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I opened my diary and I'm 22 and 98.9 kgs. Oh and I'm 180 cm tall. I said to MFP I'm a couch potatoe and I plan on exercising 4 times per week 15 minutes.
    I recognize very.. very few things, but it's just a language barrier.

    If you're hungry on 2000 calories, eat more foods with proteins/fats to keep you full. Fiber does wonders too.

    Colruyt - Boomstammetje,
    Groentesoep Zelfgemaakt - Groentesoep Zelfgemaakt,
    Random - Aardappelpuree
    Marc Payot - Mie Toastbrood, 2 sneetje/tranche
    Beleg - Kipsalade,

    This may be the first time that an OP opening a diary leaves me to where I can't offer advice.
    Mmmmm Boomstammetje. Wait.............what?
    Yes, .....what?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Do 5:2, it will help you learn what 'hunger' actually feels like

    I agree with this!

    so you are both trying NOT to be helpful. Sheesh. Hunger is subjective to each person. This guy is already struggling with hunger. Giving him another way to feel hungrier is not going to help. Knock it off.
  • annarop
    annarop Posts: 11 Member
    I think some of this is probably just that you're getting used to eating less. Your body will protest, the usual advice of more protein, drink water, fill up on veggies and fibrous foods etc will help.

    I also wonder, if you're really very hungry, if it could be a logging issue. Are you weighing things? Are you entering them exactly or are you finding the nearest approximation in the list of foods and entering that? You can find quite a lot of inaccuracies in the foods that appear on the list when you search.

    I see from your profile that you've lost 1kg so far, was that steadily across the 2 weeks that you've been using MFP? If so, it sounds like you're eating exactly the right amount of calories, just maybe the wrong things.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok I don't understand your diary either, but yeah, you have to do better choices... More veggies, more protein, good fats, less high calories carbs that leave you starving one hour later.