Pepsi Substitute?

I'm still relatively new to eating healthy. Until a couple months ago, I didn't think twice about the quality of the food I put into my mouth, but now, I'm on the path to eating a much more healthy diet. I intend to do this regardless of weight loss, but so far it has already contributed greatly to my weight loss experience. However, there is one huge elephant in the room where my diet is concerned that needs to be addressed. Soda. Yep, I have a Pepsi each day as soon as I get to work. Honestly, I think it's only a little about actual physical craving. Mostly I think it's more about ritual. I sit down at my desk and immediately pop the top on that cold drink as a means of preparing to face the day. Then I drink 240 carb heavy calories with little or no other nutritional value.

I think I'm ready to sever this relationship with no-nutrition snacks, but I don't want to lose the ritual, and I can afford the calories, so I'm posting here to ask if any one has any healthy (nutrient based) suggestions as to what I could drink as a sub? I don't want to simply switch to diet drinks or sugary juices. Rather, I'd like to drink something that contributes to my healthy goals.

So...anyone know of any high nutrient, low cal (if possible) drink that I can substitute for my morning Pepsi? One more note: If I have to make it myself, I won't be doing it. I know me and I won't keep up with anything that requires that level of prep time. I'm talking about an off-the-shelf kind of product. Any help would be much appreciated.

One more thing:
My goals are to lose 18 more lbs and to slowly build muscle. Also after my knee is fully healed, I want to get back to a fairly heavy running schedule of around 20 miles a week (this is highest priority). I currently religiously do 3 Planet Fitness trips a week that include 30 minutes of exercise bike (knee rehab until I can run again) and 30-45 minutes of strength exercises on the machines.


  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I don't really get it - if you enjoy carbonated beverages, why not try a diet soda or carbonated water? Not every food/drink you consume has to be rich in micronutrients, and I don't see anything unhealthy about consuming something because you enjoy it, particularly a diet soda/carbonated water that has no calories and is essentially just for hydration. Just my $0.02 but it sounds like you're overthinking things.
  • brizzeem
    brizzeem Posts: 82 Member
    I'm all about the fiz! If you can have room for that 12 oz can of soda why not? Yes I know thats not the point of your post but just had to say it LOL.

    Anyways they ahve those mini pepsi cans which you should give a shot. Also Since I like the fizzy drinks theres stuff called sparkling water thats flavored, yes it's not a natrual drink it hits my fiz and sweet taste buds.

    Also I would try buyingyour favorite uncarbonated beverage like iced tea or any juices you like (the type and portions you pick) and mix with the none flavored sparkling water.
  • gvhunterollie
    gvhunterollie Posts: 74 Member
    When I decided to dump my Pepsi habit (3-4 cans a day), I first weaned myself down to one can a day, then eventually made the switch to Pepsi Next. I can't take the taste of Diet Pepsi, and at 50 cals a can, it was a third of what I was already drinking. I'm now down to a can every 2-3 days. Pepsi next is not exactly the same taste as regular Pepsi, but I like that it is real sugar, so the taste is close enough for me.

    Unfortunately, I still drink enough Diet Coke with my bourbon to float a battleship, or at least a heavy cruiser, but that is a different story...
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Sparkling water. They have flavored varieties as well.

    I think the previous suggestion of the mini cans is good. That way you don't have to deprive yourself, but still can control the portion.
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    How can Pepsi be substituted with anything else? If you love Pepsi, go for it, drink it! As long as your making better choices with your food and exercise, I say live a little!!!!! You deserve it!

    I love Pepsi too, I drink a couple mini cans a week, and it makes me happy:)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't really get it - if you enjoy carbonated beverages, why not try a diet soda or carbonated water? Not every food/drink you consume has to be rich in micronutrients, and I don't see anything unhealthy about consuming something because you enjoy it, particularly a diet soda/carbonated water that has no calories and is essentially just for hydration. Just my $0.02 but it sounds like you're overthinking things.


    As long as you're drinking Pepsi in moderation.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food! It’s not as though we have a health food critic living in our esophagus that has a control box that he switches from “get leaner and healthier” to “get fatter and unhealthier” every time he spots “good” or “bad” food. Thus, a healthy diet should be inclusionary vs. exclusionary; focused around including healthy foods, not excluding “unhealthy” foods. Meet your nutrient needs, and feel free to eat things that you may have traditionally seen as “bad” in moderation; so that you are still meeting your allotted caloric intake for your weight loss goals. Don’t make the mistake of looking at foods as “good” or “bad!” Good diets can include “bad” foods and bad diets can include “good” foods. Don’t get too caught up with what you have for lunch, because it is not a singular choice that will determine the success of your health and fitness goals, it is the balanced lifestyle you commit to long term!" - Eric Helms

    That one Pepsi per day is not going to do any harm to your health whatsoever. If you enjoy it, no reason not to keep it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I used to hate hate hate diet soda, so I started off with half and half until I got to full diet. I drink diet so I can eat more, toxins be damned. Perhaps you could try a diet cherry version for a little more flavor? I find those to be very good.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    The new diets (Pepsi Max, Coke Zero) are both pretty good and don't taste as "diet-y" as traditional diets. Can you tell? Well, ya, but it's a lot better.
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    I build my daily diet around my must have evening Dr. Pepper. It gives me something to look forward to. Besides, I think cutting a habit like that completely off is just asking for disaster. I feel like if I totally deny myself, then I' just going to go on a binge. That's also why I include 4 chocolate covered pretzels. That little bit of sweet chocolate and salty, crunchy pretzel keep my cravings at a minimum.

    I say go for it! It's not just the soda, its the ritual that's important too. If you're really worried about the calories, you can switch to diet, or they make those 8 ounce cans now. But it's completely okay to have that little indulgence.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Please do not ignore people that say diet is toxic. Its disgusting and there is no reason for it.

    I am not one of those IIFIYM people. I believe in a nutrient dense diet, eating unprocessed and not refined foods.

    After saying that, having one REAL pepsi a day, if it is important to you, is not going to hurt you. Pepsi also makes smaller cans, so if anything, you can just reduce the amount you are having.
  • queenb39
    queenb39 Posts: 54 Member
    Pepsi Max is Great with 0 calories.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member




    Or some such variant thereof. Depending on your overall goals, calorie goals, and macro goals.

    Quick, easy, win.
  • Koma_Zd
    Koma_Zd Posts: 11 Member
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    You can either make the Pepsi fit your daily caloric goal (one drink won't break the caloric bank), switch to a zero calorie version (oooooh toxinz and artificial sweetenerz.... lawdy!) or substitute with a glass of ice cold water, or flavored sparkling water (if you're like me and it's the fizz you crave).

    PS: my mention of toxinz and artificial sweetenerz is facetious... there's very little evidence that these are, in fact, "bad" for you but people tend to get super hyped up about them.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    Some days I drink a lot of coffee, but if I am really trying to keep sugars to a bare minimum, then I will have coke zero or pepsi max.

    There is the no added sugar flavored waters, but I have noticed they do still contain a fair bit of sugar, specially if you like to drink a lot of it.

    With the exception of perfectly clear flavored waters, they were great though not had them in a long time so might be different now but they used to be totally sugar free and lovely to drink to.

    But nothing wrong with sugar free carbonated drinks.
  • LookingBusy
    LookingBusy Posts: 72 Member
    What about those mini cans? You can still drink what you like but perhaps wean yourself down to a smaller amount.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Dilute the real Pepsi with non-flavored soda water -like Perrier and have it- Then it is only 125cals in sugar -- which is fine for a treat.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Wow, I was not expecting ANYONE to tell me just drink the dang thing! And nearly everyone has. I truly appreciate the insight. It had never occurred to me that I shouldn't worry about switching to something "healthier". I really like the suggestion of the mini-cans. That way I can still have my "fix" and not blow through too many calories. I'm just not much of a fan of the taste of diet drinks. I might try that out too, however. Thanks for the spanking! Honestly, it never crossed my mind that I wouldn't have to give up this "bad" thing eventually.