Anybody out there doing Couch to 5K?

I just started this week...using an app on my ipod and loving it so far. 2nd day today and didn't feel like I was going to throw up this time so that's good news! I'm looking to share the experience with buddies and cheer each other on!


  • jamielyster
    jamielyster Posts: 3 Member
    sounds interesting? what is it?
  • I just started this week...using an app on my ipod and loving it so far. 2nd day today and didn't feel like I was going to throw up this time so that's good news! I'm looking to share the experience with buddies and cheer each other on!


    I am doing the C25K program to get ready for a 5K in May (Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure). I started over with Week 1 and will be doing day 3 tonight. I took a week off last week. I'm doing my own 5 minute warm up at home. Then I do the total 25 minutes as a walk/jog instead of only 20 minutes. At home I have been doing a five minute warm up that Jillian Michaels does on The Last Chance Workout DVD.

    Glad to hear that everything is going great for your second day!! :) I have made it through to the 2nd week into day 2 ... it's not bad. But wow! It really shows how out of shape I am. Seriously cannot believe I use to run track and field during jr. and sr. high school (and loved running in elementary school, too). WOW!

    I'd love for us to cheer each other on. :)
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I'm doing it! I'm on week six day 2 is tomorrow and absolutely love it!!! Remember, if you struggle with a day, you can redo that day as many times as you want until you feel like moving forward. It is an awesome program! Last Monday was week 5 day 3.....I was terrified of it ALL day....walk 5 min, run 20 min (or 2 miles), walk 5 min. WHAT?< really!!! I did it and felt like I was wonderwoman when it was over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep up the good work --- it gets easier :)
  • I printed off the information on my computer the other day and it is still sitting on the counter next to the running shoes that I bought. In my defense, yesterday I took my shoes out of the box and cut the tags off. That is as far as I have gotten. My scheulde has been a little crazy lately and if I wait for it to slow down it never will. Seriously need to get my butt off the couch! Oh...and I signed up for a half marathon in September. So..enough excuses! Yes I am doing the couch to 5K.
  • I started it Monday. I may have to do week one twice but I am going to get through it. I would love to work through it with someone as well if you want.
  • becca14u2nv
    becca14u2nv Posts: 55 Member
    I just downloaded the treadmill version but I have not started yet. I need to bring the treadmill in from the garage...there is no motivation with it in the garage especially when it is 20 degrees in there. (Midwest in January...gotta love the weather!)
  • I did this last summer with my mom to be able to run our first 5k together!! It was great and the run at the end was really easy after this training program! Good luck everyone! :smile:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I started it a few months ago... got sick and had some knee issues... and I need to get back to it. I was at the end of week 3!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I have the app on my iphone as well. I have been procrastinating about starting because I'm scared but I'm going to try and start today! I would love to share updates and progress, count me in!

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm on week 2, day two. Not very far along but it's easier this week than it was last week. I've heard that it will get harder at some point then suddenly get better so I'm preparing myself for that. :)
  • I have only gotten as far as downloading the app to my droid! :( I need someone who will tell me to get off my butt and go do it everyday, but it has been SO cold! Plus I have like 500 other excuses, as always!
  • Terrilu428
    Terrilu428 Posts: 7 Member
    Just google couch to will get a ton of information, websites and apps to choose from. It is a 9 week training program that helps you move from not running all to running a 5K
  • socalblue
    socalblue Posts: 1 Member
    I did C25K back in late 2009 with a friend. I was never able to run for 20 minutes straight but C25K helped me to do it. I still try to go for a jog/run twice a week for 2-2.5 miles to keep it up. I know it doesn't sound like much since I did the C25K back in 2009. I ran a 10K in summer 2010 and had a hiatus last summer. I haven't signed up for any race this year and am hoping to do a 10K sometime this year.

    I found week 5 is when it got hard... just stick with it! Sign up for a 5K so you will push yourself to finish the training. I also found Robert Ullrey podcast to be very very helpful.

    My advice for new runners is to get properly fitted for running shoes especially if you really want to stick with the training. It does make a difference. I didn't know any better and waited to long to replace my running shoes. I knew it was time when my knees started to hurt even on my regular 2.5 mile jog/run.
  • This is the first I have heard of C25K, but I think I will start doing it when I move into town. I currently live on a mountainside, and there is no where to go out walking/running/etc. without having to go up and down a STEEP incline, which I can barely walk up at a SLOW pace right now!

    It sounds impressive. I'll probably have to repeat days/weeks, but I would be happy to be able to run even one mile, LOL.
  • Terrilu428
    Terrilu428 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the replies and advice. Right now I think I need to work on my breathing but I think I had better keep moving on schedule. The 5 K I am signed up for is in April so I only have one extra week I can fit in so I want to save it until I need it.
  • I just started this week...using an app on my ipod and loving it so far. 2nd day today and didn't feel like I was going to throw up this time so that's good news! I'm looking to share the experience with buddies and cheer each other on!
    What app did you download?
  • mwkinney
    mwkinney Posts: 14 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm currently on Week 4 getting ready for a 5k in April. Its tough, but definitely possible! I have the ipod app and LOVE it!!! Best of luck!
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Hey! I'm doing it too. I'm in Week 4. It's tough for me, but I made it through day 1 yesterday. I was so proud of myself when I was done! You can do this! If I can, you can!!
  • Terrilu428
    Terrilu428 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started this week...using an app on my ipod and loving it so far. 2nd day today and didn't feel like I was going to throw up this time so that's good news! I'm looking to share the experience with buddies and cheer each other on!
    What app did you download?

    I am using the C25k app...they have both apps for Ipod/Iphone or for Droids. I LOVE simple to use.
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    I'm doing Couch to 5K. Just completed W3D2. I really like it and think it's a great way to get back on track. I am looking forward to being able to increase my stamina each week!