High deficit but not losing. Help needed



  • .
  • ...Your body will get use to eating very often and start to burn more and hold on to less cause it knows you have a steady flow of food and your not going to starve...

    OMG no stop. just stop. if you are going to give advice, at least have it be in the realm of reality.

    OP and anyone else reading this, please don't buy into this heavily debunked myth regarding meal timing. there is zero science behind this.

    How is this "debunked?"
    I am going by my own experience, and this is what worked for ME.
    I was always obese, and the couple times I did loose weight I gained it back right away.
    I finally ate the way I am suggesting and I not only lost a lot of weight fast but I kept it off, Probably because I re-trained my metabolism to work longer and harder.

    There are so many "So-Called" experts out there proving this and disproving that and then there is always someone who comes along to prove it the other way...

    I call this the EGG theory!
    How many times have we been told 'Eggs are good for us' - 'Eggs are bad for us' - 'Eggs are good for us' - 'Eggs are bad for us'.....
    It is never ending that someone comes along and says the total opposite of what was proven only for someone else to come along and prove that the first guy was correct... And So On......

    What I suggested makes sense to me, and it worked for me!

    I am not suggesting anything that could Harm anyone.

    Are you trying to say NO DON'T DO THIS cause you KNOW for a FACT that he will get very sick eating this way??
    I doubt it!

    Just cause it is not the way you want to eat doesn't mean it is not a healthy alternative to kick start your metabolism.

    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Unless you can prove that this is an unhealthy way of eating and it will make people sick, you cant really say NO DON'T DO IT!

    I am not trying to start a war or anything, But to say this is not an ok way of eating is just ridiculous considering I have done it and I am Much Much healthier for it !
  • I don't know what your eating habits are but have you tried eating small meals more often?
    I find I loose the most when I cut every meal I have in half and have half at a time, one hour apart from each other...
    I never let myself go more then 2-3 hours without eating something so my body doesn't think it has to hold on to the next big meal I eat cause I'm starving.
    Your body will get use to eating very often and start to burn more and hold on to less cause it knows you have a steady flow of food and your not going to starve...

    This is how I lost 80 lbs in 9 months about 10 years ago, and this is what I'm doing again now and it is working (minus the cheat times at Bday parties or something) ;-)

    Good Luck !
    No, just no

    Why No???
    You can read my above post to see where I stand on this topic....
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    How is this "debunked?"

    1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3177693

    2) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9155494

    3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3592618
    I am going by my own experience, and this is what worked for ME.
    I was always obese, and the couple times I did loose weight I gained it back right away.
    I finally ate the way I am suggesting and I not only lost a lot of weight fast but I kept it off, Probably because I re-trained my metabolism to work longer and harder.

    good for you. But you are not correct in the WHY you lost weight. had nothing to do with 'retaining metabolism'. that's pure bro-science. you lost weight because your intake of energy (food) was lower than your energy expenditure. plain and simple.
    Are you trying to say NO DON'T DO THIS cause you KNOW for a FACT that he will get very sick eating this way??
    I doubt it!

    I never said it was harmful. but you are giving advice with zero science backing it. you are just extending more myths and prolonging the wrong info.
    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    your level of misunderstanding is impressive. the body doesn't work on a daily time frame. weekly is closer to accurate, but still not even 100%. so even if you have a big blow up day on any diet, you normally won't see a big change that fast. Keep up that crazy day for 4-5 in a row and no matter how many small meals you have per day to 'keep my metabolism going' you will not be happy with the end result.
    Unless you can prove that this is an unhealthy way of eating and it will make people sick, you cant really say NO DON'T DO IT!

    defensive much? and i can say DON'T DO IT just as easily as you can swear that eating frequent meals boosts metabolism. only difference is my advice is actually founded on some science.
    I am not trying to start a war or anything, But to say this is not an ok way of eating is just ridiculous considering I have done it and I am Much Much healthier for it !

    look, at the end of the day as long as a person is consistent with their diet, and their diet matches their goal, they will succeed. But you need to understand that the timing of meals and frequency regarding metabolism has been debunked and this myth needs to die ASAP.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    OP - I don't think you addressed the question that asked if you weighed and measured all of your food. If you did, then I missed it, but this is kind of important.
  • [/quote]

    look, at the end of the day as long as a person is consistent with their diet, and their diet matches their goal, they will succeed. But you need to understand that the timing of meals and frequency regarding metabolism has been debunked and this myth needs to die ASAP.

    Obviously it has a lot to do with calories in verses calories out. I also did not say you can eat anything you want as long as you eat this way and you will loose tons of weight.

    I again am going by MY experience.
    For 25+ years of my life I was on every diet there was! Some I lost a little weight on but gained it right back, some I lost nothing!
    This way of eating for me kept me satisfied and kept the weight off Long Term.

    What works for some, does not work for others...

    I'll end it with this...............

    Just keep the 'Egg Theory' in mind..
    These "Experts" that you say debunked this just might be singing a different tune in a few years...
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    look, at the end of the day as long as a person is consistent with their diet, and their diet matches their goal, they will succeed. But you need to understand that the timing of meals and frequency regarding metabolism has been debunked and this myth needs to die ASAP.

    Obviously it has a lot to do with calories in verses calories out. I also did not say you can eat anything you want as long as you eat this way and you will loose tons of weight.

    I again am going by MY experience.
    For 25+ years of my life I was on every diet there was! Some I lost a little weight on but gained it right back, some I lost nothing!
    This way of eating for me kept me satisfied and kept the weight off Long Term.

    What works for some, does not work for others...

    I'll end it with this...............

    Just keep the 'Egg Theory' in mind..
    These "Experts" that you say debunked this just might be singing a different tune in a few years...

    Absolutely no one is debating that this worked for you. That's great! I'm happy that you found a way to reach your goals.

    The problem is that the science you used to back it up is bad. Have you taken a moment to read through the links you were given above? These guys are trying hard to help you understand where the mistake is in your advice so that you don't repeat the same mistake later and you just seem to be repeating that it worked for you and blowing them off.

    edited to fix quotes.

  • look, at the end of the day as long as a person is consistent with their diet, and their diet matches their goal, they will succeed. But you need to understand that the timing of meals and frequency regarding metabolism has been debunked and this myth needs to die ASAP.

    Obviously it has a lot to do with calories in verses calories out. I also did not say you can eat anything you want as long as you eat this way and you will loose tons of weight.

    I again am going by MY experience.
    For 25+ years of my life I was on every diet there was! Some I lost a little weight on but gained it right back, some I lost nothing!
    This way of eating for me kept me satisfied and kept the weight off Long Term.

    What works for some, does not work for others...

    I'll end it with this...............

    Just keep the 'Egg Theory' in mind..
    These "Experts" that you say debunked this just might be singing a different tune in a few years...

    Absolutely no one is debating that this worked for you. That's great! I'm happy that you found a way to reach your goals.

    The problem is that the science you used to back it up is bad. Have you taken a moment to read through the links you were given above? These guys are trying hard to help you understand where the mistake is in your advice so that you don't repeat the same mistake later and you just seem to be repeating that it worked for you and blowing them off.

    No I have not. I am trying to get a few things done and do not have time right now.
    In a way I really don't care what the links say cause theories change all the time and this one may go back and forth as well.
    With that said, I do plan on reading them anyway.....

    Also does the 'Why' really matter, It works for some people and I was trying to suggest something to someone that worked for me.

    I will read the links, But nothing is going to convince me that eating 1200 calories in one (and only one) meal in a day is going to get you the same results as splitting up your calories evenly throughout the day...........................
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member

    Obviously it has a lot to do with calories in verses calories out. I also did not say you can eat anything you want as long as you eat this way and you will loose tons of weight.
    I again am going by MY experience.
    For 25+ years of my life I was on every diet there was! Some I lost a little weight on but gained it right back, some I lost nothing!
    This way of eating for me kept me satisfied and kept the weight off Long Term.
    What works for some, does not work for others...
    I'll end it with this...............
    Just keep the 'Egg Theory' in mind..
    These "Experts" that you say debunked this just might be singing a different tune in a few years...

    I have learned so much from some of the long-timers on this forum, and it is working for me.

    CICO is a law of physics. It is not a fad, it is not a new idea.

    Some people feel better keeping their calories low while eating several small meals a day. Others are better able to keep their calories under control by avoiding snacking and eating 2 larger meals per day. Some people feel more satisfied eating 1600 cals with more carbs, some feel better eating 1600 cals with more fat. That is personal preference. Calories in/calories out is science, it is how living things work.

    There are a thousand different things that have worked for a thousand different people. Whatever style of eating that helps you eat less than you burn will be the one that works.

    OP - Just wanted to add that I agree that you should back off the exercise. Putting that kind of stress on your body isn't worth it. There is a happy medium between couch potato and what you have been doing, and I hope you find it! Good luck, you got some great ideas here...
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    In a way I really don't care what the links say cause theories change all the time and this one may go back and forth as well.

    well i'm done. nothing i can do for you. you want to continue to stay ignorant of facts and science, thats fully YOUR right. but just stop giving bad advice out to others and leave it for the people who do care to stay informed of the facts and science.... deal?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    look, at the end of the day as long as a person is consistent with their diet, and their diet matches their goal, they will succeed. But you need to understand that the timing of meals and frequency regarding metabolism has been debunked and this myth needs to die ASAP.

    Obviously it has a lot to do with calories in verses calories out. I also did not say you can eat anything you want as long as you eat this way and you will loose tons of weight.

    I again am going by MY experience.
    For 25+ years of my life I was on every diet there was! Some I lost a little weight on but gained it right back, some I lost nothing!
    This way of eating for me kept me satisfied and kept the weight off Long Term.

    What works for some, does not work for others...

    I'll end it with this...............

    Just keep the 'Egg Theory' in mind..
    These "Experts" that you say debunked this just might be singing a different tune in a few years...

    Absolutely no one is debating that this worked for you. That's great! I'm happy that you found a way to reach your goals.

    The problem is that the science you used to back it up is bad. Have you taken a moment to read through the links you were given above? These guys are trying hard to help you understand where the mistake is in your advice so that you don't repeat the same mistake later and you just seem to be repeating that it worked for you and blowing them off.

    No I have not. I am trying to get a few things done and do not have time right now.
    In a way I really don't care what the links say cause theories change all the time and this one may go back and forth as well.
    With that said, I do plan on reading them anyway.....

    Also does the 'Why' really matter, It works for some people and I was trying to suggest something to someone that worked for me.

    I will read the links, But nothing is going to convince me that eating 1200 calories in one (and only one) meal in a day is going to get you the same results as splitting up your calories evenly throughout the day...........................

    Personally, yes I think that the why does matter. Weight loss is hard enough for most people and many of us have grown up surrounded with misinformation about what to do and what not to do and what works best. You'd be surprised how many people post here who won't or can't get started because they don't know which tips to believe or fall off the wagon because eating every 3 hours or breakfast or nothing after 7pm or whatever it is makes them hungrier/angry/lethargic/etc. When you continue to perpetuate the misinformation that's out there with no regard to whether or not it's accurate, then you're continuing to make it harder for people to figure out what's reality and what's fiction in the diet world. I care about the whys because they make it easier for people to figure out how to do this on their own personal journey.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    First off, losing weight is not an exact science. It stinks, but sometimes our bodies just go through this time of rebellion. However, I am wondering if you are eating enough. It seems counterproductive, but maybe since starting back up on losing weight your body is hitting starvation mode. With that much exercise (great job by the way!) you may need to be eating more to compensate. Still give yourself a deficit to equal out to one to two pounds a week, but not so much of a deficit that your body holds weight in fear you will not fuel it enough.

    Anyway, just a thought. Good luck!

    Your body can't ignore the laws of physics though, no matter how rebellious or fearful it is.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    ...Your body will get use to eating very often and start to burn more and hold on to less cause it knows you have a steady flow of food and your not going to starve...

    OMG no stop. just stop. if you are going to give advice, at least have it be in the realm of reality.

    OP and anyone else reading this, please don't buy into this heavily debunked myth regarding meal timing. there is zero science behind this.

    How is this "debunked?"
    I am going by my own experience, and this is what worked for ME.
    I was always obese, and the couple times I did loose weight I gained it back right away.
    I finally ate the way I am suggesting and I not only lost a lot of weight fast but I kept it off, Probably because I re-trained my metabolism to work longer and harder.

    There are so many "So-Called" experts out there proving this and disproving that and then there is always someone who comes along to prove it the other way...

    I call this the EGG theory!
    How many times have we been told 'Eggs are good for us' - 'Eggs are bad for us' - 'Eggs are good for us' - 'Eggs are bad for us'.....
    It is never ending that someone comes along and says the total opposite of what was proven only for someone else to come along and prove that the first guy was correct... And So On......

    What I suggested makes sense to me, and it worked for me!

    I am not suggesting anything that could Harm anyone.

    Are you trying to say NO DON'T DO THIS cause you KNOW for a FACT that he will get very sick eating this way??
    I doubt it!

    Just cause it is not the way you want to eat doesn't mean it is not a healthy alternative to kick start your metabolism.

    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Unless you can prove that this is an unhealthy way of eating and it will make people sick, you cant really say NO DON'T DO IT!

    I am not trying to start a war or anything, But to say this is not an ok way of eating is just ridiculous considering I have done it and I am Much Much healthier for it !

    cconniee - I think that the "why" is also a very important part of this discussion. I'd suggest that the reason WHY eating small meals every 2-3 hours works for you is because it prevents you from becoming overly hungry and pigging out on whatever is easy and available, not because your body is holding onto anything. I do the same thing, but not as a weight loss method. It truly is about calories in/calories out.
  • I honestly wish I could figure out how to delete my comments.
    I can't believe I'm getting so much slack over suggesting a perfectly healthy style of dieting/eating just cause the "science" behind it changes.

    Maybe instead of making it sound like a bad style just cause at the moment the science may or may not be what I said it was, simply acknowledge that it is a healthy suggestion for him to try no matter the reason behind why it works for some people.........

    I'm still going to read the links to see what they have to say, but I'm done with this thread...........
  • Drevious
    Drevious Posts: 69 Member
    I'm surprised that no one here is telling you what you really need to do! Change it up! You aren't loosing weight because you have acclimated to the exercise and calorie intake. Your body is really smart this way. So switch it up and trick your body. Not only should you fluctuate your calorie intake throughout the week, but also change your exercise every month. This can be really fun, especially since you moved somewhere new. Try Bikram Yoga...that's my recommendation, since you mentioned arthritis. It's intense and hot but most people burn 700 calories in the class (if you work hard you can burn more). After a 30 day challenge, I lost 20 pounds and my body never felt better....Feel free to add me as a friend or ask any questions =)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Actually it happens because you don't track accurately. So if you don't know what you're putting in your body, and you don't log it properly, you don't know if you're actually going over your calories or not.

    You only track calories and almost every day you use the "quick" add feature - and you frequently go over. So chances are you're eating less than you think, and losing the weight because of CICO - not that you've found the secret to weight loss.

    It's great that eating frequently works for you - it works for lots of people. But it's not for the reasons you made up and shared like they were facts.
  • In a way I really don't care what the links say cause theories change all the time and this one may go back and forth as well.

    well i'm done. nothing i can do for you. you want to continue to stay ignorant of facts and science, thats fully YOUR right. but just stop giving bad advice out to others and leave it for the people who do care to stay informed of the facts and science.... deal?

    WOW what a way to CUT my Quote to suite YOUR EGO!

    The FULL Quote was

    In a way I really don't care what the links say cause theories change all the time and this one may go back and forth as well.
    With that said, I do plan on reading them anyway.....

    See how it says

    You really are, Hmmmm I think I'll stop there before I get kicked off for what I really want to say..........

  • In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Actually it happens because you don't track accurately. So if you don't know what you're putting in your body, and you don't log it properly, you don't know if you're actually going over your calories or not.

    You only track calories and almost every day you use the "quick" add feature - and you frequently go over. So chances are you're eating less than you think, and losing the weight because of CICO - not that you've found the secret to weight loss.

    It's great that eating frequently works for you - it works for lots of people. But it's not for the reasons you made up and shared like they were facts.

    You actually have no idea if I track correctly..

    When I am on an over eating day I tend to add all the crap I eat together and bunch it together in Quick Calories and just adjust up or down to the nearest hundred.

    Yes I do track correctly, even if I go out to eat, I am there looking up that places nutrition list to track and add the calories in a "quick" way....

    Another way I use the QUICK tool is adding up all my calories for the day and just Quick add them here and there till it adds up to the amount I need it to..

    Might not be showing the correct amounts when I ate them that day, But the calories are correct within 1 or 2 hundred for the day... OK that's not EXACT, But it's definitely not off so much that it would make a HUGE difference in one day.

    Also I wasn't even talking about my cheat days since I am on here, I was talking about when I was loosing the 80 lbs in 9 months using this Horrible Horrible Method (because someone somewhere proved the science I stated wasn't correct).....
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Actually it happens because you don't track accurately. So if you don't know what you're putting in your body, and you don't log it properly, you don't know if you're actually going over your calories or not.

    You only track calories and almost every day you use the "quick" add feature - and you frequently go over. So chances are you're eating less than you think, and losing the weight because of CICO - not that you've found the secret to weight loss.

    It's great that eating frequently works for you - it works for lots of people. But it's not for the reasons you made up and shared like they were facts.

    You actually have no idea if I track correctly..

    When I am on an over eating day I tend to add all the crap I eat together and bunch it together in Quick Calories and just adjust up or down to the nearest hundred.

    Yes I do track correctly, even if I go out to eat, I am there looking up that places nutrition list to track and add the calories in a "quick" way....

    Another way I use the QUICK tool is adding up all my calories for the day and just Quick add them here and there till it adds up to the amount I need it to..

    Might not be showing the correct amounts when I ate them that day, But the calories are correct within 1 or 2 hundred for the day... OK that's not EXACT, But it's definitely not off so much that it would make a HUGE difference in one day.

    Also I wasn't even talking about my cheat days since I am on here, I was talking about when I was loosing the 80 lbs in 9 months using this Horrible Horrible Method (because someone somewhere proved the science I stated wasn't correct).....

    Quick add calories do not include fat, protein, sodium, sugar, or carbs. So no, it's not accurate. I'm not trying to criticize you, but those numbers matter when we're talking about your health and success. If you're off 1-200 calories in a day, a few times a week - that's pretty significant in terms of weight loss.

    I don't think anyone said it was a horrible method. I think people took exception to the idea that a persons body would hold onto food until you eat again. It's just not accurate and if someone comes on here and sees that, and believes it, it could negatively impact their health or goals. I'm sure you didn't intend that, that you're just trying to help. But maybe next just mention that small meals seem to work really well for you and leave it at that. Just trying to help :wink:
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member

    In fact I find when I eat that way for a while and I have a day that I go WAY over calories, I stay the same weight or even loose weight.. Why??? Cause my body knows it does not have to hold on to any of those extra calories for starving times, My body knows it is not starving and does not need those calories...

    Actually it happens because you don't track accurately. So if you don't know what you're putting in your body, and you don't log it properly, you don't know if you're actually going over your calories or not.

    You only track calories and almost every day you use the "quick" add feature - and you frequently go over. So chances are you're eating less than you think, and losing the weight because of CICO - not that you've found the secret to weight loss.

    It's great that eating frequently works for you - it works for lots of people. But it's not for the reasons you made up and shared like they were facts.

    You actually have no idea if I track correctly..

    When I am on an over eating day I tend to add all the crap I eat together and bunch it together in Quick Calories and just adjust up or down to the nearest hundred.

    Yes I do track correctly, even if I go out to eat, I am there looking up that places nutrition list to track and add the calories in a "quick" way....

    Another way I use the QUICK tool is adding up all my calories for the day and just Quick add them here and there till it adds up to the amount I need it to..

    Might not be showing the correct amounts when I ate them that day, But the calories are correct within 1 or 2 hundred for the day... OK that's not EXACT, But it's definitely not off so much that it would make a HUGE difference in one day.

    Also I wasn't even talking about my cheat days since I am on here, I was talking about when I was loosing the 80 lbs in 9 months using this Horrible Horrible Method (because someone somewhere proved the science I stated wasn't correct).....

    I think you are being waaay too defensive here. Please post a link that shows scientific evidence that what you stated is correct. It would be much appreciated and I am sure there will be more than a few people extending their apologies.

    BTW, I appreciate why you log the way you do; however, you are not as accurate as you think. Even if you underestimate by 200 calories per day, that's 1,400 calories per week which is .40 pounds. May not sound like a lot, but every little bit adds up as I am sure someone like you, who at one time lost 80 pounds but has returned to MFP because they gained some of it back, can attest.