What is your non-weight goal(s) ? aka. NSV



  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Deadlift my own body weight. Very soon.
  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member
    My fastest marathon time is 5:47. As you can imagine, that includes a lot of walking. I'd love to run one averaging a 9 minute mile (4 hour pace!). That would make training runs a lot more reasonable!

    A friend of mine who is a few years and multiple kids ahead of me ran a 5k in 24 minutes and won her age group (30s). If she can do that after kids, I should have no problem! My second goal is to run a 5k in 22.5 minutes (7:30 min/mile pace).
  • Efoor86
    Efoor86 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a lot of NSV's in mind, here are a few...
    I want to be able to keep up with my toddler without having to sit down and rest.
    I want to be able to run a 5k, I could probably walk one now but I want to be able to run it.
    I want to be able to take my son to an amusement park and ride the rides with him.
    I want to own an item of clothing that fits well that doesn't have any x's in the size. (currently wearing a 3xl)
    I just want to be happy and confident in my own skin.
  • mommyonamission418
    mommyonamission418 Posts: 46 Member
    I want to fit back in to size clothes I havent been able to in years
    I want to be healthier for my daughter and go through my next pregnancy healthier than I did last time
    I want to be able to take pictures and not shy away from the camera
    I would like to be able to run a 5 k
    I want to most of all be confident in my own skin
  • Maestairs
    Maestairs Posts: 2 Member
    My weight is only a means to achieve my non weight goals . I entered a cycle ride last June . 100 miles hilly and I failed to finish . Mainly because of my weight . So the aim is to finish . But to do that I need to drop from around 300lb to below 215 . That should improve my speed well enough so that I don't bonk (aka hit the wall) and my knees have 30% less stress on each peddle stroke which means I can train longer on the hills .
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I dont have a weight number goal as much as a size goal. I want to be able to buy a size 12. I dont even care if its pants, shirt or dress. I dont EVER remember in my 52 years being a size 12 in anything.

    I want to be able to shave my legs in the shower without doing contortions.

    I want to fit into a pair of sexy boots. I think I can now...

    I want to have less pain in my life.

    I dont ask for much but these few things, and if I keep up the good work I will have them.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    1. to be able to do a human flag
    2. to be able to do a free standing handstand pushup
    3. to be able to hold a one handed handstand for 10+ seconds
    4. to be able to rep muscle ups
    5. abs
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    The main one is to feel comfortable for people to see me with my shirt off :smile:
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I would love to

    1. Complete a 5k in 30mins or less
    2. Get on any ride at any park/fair without problems. - Last year I was able to get on the rides at the state fair but they were still very tight.
    3. Learn to ride a bike! - I never learned and because of my size it terrifies me to try right now. I hope to learn before my 30th birthday in two years lol.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Finish the triathlon that I have done the past three years in under 1:30
    Do one unassisted pull-up
    Do double unders back to back....I'm up to 6 consecutive, but I want to do a bunch, it's a struggle
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Fit into my sexy levis.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    Wear my old clothes. I have too many clothes in different sizes and they take up a lot of space. I given myself until July 2015 to get rid of sizes I don't need - I want it to be the bigger sizes.

    Shop at my favorite stores. Even with all the clothes I have I miss how easy it was to shop when I was smaller.

    Stop wearing girdle undergarments.

    Run faster for longer distances without stopping

    Feel comfortable taking pictures from any angle.
  • cassidyamymommy
    cassidyamymommy Posts: 71 Member
    1. to have my bmi actually register on the wii fit. the wii fit goes as high as a 40bmi before its not seen on the chart. i am currently at a bmi of 46.33

    2. to look decent in a dress for my husbands work christmas party

    3. to be able to not tire out so easily when playing with the kids

    4. to go for a longer walk then i can now without getting tired and needing to rest
  • thepandapost
    thepandapost Posts: 117 Member
    1. Run/walk/waddle/crawl a marathon at the end of the month. Working at this goal for months and I will do my best race day to make it happen.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    what a great post.:smile:

    to undress in front of my husband and be PROUD of the way i look :love:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    1. Full pull-ups

    2. Dragon flag

    3. Handstand
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    But what about the non-weight goals?

    I don't really have a specific weight related goal, except insamuchas it influences my running and cycling performance.

    Right now objectives are:

    Complete a trail half marathon
    Sub 1:50 half marathon
    45 minute 10K
    Complete a trail marathon in 12 months time
    Complete a trail ultra in about 18 months time
  • jessiruthica
    jessiruthica Posts: 412 Member
    This is a great topic!

    Short term:
    I want to run a 5K - nearly there on this one!
    I want to do full pushups rather than modified.

    Longer term:
    I want to wear a size 10, currently in an 18 (that at least isn't tight anymore!)
    I want to fit back in my rehearsal dinner dress. I love that dress :)
  • mb4r
    mb4r Posts: 2
    Get back into my pre-2nd pregnancy clothes. Or, at least get to my goal weight so I'll know if they will even still fit (stuff shifts).

    Because my closet is too full. I'm not a clothes horse by any means, but I'm tired of having both 16/14 and 10's. I want to wear the cute 10's that fit my style (aka, 40-something mother of 2), and not the stuff I bought just to have something to wear.

    And then, I want to get rid of the other half of the closet. Hey, if I find out that my cute clothes don't fit even after the goal, then I donate them to charity and replace them.

    Also, to get to the point where my 2 year old can't use my belly as a soft squishy pillow.
  • drewmmm
    drewmmm Posts: 130 Member
    To be able to hold onto a pair of jeans longer than a couple of months. Now they wear out between legs and I have to throw them away :/