Does anyone use any work out DVD`s



  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    I use workout DVD's - I am currently doing Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution set. I like DVD's because you don't feel the same pressure as in a class, you get out what you put in, and the flexibiilty to pop it in and workout on your own schedule. I do find that I have to have some supporters sometimes for consistency. Having a weekly goal: ie) "I will workout 5 times this week", and sticking to it really helps too.

    And I appreciate the other comments as I've learned about other programs to add to my collection!
  • sadiebea25
    I'm doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's kicking my booty, I'm so sore I can barely sit down (I'm on day four)! Plus I love that it's only 25 mintues, something I can do in the morning before everyone gets up and it's not so long I get bored.
  • Fit_Happens_2021
    Fit_Happens_2021 Posts: 303 Member
    You might like this site, currently it is free sign up. I like it for the variety of different types of really good quality videos.
  • hensue11
    hensue11 Posts: 64 Member
    Only do workout DVD's - Kelly Coffey Meyer is brilliant, no boredom at all, with most of her DVD's i burn 3-450 Cal's according HRM.....
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I am definitely going to try out some the sites who guys suggested:flowerforyou: