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Fellow Mommies...



  • Hello,
    Im a mom of a 13 month old little girl. She is my world! I also work full time and just stopped nursing/pumping 3 weeks ago. I'm ready to get back on track. I wasn't very cautious of my diet because I thought I needed the calories to nurse.

    I've been walking during my lunch breaks and a few nights a week with my daughter pushing her stroller around our neighborhood. I've always struggled with my weight (i'm short) and I come from an Italian family who loves to eat. I'm trying to balance healthy eating, exercise, work and being a mommy and wife. I would like to lose the last 15-20lbs i put on before and during pregnancy. I gained about 45-50 in the past 2 years and took off about 30-35 in the last year since having her.
  • Hi!! I am a mommy of 3! I am slightly active, but have started my 90 day challenge! Add me!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I am a mom of 4, work full time, get all the kids where they need to go, practice, church, etc., cook, clean, well you all know, the list goes on and on.. How do any of you fit "you" time in.? I am really too tired at the end of the day to shave my legs much less exercise. I really want to find that balance. Any suggestions??

    This is why I get up early in the morning to exercise before my 1 year old is awake/before getting ready for work. I would never do it at the end of the day. I would always find an excuse not to. Exercise becomes your "you" time. And a bonus: exercising in the morning gives me more energy to tackle the rest of the day. Win win.
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    Hello I am a mother of two girls 10 & 2 year old and it is hard making time for yourself. I have a membership at the nearby YMCA and it has daycare so I try to go 3-5 times a week for an hour to my workouts in. My daughter likes the children room so it makes it easier. You have to be healthy for your children an unhealthy mom is no good to them take the time to make the changes because life is to short to be unhealthy and unhappy.
  • Hello Ladies !

    I have a daughter whom is 1 and a step son that is 10. I work 30 hrs/wk..and im working on my last semester at TX State University (graduate in December) and I am an intern. Needless to say my "plate" is full and its difficult to find time for me and wanting to work out when all I want to do is play w/ my baby girl when I get home.
  • Syndaz
    Syndaz Posts: 2 Member
    I know how you feel. But I can't imagine going back after only 3 months. At least we get a year off here! Even then it was hard! Good luck to you!
  • Hi, I just joined. I have a 3 year old and work full time as well. A good group of mommies going through the same thing. Nice support I hope.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi mummies! I'm a mum of a 5 year old boy, 3 year old girl and 5 month old girl. I exercised and logged all pregnancy but still gained more than I should've done.

    I went back to the gym when she was 6.5 weeks old and I work out 5 or 6 times a week, and I walk loads too. I'm still on maternity leave - we can take a year in England. My husband works shifts so I fit my gym sessions/classes round his shifts.

    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Hey there!! I'm a mother of 2 "Irish Twin" girls (exactly a year apart). I work full time outside of the house and I work overtime at home being a mom. I'm half way from finishing my journey. Any mother can add me. I'm a great motivator and supporter. Good Luck to all you moms out there on your journey. It seems to be extra hard for us. Considering we have to work around our kids schedules and make time to clean house, cook, do homework, play doctor, counselor, and judge. :-)
  • I know how you feel. But I can't imagine going back after only 3 months. At least we get a year off here! Even then it was hard! Good luck to you!

    I CANNOT imagine having to go back to work when my child was only 3 months old. I *think* that the US is the only country in the world that does this...yikes!

    Anyhow, I'm a single mom to 2 children; my son is 12 and my daughter is 8. I work full time - I support them both pretty much on my own. Luckily my kids are old enough that if I want to go out for a 45 min run, they can stay by themselves. I have a treadmill and some free weights, so I work out starting at 5:30 each morning to fit it in - if I don't do it then, it won't get done :(

    ...and I'm tired pretty much all the time!! :)
  • saracantthink
    saracantthink Posts: 49 Member
    Hello there!!! I am a stay-at-home mommy to a 2.5 year old little girl and a 2.5 month old baby boy. I also have an 8 year old step son who is here every other weekend (and is always a challenge to feed). I have a LOT of baby weight to lose! The two little ones keep me very busy, but I do sneak in workouts and breast feeding burns 500 cals a day as well. I start back to school in January, and I am not looking forward to pushing that into my already busy schedule. Feel free to add me!
  • hteapot
    hteapot Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies! I just "re-joined" after being gone for a little over a year. I am a new mommy of a 7 week old and I just returned to work last week. I am just starting to get back into the swing of things - eating healthier and working out. Would love to have some new mommy friends to help me along in this journey to get my body back! Please feel free to add me!
  • Hi I just joined yesterday. I needed a place to keep track of food and workouts. I'm mother to a 6 year old girl and 2 year old boy. I work 40+ hours per week, and my husband works just as much but with odd hours. I'm generally trying to maintain more than anything, but loving how easy myfitness pal is to use.

    Nice to meet you all! Feel free to add me if you like. I love Beachbody work outs, and running when it gets colder outside.
  • ZainasMommi
    ZainasMommi Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all!
    I just rejoined again after 6 months of binging. I've finally decided today that I want to work on getting healthier and trimmer. I'm a stay at home mother of three, and my life is hectic! But even through the choas, I am commited to reaching my goal weight. I hope these message boards will help me to remain focused!
  • Hi all, Im also looking for new friends as well as Im a mom of a 11yr and 8yr. After losing my full time job last month due to having hand surgery, the weight is slowing piling on :( I was on MFP a few years ago and restarted a new account today. Want to have a fresh new to start to this journey and get back on it. Please feel free to add me
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am a mom of two a 10 year old boy and a 21 month old girl. I work 40 hours a week and am secretary of my sons school PTO. I have a hubby who works 60+ hours per week so the household and all the kids needs fall to me. Right now my exercise is walking thankfully my neighborhood is extremely hilly so its a good workout and my kids come with me. When the weather gets colder which it will here soon not sure what I am going to do but I will figure it out. When my son has practice right now its football I walk in the neighborhood behind the school instead of sitting an socializing with all the other moms the coach has my cell in case of a problem. Next will be basketball so I may look into the schools weight room the public can use it for $2 per session. Then when baseball rolls around it will be walking my daughter loves the trips in the stroller.

    Trying to redo my basement into a workout/game room its been slow going but I hope to finish it soon I have started accumulating kettle bells, free weights, yoga mat and resistance bands gotta love garage sales.

    After many try's of doing this for the past 5 years I have to make it work just found out that my kidney function has decreased so I need to preserve what I have for as long as I can (no where near dialysis) since I only have one I would like to keep it and stay here for my kids.

    To make this work I have to stop caring if I get the carpet vacuumed at a certain time or not. I will let it go dirty one more day if it means I can get a workout in.
  • hteapot
    hteapot Posts: 29 Member
    I know how you feel. But I can't imagine going back after only 3 months. At least we get a year off here! Even then it was hard! Good luck to you!

    I CANNOT imagine having to go back to work when my child was only 3 months old. I *think* that the US is the only country in the world that does this...yikes!

    Anyhow, I'm a single mom to 2 children; my son is 12 and my daughter is 8. I work full time - I support them both pretty much on my own. Luckily my kids are old enough that if I want to go out for a 45 min run, they can stay by themselves. I have a treadmill and some free weights, so I work out starting at 5:30 each morning to fit it in - if I don't do it then, it won't get done :(

    ...and I'm tired pretty much all the time!! :)

    Yes, I believe the US is the only country that does this and it sucks! Companies aren't even required to pay you for maternity leave. I only got 6 weeks of leave :(

    Anyways, good luck to you on your journey!
  • Hello mommies! I just joined last night. I am a SAHM of a 3 year old boy. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I would really love to have some new friends for support and motivation! Please feel free to add me, I don't know how to do that yet!
  • ZainasMommi
    ZainasMommi Posts: 4 Member
    What does "bump" mean? I've seen this one many threads.
  • Hi ladies. I'm just returning today after being gone for a couple of years. My LO just turned a year, has food allergies, I work crazy days and hours so I find it hard to stay motivated about exercising. I can offer support and would love the support from other moms :smile: