is there anyone like me?



  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    I've been there. So many times over the years I've said "this is it!" but never really made any long term changes. I totally want a quick fix and get a little freaked out if I don't see instant results. Personally, I had to hit a point where I just knew I had to change. That was seeing myself as I really was, pushing 300 lbs. I made the decision to do this and it started off pretty good. I've had plenty of low moments where I didn't want to eat my veggies, I wanted a piece of cake! I've had to teach myself what food is supposed to be.

    As for working out, I do a lot of walking. My husband and I have turned it into an adventure and have explored the neighborhoods around us in detail. We critique houses and get ideas for what to do next in our yard. We found hidden playgrounds and will take the kids there for some play time. Just moving and eating better really go a long way. But it won't work if you don't want to do it. I think you really want to do this, but are a little lost on how to make the change. You can totally do this and I'll be rooting for you!
    youre right! i do want this but i am completely lost and confused. im also scared. i don't even know what im scared of to be honest. i always start off so good then a week later im eating out, or eating sweets late at night. i can eat a whole pack of cookies without thinking about it. i know what i need to do. i just need to do it. thank you for your response
  • Veronnie87
    Veronnie87 Posts: 40 Member
    I still mess up - I think I was over my calories every day this week - but I still do it - I still log and go to the gym and just do it, and hate every single second of it.

    It's just what you got to do if you want anything to change.

    I also hate my job, its soul sucking, depressing, and horrible. But I do it, because I have to. i kind of think of logging food and losing weight the same way. Except at least the weight loss will pay off and make me happy in the end :-)

    Oh God...this. Totally THIS. I thought I was the only one. Everyone always seems to happy to be eating well and working out and I thought I was the only person alive who hates every second of this so much but who has given up too many times in the past when it got hard to give up again.

    I'm sorry, I have nothing helpful to contribute, but it's really nice to know I'm not alone in this.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I don't want to go to work every day, but then I don't get paid.

    Point being, you get out what you put in to anything. This includes the lifestyle.

    Personally, it was easier for me to change my diet than work out. However, I use my commute to work as a source of exercise and with the addition to my weekend activities I'm happy with this plan!

    I hope you find the motivation you need and good luck :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I've been there. So many times over the years I've said "this is it!" but never really made any long term changes. I totally want a quick fix and get a little freaked out if I don't see instant results. Personally, I had to hit a point where I just knew I had to change. That was seeing myself as I really was, pushing 300 lbs. I made the decision to do this and it started off pretty good. I've had plenty of low moments where I didn't want to eat my veggies, I wanted a piece of cake! I've had to teach myself what food is supposed to be.

    As for working out, I do a lot of walking. My husband and I have turned it into an adventure and have explored the neighborhoods around us in detail. We critique houses and get ideas for what to do next in our yard. We found hidden playgrounds and will take the kids there for some play time. Just moving and eating better really go a long way. But it won't work if you don't want to do it. I think you really want to do this, but are a little lost on how to make the change. You can totally do this and I'll be rooting for you!
    youre right! i do want this but i am completely lost and confused. im also scared. i don't even know what im scared of to be honest. i always start off so good then a week later im eating out, or eating sweets late at night. i can eat a whole pack of cookies without thinking about it. i know what i need to do. i just need to do it. thank you for your response

    This is why you have to get your mindset right. Understand about you and your relationship with food, understand why you have failed in the past, what you are doing differently this time and everything that going on a diet entails. You either make the commitment or you do not. Its about sustainable and thinking long term. Ending up right back the start with a yo yo is pointless, so getting to taerget should be your concern. As everyone said good habits and babysteps.

    Make the commitment. Understand what it entails(reading and ynderstanding how it all works and the common things others do (including mistakes) will help you realise how it works), make a realistic plan and then put it into action, small steps at first. If you cant be bothered, then save yourself the effort. Unfrotunately a lot of it is boring and thats where desire and determination come in. What you want as your goal outweighs this if you wnat it enough.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 297 Member
    losing weight takes work and determination.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I want to lose weight but I don't want to put in the work. I know what you all are thinking after reading that first sentence but before you judge me at least give me credit for being honest. I mean whats the point in me lying about it? I gotta be honest with myself and you all if I want the help and trust me I do want help. I just don't know how to remain consistent. I always start a plan and never finish it. im not afraid of working out or sweating. im 31 years old and has no health issues other than some stomach problems. theres no reason why I cant do this. I just don't want to. well I do but I want more of a quick fix and I know that's not the route to go.

    im open to whatever anyone has to say good or bad. I don't care what you say or how you say it.....JUST SAY IT! I really need the motivation. help me get this started again. im begging for any advice. my diary is open. its a mess, but im not embarrassed. please tell me what I need to change. share your stories, workout plans, eating plans, whatever. im open to anything at this point. thanks

    I was like you until I went skiing (after a 15 year break) was too scared to go fast incase I fell over I didn't think I would get back up again, I skied badly on the 5 day I fell over slipped a disc and piled on some more weight.

    I then booked another skiing holiday for christmas again, it cost my whole bonus (which was quite large) and I still have to save for spending money, I am not spending all that money to have another crap time.

    So I'm here I've lost 2st and run a 10k I will lose more before christmas and I will be fitter and a better skier!

    Motivation bit do you want to do what I had to before you get yourself moving or do you want to do it now before you hurt yourself or put on even more weight which you'll have to lose??
  • annar298
    annar298 Posts: 66 Member
    Honestly I think everyone who is here on MFP felt that way one way or another. I can completely agree on how you feel but your mind has to be the one to be ready to get what you want. I had always wanted the easy way out the take a pill and not person. Didn't lead me anywhere. My brother getting married this year really changed my thought process, I didn't want to stand in front with all the skinny girls and even though I always thought I looked great. I had a reality check when my 9 year old asked if a picture I was in (February) asked if that was when I was pregnant with him. If my son saw me in that way, GROSS. Anyway, I started little eating better, then a cousin asked to join her gym was hesitant because I hated cardio! Well she only lasted two weeks with me and I did it my way, more strength training and a little bit of cardio. I can say I love it now, 4 months in and definitely some changes.. so start somewhere. Get your mind right and have a positive attitude even if you miss a day or two or week get back up and do it over. Hope this helps, add me if you like!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I want to lose weight but I don't want to put in the work. I know what you all are thinking after reading that first sentence but before you judge me at least give me credit for being honest. I mean whats the point in me lying about it? I gotta be honest with myself and you all if I want the help and trust me I do want help. I just don't know how to remain consistent. I always start a plan and never finish it. im not afraid of working out or sweating. im 31 years old and has no health issues other than some stomach problems. theres no reason why I cant do this. I just don't want to. well I do but I want more of a quick fix and I know that's not the route to go.

    im open to whatever anyone has to say good or bad. I don't care what you say or how you say it.....JUST SAY IT! I really need the motivation. help me get this started again. im begging for any advice. my diary is open. its a mess, but im not embarrassed. please tell me what I need to change. share your stories, workout plans, eating plans, whatever. im open to anything at this point. thanks

    Well done for being honest, but I'm afraid you pretty much have zero chance if you don't put in the effort.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    You can't lose weight without trying.

    It's gonna be hard, it IS hard. But it is SO rewarding when you reach your goal(s)! I never ever regret a workout or a "good" day nutrition-wise.

    My advice to you- find something you like. find a workout or exercise plan that you enjoy and can look forward to! There is so much out there to get you up and moving! And when it comes to nutrition, find foods that you like as well. I went from eating cookies, cakes, pasta, calories and more calories all day every day (thinking that healthy, low calorie foods would be gross or tasteless) to eating the things I do now. Like instead of a giant glazed honey bun as a sweet treat, I opt for a rice cake with a tbsp of peanut butter and it's just as good, and about 200 calories LESS. And you know what? I don't regret it.

    With the workouts, I NEVER regret a workout either. Just GET UP AND MOOOOVEEE girl! Throw on your workout clothes and lift some weights, do some squats, plank a little, break a sweat and earn your shower! :) YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF AFTER!!

    And with general "weight loss," don't focus just on what the scale says. As a matter of fact, don't even weigh yourself. Find a pair of jeans, or a shirt you can't fit into, and work on getting it to fit rather than focusing on your weight, because that's just discouraging. I think you will find that you lose inches faster than pounds. And my last piece of advice.... set small goals along the way. Example: lose ___ inches by Christmas, or you could aim for a goal such as working out ___ hours in each month.

    GOOD LUCK! YOU GOT THIS! :) feel free to add me!