alcohol!! problem!!



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Okay am obviously not an alcoholic!! But I seriously have become a cheep date!! 3 large pinots and I feel very drunk!! What the hell is wrong with me!! Obviously used to be able to drink far more than I can now!! Do I need more practice maybe?!!

    Are you drinking now? Because if you puncuate the way you speak you are overemphasizing like an excited goofball.
  • jonjhayden
    jonjhayden Posts: 165 Member
    <Okay am obviously not an alcoholic!! >

    I'm not inferring anything but all drinking alcoholics say this lol
    You may not be inferring from her comment, but you're certainly implying with your own.

    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    You need to keep practicing!
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    This is not a problem.

    I am currently dealing with an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, and I'm tapering off alcohol at the moment. I'm very honest about this, and like having people in my friends list who have similar problems. So when I see someone screaming "Alcohol! Problem!", I come to the thread thinking they may actually have a problem. When I get there and see someone saying "I just can't drink like I used to! What should I do? Do I need more practice!?" it's borderline insulting.

    Absolutely this.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Borderline insulting? Because someone's problem is only a minor one and not serious enough? Strange...

    Because it's not a problem. Not even a minor one.

    Unless, maybe, her problem is that for some reason she thinks she should be able to drink more. Maybe she's trying to build a dependence? I just don't get it.

    I'm with you, the second quote (SarahRuthRuns).
    I don't drink at all and I'm slightly bothered by this.

    I came into this thread thinking there was a real problem and was going to link to my friend's getting sober group here...

    Here's the link anyway for those who need/want it:
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Isn't a GOOD thing that you're getting buzzed off of less alcohol? Although 3 "large" pinots sounds like a lot to me.

    I guess this would depend on the objective.

    If getting buzzed / mild intoxication is the goal, then calorically and financially, needing less alcohol to do so would be a good thing.

    But if you, for whatever reason, have goals based on volume (seeking to consume a certain / larger amount) or habit / practice (having three drinks in the course of an evening), then feeling the effects of the alcohol earlier isn't as good, because you're experiencing increased intoxication at an earlier point.

    Still, I think a large part of this could, like others have said, be a result of a change in body composition and dietary habits. It could also be a tolerance issue, but most people who have abstained or restricted themselves enough to get to that point would be able to identify that as the reason.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Ignoring the incredibly judgy "you must be a wino" comments - my tolerance to booze got less when I lost weight. I was quite capable of having 8 pints over the course of a night out and remaining (relatively) compos mentis when I was 17stone. Now I'm battered after 4.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Borderline insulting? Because someone's problem is only a minor one and not serious enough? Strange...

    Because it's not a problem. Not even a minor one.

    Unless, maybe, her problem is that for some reason she thinks she should be able to drink more. Maybe she's trying to build a dependence? I just don't get it.

    That's what I was thinking about when I brought up goal issues as far as this being a "good" thing.

    Myself, I don't really get the idea of intoxication as an actual, specified objective. I get it when people say "we're going to go out" and they understand they *may* get drunk in the process, but there are people who go out with getting drunk as a goal.

    I can, however, sympathize with someone who either has an existing habit of having 3 drinks or who finds themselves in a setting where having 3 drinks is common / protocol and wonders why they experience a new effect andif that new effect will stop. For whatever reason, 3 drinks is the scenario we're dealing with and the person wants to know if they'll get to a point where those drinks won't make them feel as drunk as they've begun to make them feel, recently.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    In for wine, but only two glasses for me. Cab is my favorite. :drinker:
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    In for wine, but only two glasses for me. Cab is my favorite. :drinker:
    Malbec! :drinker:
  • You need to keep practicing!

    ^^ This! :drinker:
  • TriNoob
    TriNoob Posts: 96 Member
    In for wine, but only two glasses for me. Cab is my favorite. :drinker:
    Malbec! :drinker:

    Second for Malbec. Specifically love the Areo 2007. :drinker:
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    In for wine, but only two glasses for me. Cab is my favorite. :drinker:
    Malbec! :drinker:

    Second for Malbec. Specifically love the Areo 2007. :drinker:
    Ooo that is delicious!

    Trapiche 2004 is one of my favourites.
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    Borderline insulting? Because someone's problem is only a minor one and not serious enough? Strange...

    Because it's not a problem. Not even a minor one.

    Unless, maybe, her problem is that for some reason she thinks she should be able to drink more. Maybe she's trying to build a dependence? I just don't get it.

    I am still confused as to why anyone would be borderline insulted because she used the words 'alcohol' and 'problem' when she doesn't have what you see as a drinking problem. Why should it bother anyone that she doesn't have a 'real' problem? Surely that's a good thing? I mean being annoyed because you came along with a helpful link only to find the person wasn't having real difficulties is bizarre (not you, the other poster who agreed with you)... As far as I can see, she's just saying (albeit in a bit of a strange way) that she has a lower tolerance for alcohol these days. I find that too since losing weight- I have sometimes ended up a bit more drunk than I intended because I thought I could drink like I used to when I was a bit heavier. No big deal, just a slight inconvenience or small 'problem'.

    I sincerely doubt she was making light of people with drinking problems.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    A good Malbec is wonderful, but the right Merlot with a solid woody undertone can be pretty heavenly.
  • TammyLHaley
    TammyLHaley Posts: 20 Member
    A proper pour is usually about 5 ounces, giving a scant 5 glasses per bottle.
  • worldtraveller321
    worldtraveller321 Posts: 150 Member
    well if your wanting to be healthy, just reduce your alcohol intake all together,
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    A proper pour is usually about 5 ounces, giving a scant 5 glasses per bottle.

    True. It doesn't help that we cannot quantify what a "large" pinot is. Although the diary entry indicates 750 ml. At about 148 ml per 5 oz, that's about 5 regular 5 oz pours.

    ETA: Apparently, I've been short-changing myself by pouring only 4 oz per glass. Got to fix that right quick. (Plus, it'll let me have a glass with dinner through the work week without leftovers.)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Borderline insulting? Because someone's problem is only a minor one and not serious enough? Strange...

    Because it's not a problem. Not even a minor one.

    Unless, maybe, her problem is that for some reason she thinks she should be able to drink more. Maybe she's trying to build a dependence? I just don't get it.

    I'm with you, the second quote (SarahRuthRuns).
    I don't drink at all and I'm slightly bothered by this.

    I came into this thread thinking there was a real problem and was going to link to my friend's getting sober group here...

    Here's the link anyway for those who need/want it:

    So because you thought you were going to get to give someone your wisdom on how to get help, it bothers you when it turns out that the OP was actually just making a light hearted thread about how she can't handle her alcohol as well now that she has lost weight?

    I'm a little bothered that anyone would be bothered that the OP probably doesn't have a drinking problem and just made a drunk post instead.

    That being said, it should probably be in the Chit Chat area.
  • Okay am obviously not an alcoholic!! But I seriously have become a cheep date!! 3 large pinots and I feel very drunk!! What the hell is wrong with me!! Obviously used to be able to drink far more than I can now!! Do I need more practice maybe?!!

    I'm drinking two 4oz glasses of Pinot now and feeling goooood. This is the same person who could kill a six pack and be sober but (regardless of the difference in alcohol content) that's when I was eating 4,000 calories a day. Now I'm down to 1,200. Isn't it great being a cheap date?! Save on money, save on calories. This is a good, no GREAT, thing!