Motivation-That (to some) dreaded word



  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I decided when I started it was a lifestyle change, not just a "I need to lose the weight" exercise. I lost over 45 lbs. and after starting an incredible relationship, gained almost 10 back. It's mostly I want to stay in my new wardrobe and I don't want the flabby belly and cellulite dimpled legs and butt. So now it's about the body fat % and how my clothes fit instead of the scale weight.

    Is my diet perfect? By NO means, but I try and keep close to my macros.
    Workouts... I'm a fiend. I like to beat my body and make it my slave. I do some sort of activity everyday. Some more strenuous than others. Lately I've laying it on thick because of the Tough Mudder I'm running this weekend.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Skinny jeans
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    I am a sick pup. I like walking in to the gym and seeing big guys, throwing up sick weight. (Not that I want to get THAT big, but I do not mind healthy size and my six pack back.) But then I walk into the dressing room to change and see that I have work to do. For some people I know that it is a turn-off the see others doing that, or guys throwing up poses in the mirror for competition, but to me it tells me that I need to put in the work, and it fires me up.

    Now why do I do it. Because of a two and a half year old that I want to be able to keep up with. And when she was born, I was out of breath just jogging a hallway. I want to be there for her, not just sitting in the stands.

    Plus now a days I find races and stuff that help me push myself with.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I lost a lot of weight once. Then I gained much of it back. I had a moment when I realized what I had done and became very angry at myself. It drove me to get back in shape. I try and relive how awful that moment was to motivate myself.
  • bootcamp85
    bootcamp85 Posts: 64 Member
    I want to be "not-fat" more than I want to be fat and I am determined to do whatever it takes to be "not-fat."

    The benefits of being fat include eating indulgently and experiencing the instant gratification of that extra helping of lasagna. OTOH, the benefits of consistently working towards "not-fat" are becoming more healthy, more fit, looking better, having adventures that were impossible for the fat-me, and experiencing a deeper satisfaction with the way I live my life. I don't need to "love" myself, but I do need to respect myself. And respect is earned.

    It is a personal choice - to take the more challenging path to a better life or stay on the easy road.

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily ~Zig Ziglar

    I have a Pinterest board that's full of sayings like this that I look at when I start to feel discouraged.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    There's a really hot, sexy, fit person inside of me. I see her when I'm not looking in the mirror. I would like to see her in the mirror as well.

    I want to finish a half marathon by next December to raise money for a hospital that means a lot to me personally. That helps me to run. When I run, I don't want to eat crap. That's pretty much how I am getting through this.

    Also, when the scale isn't showing progress, I look for non-scale victories (NSV). When the NSVs are not there (like today with my run), then I look to the scale (seems to be showing a 2 lb loss). I'm hoping this lasts. If not, I'll find another reason. I'm not giving up on myself. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself any longer. I made myself this way, and I can change it. It's only a matter of time, and the time is going to pass whether I do anything or not.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    What keeps me motivated?

    I want to be healthy!

    I don't want to be fat.

    I want the fat to be gone.

    I want to be thin.

    I want to feel good.

    The only way to obtain all of that is to lose the weight. :)
  • queenofthedancehall
    boyfriends and husbands can be the worst, while trying to be the best. We are so use to saying I love you through food and nice dinners. I have been trying to cook healthy and then my husband will walk in the house with papa john's pizza (my favorite).
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."

    Zig Ziglar
  • GoLizB
    GoLizB Posts: 25 Member
    I'm also one of those types who thinks motivation is a second to DETERMINATION. Motivation is unnecessary for something you really want (or need). If you're really thirsty, it's not motivation that pushes you to the faucet to get a glass of water. You are DETERMINED to quench your thirst.

    Something that helps me focus and stay determined is reading over my goals daily. Write your goals down on paper and look at that piece of paper daily. It will give you the extra push to track/workout/drink water that you need to do to accomplish them. If your goals aren't realistic, or aren't that "worth it" to you, it's likely you won't make the effort, so make sure your goals are important to you(healthy self and son seems very important to me!) and also attainable.

    If I'm really struggling, I will go over to and read their daily motivation page when I think a little outside influence might be nice. But for the most part, I'm just determined to reach my goals and that's what gets me to the gym and here to log my food every day!
  • jane21480
    jane21480 Posts: 104 Member
    Options to move for life
    I want to stay motivated to have a great life with my family and friends.
    I am 53 yrs old and don't want to use the excuse of I am "that age" where you gain weight.
    I am not going to let the weight creep up on me.
    I have a wonderful husband, two great sons. One of our son's got married last year. What motivates
    me when things happen like this summer when our youngest son ( 24) got me up on a surf board for the first time in my life. I want to be healthy and able to try new things. I am hoping for grandchildren one day to
    say they have the "coolest grandma" that will do things and go places. Not one that just bakes cookies all day.
    Cookies go in and out... memories last a lot longer :)
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    My motivation firstly comes from wanting to be a good example for my kids.

    Secondly it comes from that I don't want to live like this anymore. Every day I do some kind of exercise, every day I stay under my calories, I'm that much closer. Not every day will be perfect, but if the majority is then I know I'm on the right track!

    Thirdly I never want to be in the position that I have a lot of weight to lose again. I just want to be able to maintain a healthy weight.

    Fourthly I get so much motivation from people here on MPF, I love sharing this experience with others! :heart: