Please check out my diary-- what am I doing wrong?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You're doing plenty of exercise so I would up the protein a bit and lower the carbs. You could up the fat a little if you want also.

    Other than that, everything else seems to be covered. I would try and get some protein in each meal. (If your target is 100g and you eat 5 meals then aim for 20g per meal) Try to eat as much fresh food as possible, reduced processed food will reduce sodium intake. For breakfast, oats, whey protein and natural pb really fits the bill for a balanced nutritous breakfast that will get you started for the day.
  • maytes4u
    maytes4u Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I actually have lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks. I am working out, alot of cardio, burning about 800 calories per day and when it says I can eat more, I do not, I stick to my 1200 calories a day, except today, I cheated. So its working. Stick to your initial calories and do alot of cardio and you'll keep loosing. You can see my diary. :smile:
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    Hi there,

    When I first began changing the way I ate, I had a very similiar food diary. I received a lot of great advice, which DEFINITELY helped! Here's what I was told (and it's worked)

    1. I noticed that your carborhydrates settings are very high and your protein settings are low. I suggest upping your protein intake. Even if you don't ever reach your protein goal, you're at least becoming more aware of what does/doesn't have protein in it.

    2. I took a look at your food diary and your sodium is quite high on some days. Avoid going over 2500mg a day. It will keep you from seeing weight loss on the scale.

    3. Eat 200-400 calorie meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack. I know it's VERY hard eating breakfast and lunch (TRUST ME! I'm a teacher too and it's hard planning meals, fitting in time for food, etc.) I suggest you make little meals on Sunday and keep in them ziplocks to quickly grab each morning before you head out the door. Even a hardboiled egg and banana is better than not eating.

    4. Drink, drink, drink water! It will make a hugeee difference!

    Hope this helps! :)
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Good point, Shanally- a 20/40/40 split isn't for everyone- you have to really listen to your body and figure out what works for you. I saw a nutritionist/trainer and this was the recommendation for me.

    Keep at it- you're getting lots of good advice :smile:
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for all your help. You definitely nailed my problem with getting breakfast in (school starts at 7:15) and I was wondering about the exercise calories too. I do use a HRM and I go HARD on the treadmill and on my bike commute. I'm sure I'm building muscle but shouldn't I see inches start to drop?

    Good to know on the sodium, too. I'm ALWAYS surprised that the sodium is over because I feel like I stuff my mouth with veggies all the time.

    P.S. And I didn't enter dinner yet today. I'll do that now. :)
  • Hey,

    I read an interesting article the other day about calorie deficits that I think you should read (it's another topic in the MFP posts).

    With as much exercise as your getting on some days, you may not be eating enough. Or you may not be eating enough of the correct thing. It is important to fuel your body properly. If you eat 1200 calories then exercise and burn 800 calories, in reality you only provided your body with 400 cals. You are not giving your body what it needs to be successful (this is just an example).

    Also, skipping meals and consuming too many calories during a meal will make you store fat. Spread your food out over the day.

    Calories are important, but every calorie isn't created equal. I can eat 1200 calories worth of cake a day and lose weight, but that wouldn't be healthy. Each day in addition to counting calories I ask myself these questions:

    1. Did I eat enough servings of fruits and vegetables?
    2. Did I drink enough water?
    3. Was I active enough?
    4. Did I eat whole grains?
    5. How can I make tomorrow better?

    Most importantly, weight loss takes time. Don't be too hard on yourself. There are a lot of frustrating moments, but quitting is worse than continuing on. I gained back 15 lbs that I lost because I allowed my frustration to take over. If you are eating healthier today than you were in the past and you are exercising more don't stop because of the scale. Celebrate that accomplishment and appreciate how far you've come.
  • Hey,

    I read an interesting article the other day about calorie deficits that I think you should read (it's another topic in the MFP posts).

    With as much exercise as your getting on some days, you may not be eating enough. Or you may not be eating enough of the correct thing. It is important to fuel your body properly. If you eat 1200 calories then exercise and burn 800 calories, in reality you only provided your body with 400 cals. You are not giving your body what it needs to be successful (this is just an example).

    Also, skipping meals and consuming too many calories during a meal will make you store fat. Spread your food out over the day.

    Calories are important, but every calorie isn't created equal. I can eat 1200 calories worth of cake a day and lose weight, but that wouldn't be healthy. Each day in addition to counting calories I ask myself these questions:

    1. Did I eat enough servings of fruits and vegetables?
    2. Did I drink enough water?
    3. Was I active enough?
    4. Did I eat whole grains?
    5. How can I make tomorrow better?

    Most importantly, weight loss takes time. Don't be too hard on yourself. There are a lot of frustrating moments, but quitting is worse than continuing on. I gained back 15 lbs that I lost because I allowed my frustration to take over. If you are eating healthier today than you were in the past and you are exercising more don't stop because of the scale. Celebrate that accomplishment and appreciate how far you've come.
    These are great things to make ask yourself each day.... I ask them of myself as well, but i guess I was doing it without even realizing it. Great advise.
  • I would say eat smaller meals and snack throughout the day.

    Also, maybe cut back calories by 200 or so a day, if you can? I try to stay around 1200, net.
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