2014 is the year! Ideal Protein ideas and support?



  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow! I'm hoping it works, and I can stick to it :) It works and if I can stick to it believe e anyone can.:smile:
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    I lost 8 pounds this week.
  • I lost 60 lbs on Ideal Protein back in 2012. I never felt better or looked better in my life! Then I went on a 9- day cruise and went off the plan. Well, lets just say I never went back to IP and 4 months later i was heavier than I was before I started IP. I was so angry with myself that I became very depressed and gained even more weight. Well, two years later, I am fat, don't feel good physically, and am painful unhappy. I have tried other diets but none of them had the healing benefits, fast results, and ease of IP. So here I am again. Starting IP again! I am on day 6 of the diet. The first three days were awful but I woke up today and suddenly feel wonderful - like a cloud is lifted from over me. I feel alive and energetic and motivated again! I have a shake for breakfast, a big salad and an IP soup for lunch, meat and veggies for dinner, and a yummy pudding as a snack. I feel empowered. The hardest part for me is social gatherings - bringing my own food and forgoing beer and wine is very hard to me - you feel left out of the fun! But this time I am committed to doing it and using the four phases Properly! This diet truly works - it has a beginning and an end and my sacrifice is temporary! and to me it will be worth it to fit my old skinny clothes again! Would love to give and get support in here - I don't have a coach so would love to keep up discussions with fellow IP'ers ! I weigh myself on Wednesday morning. - hoping for a good decent weight loss !!!!
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for writing. I take it you are using real Ideal Protein or are you using alternatives?. I agree it is a great diet .I just cheated again after 8 days.:mad: But I am back on course again. I met another woman on another web site that had lost 70 pounds 3 years ago and kept it off. :smile:
  • JenKTx13
    JenKTx13 Posts: 17 Member
    The hardest part for me is social gatherings - bringing my own food and forgoing beer and wine is very hard to me - you feel left out of the fun! But this time I am committed to doing it and using the four phases Properly! This diet truly works - it has a beginning and an end and my sacrifice is temporary! and to me it will be worth it to fit my old skinny clothes again! Would love to give and get support in here - I don't have a coach so would love to keep up discussions with fellow IP'ers ! I weigh myself on Wednesday morning. - hoping for a good decent weight loss !!!!

    Buy some club soda or sparkling water, and Mio (water flavoring, in my store it's by the Crystal light). You can make a fizzy drink, and it looks like a cocktail.

    Also there's an IP group here if you're looking for friends and support. :)
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    I've checked the other Ideal Protein groups they haven't been active in 2 years. This is the current group.
  • JenKTx13
    JenKTx13 Posts: 17 Member
    There are more recent ones if you search under Community Groups, not just the message boards.
  • IPDZ
    IPDZ Posts: 4
    Hi, if you don't have a coach how do you buy the food or supplements, etc?

    Also, can one of you tell me what is "alternative" ideal protein diet?
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    I use alternative products. The alternative diet is different. It is basically for diabetics you can find out more on 3 fat chicks.
  • soliz360
    soliz360 Posts: 2 Member
    Do you still drop weight with that cheat?
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    What happened to the OP? One post and pfffft. I guess 2014 wasn't her year after all.:sad:
  • soliz360
    soliz360 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have been on the IP diet for 3 weeks and am down 13 pounds and 2 inches from my stomach!!! So excited about this diet. The first week was tough. I didn't think I was gonna make it. I even texted my coach saying "this food is gross will I ever like it" she replied "yes I think it's delicious". Some foods are still hard to eat....but you do get used to it. I used to get hungry early afternoon but now I just eat my 3rd IP packet at that time. I haven't exercised since starting but thinking of starting to walk. Wish me luck.
  • JenKTx13
    JenKTx13 Posts: 17 Member
    Do you still drop weight with that cheat?

    Which "cheat" - alternative products or the alternative plan?

    I've read that some people do well using alternative products. On the alternative plan, you lose weight more slowly but it's healthier for people with certain medical conditions, like diabetes.

    Congrats on your losses so far!
  • JanGlock
    JanGlock Posts: 75 Member
    My doctor switched from Ideal Protein to Healthwise products. I've been off and on it for the past few months and lost 20-25 pounds. The key is to not cheat but life happens. :) I can only do the shakes, smoothies and hot/cold drinks, the food taste pretty horrible to me.
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    Yes I still lost weight. Infact I lost 2 pounds since I started. Thanks for asking :smile:
  • classykaren
    classykaren Posts: 106 Member
    My doctor switched from Ideal Protein to Healthwise products. I've been off and on it for the past few months and lost 20-25 pounds. The key is to not cheat but life happens. :) I can only do the shakes, smoothies and hot/cold drinks, the food taste pretty horrible to me.
    I only make my own powder shakes and use the soups.
  • Hey everyone. Always looking for Ideal Protein Buddies. Pretty good with recipes, motivation, question and answer. I'm on about 60 pounds lost. Just started with fitness pal instead of a written diary. Add me. Love to watch us all SUCCEED!
  • I, too am a big fan of IP. I have lost about 100 lbs. on IP over the course of a year with a couple of breaks. Ketosis is the key to everything - fat loss, increased energy - and my favorite part CLARITY. My challenge is the last 20-30 lbs. I keep "slipping" off Phase 1 for various reasons (cheats). Any suggestions from graduates or others trying to finish about how you knew when you were "done" with phase 1?
  • Bubbles6500
    Bubbles6500 Posts: 2 Member
    I finished week one phase 1 tonight. Go in tomorrow morning for measurements. I haven't been all that hungry. I haven't cheated at all. Engery level is definitely down. I would like to loose about 30lbs. I find this diet easy to stay on as there is more food then I can eat and i do not feel deprived. I have watched the videos and they have been helpful. Excited to try the vanilla premix with some iced espresso. I think that might be a new fav of mine. I look forward to what is to come. Thanks for starting this thread. Please keep posting some tips and tricks that will be helpful.
  • Blondie3304
    Blondie3304 Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your loss with IP. I think that you are done with Phase 1 when you reach your goal weight. I never quite got to my goal weight and now am pursuing it again... but I think in Phase 2 you slowly decrease packets and start to substitute other healthy "real " food. It is up to you to decide when you are ready to maintain what you have vs. keep losing. If you are feeling healthy, like the way you look and the way clothes fit.. you might be done and ready to maintain. You are an inspiration for us all. :)