Hey all. I could use some words of advice!! :)

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
I have been thinking about something lately and I wanted to just vent about it a bit and get some words of advice.

I think some of you know that my husband and I are planning to start trying for baby #2 in a couple of months. I don't think I will be at my exact goal weight by then, but hopefully I will be close and at least within the healthy weight range for myself. I am currenly 162.5 and my goal weight is 135. I hope to be in at least the 140's by the time I get pregnant. We shall see! I know it starts to take a little longer. I think the healthy range for my height is like 115 - 155 or something like that. It may take me awhile to get pregnant too! I really don't know.

I am just worried about what it will be like to go from eating so much less and exercising SO much to having to eat at maintenance level and even a tad more after the 1st trimester. I know, poor Tami! LOL But, I have been doing this for SO long and am so mentally into it and so used to doing what I need to do, that I am afraid it might be hard for me to change my mindframe. I am not into starving at all and want to be healthy for both myself and the baby I hope to have. I guess I just need some advice on how to mentally prepare myself for not cutting calories for at least 9 months! I know I will also have to limit some of the exercise I do. It's all a mental thing and I am wondering how to do it!



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I have been thinking about something lately and I wanted to just vent about it a bit and get some words of advice.

    I think some of you know that my husband and I are planning to start trying for baby #2 in a couple of months. I don't think I will be at my exact goal weight by then, but hopefully I will be close and at least within the healthy weight range for myself. I am currenly 162.5 and my goal weight is 135. I hope to be in at least the 140's by the time I get pregnant. We shall see! I know it starts to take a little longer. I think the healthy range for my height is like 115 - 155 or something like that. It may take me awhile to get pregnant too! I really don't know.

    I am just worried about what it will be like to go from eating so much less and exercising SO much to having to eat at maintenance level and even a tad more after the 1st trimester. I know, poor Tami! LOL But, I have been doing this for SO long and am so mentally into it and so used to doing what I need to do, that I am afraid it might be hard for me to change my mindframe. I am not into starving at all and want to be healthy for both myself and the baby I hope to have. I guess I just need some advice on how to mentally prepare myself for not cutting calories for at least 9 months! I know I will also have to limit some of the exercise I do. It's all a mental thing and I am wondering how to do it!

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    When I was approaching my goal weight, I was terrified at the prospect of being able to eat "non-approved diet foods". But fwiw, eating healthy really is a mindset and I haven't really gotten out of control. (Well....with my eating) :embarassed:

    I think that since you're in the healthy eating/exercising frame of mind, you'll be able to lose the baby-weight a lot faster and it won't be such a struggle to lose it all. :smile:

    Now, go make JT a sister! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    I had my 9th baby last November, and with my last 4 babies I was terrified to gain too much weight because I was too heavy beginning the pregnancies. So, I just ate normal, not "for two." And with my 2 year old's pregnancy, I had been running faithfully beforehand, so I continued it until my 37th week-- I was quite a sight, but I bought a tummy support system and jogged right up till the end. Bottom line, I ended with a 15 pound gain with each pregnancy, which, when all the baby weight and water, and gluk and gloop came out, resulted in a 10 pound net loss at my 6 week check up. (now, I gained it back due to bad stress eating afterwards, each flippin' time-- but I digress :) )

    You're so dedicated, you won't lose control. Just reject the "eating for two" mentality, and continue the healthy eating and activity you've mastered thus far and you'll be fine.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    And congrats on the 3 more pounds-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • WMayfield
    I agree. It's been a while since I was pregant (my youngest just turned 9), but I noticed that when I exercised while pregnant--doing whatever I could do safely--the whole pregnancy and afterward went better. I know there are guidelines as to how many extra calories you should consume while pregnant (I'm thinking 500 a day). Just figure those into your eating/exercise plan and make sure you eat all your required calories and don't go over too often.

    I can understand that after losing so much weight, you'd be scared about regaining, but you're probably in much better mental and physical shape to handle the changes.

    Good luck!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks you guys!

    I am not so much afraid of gaining weight because I am realistic and know what the weight will be for. I also feel like I can be in control of myself. It's just wrapping my brain around the fact that I won't be cutting calories to lose but instead eating enough to maintain. At least I have a couple of months to get used to the idea! haha

    It's just going to be weird!! And I am pretty dedicated to working out pretty hard. I burn like 1000-1100 cals with a combo of ellipticals, treadmill and weights. Maybe I can look at my pregnancy as a opportunity to try different things out like pilates and yoga to keep myself strong and fit.

    And Shannon, I have a feeling that if I get pregnant again, I may end up having another boy! LOL! Boys are dominant in my husbands side of the family and I read somewhere that the hubbys side is what determines it. *SHRUG*..who knows! :wink:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    And congrats on the 3 more pounds-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks! It was actually 2.5 lbs but this site rounds up! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    And congrats on the 3 more pounds-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks! It was actually 2.5 lbs but this site rounds up! :laugh:

    Yes, I know (she says with glee) I only lost another 1.5, but it rounded to two-- looks so nice!!!)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    ok now I really am not an expert here(yet) cause I dont have kids but I do read all articles in fitness magazines that I can. I do know an average of 40lbs gained is to be expected. In order to maintain a healthy pregnancy a good god friend of mine told her it IS OK to exercise and just dont do anything crazy( like run a marathon hahahaha). But eat your healthy fats your omega 3's sweetie, NOW but when you are preggers read up on your fish there are a LOT or mercury warnings I grabbed a pamphlet at the whole foods about it. Thats my read up but not personal expertise...and congrats on 3 more!!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    You don't have to greatly limit your exercise, at least not right away. Since you've been exercising for so long, you're well conditioned, so it's safe to exercise at a level near what you've been doing. Once you start to show, the extra weight of the baby will make things more challenging, and there will be certain things to avoid like high intensity cardio (running/sprinting can limit oxygen that goes to you and your baby), squatting, and lying on your back. So you can still work on the ellipticals and cardio machines while monitoring your HR, and replace those exercises with Nautilus machines like leg extension and curl and the chest press. Other than that, you can still challenge yourself throughout your entire pregnancy. One woman I took a step class with did step on the day she went into labor! And she was in better shape than I was! Good luck with the baby making! :happy:
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    I do know an average of 40lbs gained is to be expected.

    Not an expert here either, just started reading various things myself, cos I sure want to try soon, too. What I read is that is all depends on your BMI, and it's possible to gain just little (I think even as little as only 25lbs, but don't take my word for it).

    In fact, I wasn't going to answer Tami, but rather take the same question further (just cos of my own worries). How's one supposed to healthy eat when pregnant? I seem to be unable to eat right unless I control my calories strictly. Is it a bad practice to keep a food journal while pregnant? I am so worried about this :embarassed: and it hasn't even started yet! :blushing: .
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hey, I haven't been posting in awhile because I've just been kinda blah as far as weight loss is concerned, but when I read your post I felt I had to respond. I had pretty much lost alI wanted to when hubby and I decided to get pregnant again. Hubby was concerned that I would stop being careful with what I ate and gain back my weight putting myself in another deep depression. I thought I had it in the bag. I was wrong. I started eating junk food all the time using pregnancy cravings as an excuse plus I stopped exercising, again using pregnancy as an excuse. I didn't gain back all my weight but enough to where I'm not happy with myself again, and now using depression as an excuse to eat.

    Basically it was a little different with me because I struggled with depression, but my little guy is so worth what I'm fighting, you already have a little guy so you know what I mean when I say that. With that being said I guess what I'm trying to get to is just try to keep up with what you've been doing, stay strong, keep exersizing (under dr's care, of course). So my advice is enjoy getting pregnant, enjoy being pregnant, be mindful of what your eating (but give into cravings once in awhile haha) and stay active. I let myself go and have a hard time fully enjoying being a mom now because I'm wasting so much time concentrating on how much I weigh. Don't make the same mistakes I did, and have fun with it!!
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35

    I burn like 1000-1100 cals with a combo of ellipticals, treadmill and weights.

    How long do you work out for? I would love to up my work outs to that level. For example I ran at 6.0mph for 50min and I only burned 538 calories. I bought a HRM watch and took a 2hour walk up and down hills with my kids and it said I only burned 307 calories.
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    Sorry, i haven't figured out the whole "quote" thing yet.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok so it has been 21 years since I gave birth, but I remember...oh how I remember.

    I gained 54 pounds with my 1st child.

    I learned the most with my daughter. I had gestantional(sic) diabetes and was put on a strict diet. I was concerned as I was always told you had to 'eat for two". My dr advised me you really do not need to change much when you get pregnant and it isnt supposed to be a free for all on the food binges.

    I had to count every calorie, watch all my sugar and weigh in weekly. I gained 18 pounds. I walked out of the hospital at 115 pounds with a healthy baby and healthy body.

    I do not see anything wrong with a food diary when you are pregnant. It is good to see what you have eaten throughout the day.

    Tam I think you will do fine. You have a great attitude, lost of support and most of all you know how to be healthy. Prayer to fertility G>d for ya kiddo!
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    How exciting, Tami! Much luck, love and good blessings on trying :heart:

    And as far as the weight issue... If anyone can do it... it's you. You're our inspiration and our motivation and I know that you'll be doing what's best for yourself and the little one and staying in shape during the pregnacny and afterwards -- you've got the kind of willpower and mindset that some of us dream of having -- there's no doubt in my mind that you'll do the best you can and after having your second you'll be right back on track the way you are now. Those second pregnancy pounds will melt right off as if they were never there!

    We all believe in you :heart: and of course we'll all be here to support you the entire way because that's what families do!

  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member

    How much weight should I gain during my pregnancy?

    It depends on your height and weight, or body mass index (BMI), before you conceived. You can calculate your BMI here.

    If pre-pregnancy weight was in the healthy range for your height according to your healthcare provider (a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9), you should gain between 25 and 35 pounds, gaining 2 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and about 1 pound per week for the rest of your pregnancy for the optimal growth of your baby.

    If you were underweight for your height at conception (a BMI below 18.5), you should gain 28 to 40 pounds. If you were overweight for your height (a BMI of 25 to 29.9), you should gain 15 to 25 pounds. If you were obese (a BMI of 30 or higher), you should gain no more than 15 pounds. If you're having twins you should gain about 35 to 45 pounds. If you fall into any of these four categories, talk to your healthcare provider about how much you should gain each month.
    If you've struggled with controlling your weight in the past, or even if you've never dieted in your life, you may have a hard time accepting that it's okay to gain weight now. It's normal to feel anxious and even depressed as the numbers on the scale edge up. Try to keep in mind, however, that the extra weight is important for a healthy pregnancy and that those extra pounds will eventually come off after you've had the baby. And it's important to pay more attention to how well you're eating than to how much you gain.

    "Tracking your weight gain weekly may help you feel more in control and give you a chance to make some adjustments in your eating before the total weight gain gets out of control," suggests Julie Redfern, R.D., L.D.N., senior nutritionist in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. Cutting out junk food and exercising regularly (after first checking with your healthcare provider about what you can do safely) can make a positive difference in how you feel during pregnancy. Pregnant women should increase their daily intake by 300 calories per day.

    If you've struggled with controlling your weight in the past, or even if you've never dieted in your life, you may have a hard time accepting that it's okay to gain weight now. It's normal to feel anxious and even depressed as the numbers on the scale edge up. Try to keep in mind, however, that the extra weight is important for a healthy pregnancy and that those extra pounds will eventually come off after you've had the baby. And it's important to pay more attention to how well you're eating than to how much you gain.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    ok now I really am not an expert here(yet) cause I dont have kids but I do read all articles in fitness magazines that I can. I do know an average of 40lbs gained is to be expected. In order to maintain a healthy pregnancy a good god friend of mine told her it IS OK to exercise and just dont do anything crazy( like run a marathon hahahaha). But eat your healthy fats your omega 3's sweetie, NOW but when you are preggers read up on your fish there are a LOT or mercury warnings I grabbed a pamphlet at the whole foods about it. Thats my read up but not personal expertise...and congrats on 3 more!!!!
    I plan on eating more healthy fish while pregnant this time around. I know to avoid a lot of tuna and swordfish, etc...because of the mercury! And funny, last time, tuna fish sandwiches were all I craved!! :grumble: :laugh:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I was kind of wondering the same stuff with my own weight goals and how this will work:smile:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    You don't have to greatly limit your exercise, at least not right away. Since you've been exercising for so long, you're well conditioned, so it's safe to exercise at a level near what you've been doing. Once you start to show, the extra weight of the baby will make things more challenging, and there will be certain things to avoid like high intensity cardio (running/sprinting can limit oxygen that goes to you and your baby), squatting, and lying on your back. So you can still work on the ellipticals and cardio machines while monitoring your HR, and replace those exercises with Nautilus machines like leg extension and curl and the chest press. Other than that, you can still challenge yourself throughout your entire pregnancy. One woman I took a step class with did step on the day she went into labor! And she was in better shape than I was! Good luck with the baby making! :happy:
    Yeah, the last time, even though I was very overweight, I WAS going to the gym and worked out pretty regularly until my 3rd trimester when I got bad groin pain...then I put my gym membership on hold. I had read to keep your HR at 140 or below, so I would do it. I will do that this time around as well (HOPEFULLY). I think I am just to avoid straining myself at all. I hope to be one of those super healthy,pregnant women who bounces back quick this time! :)