1200 calories plus exercise and I have Gained Help Please!



  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday usually, but it's never over 7000 calories.i have opened my diary if that's any help :-)
    You have a cheat DAY every Fri? Never over 7000 cals? Well your cheat day could be derailing your efforts. 7000 cals? Wow. If you feel the need to eat that much, it is possible you are not eating enough during the week.
    Other than that, we would have to see your diary. I'll restayd the obvious, be sure you are weighing your food and logging accurately. Check your sodium levels as well, if you had a high sodium meal it could cause you to retain water. Increased exercise will do the same.
  • cut your carbs down to 100 and make sure your calories are accurate and drink plenty of water.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday usually, but it's never over 7000 calories.i have opened my diary if that's any help :-)

    It's never over 7000 calories?!?!?!?! In one day? Wow, you cheat HARD, my dear. I would knock that off, and see how things go...
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    This is why I weigh myself twice a day, and every night I weigh about 2 pounds more than I did in the morning, due to water, food, whatever. And the next morning it is gone and back to the lower number.

    My guess is water weight.
  • also 1500 would prob be better
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday usually, but it's never over 7000 calories.i have opened my diary if that's any help :-)
    You have a cheat DAY every Fri? Never over 7000 cals? Well your cheat day could be derailing your efforts. 7000 cals? Wow. If you feel the need to eat that much, it is possible you are not eating enough during the week.

    OP was making that point that she is no where near 7000 calories on her cheat day.....to put on 2 lbs...
    She just chose poor wording when making that statement, so it looked like she was actually eating near 7000 calories, when in fact her cheat day was around 1700 - 1800
  • 2thesexydress
    2thesexydress Posts: 54 Member
    The same thing happened to me, and Adam whose on MFP kindly told me what i was doing wrong.

    Your daily goal says 1719 (daily plus exercise) and you are eating less than 1200 so your body thinks its in starvation mode and its going to hang on to your fat, its not allowing it to leave, it thinks you are in a famine.

    It says you have done 439 calories extra and your remaining calories are 533 calories, either eat the exercise calories or eat half of them, so you need to have over your 1200 calories.

    I would add one more meal to your day, with more protein. xx
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Your sodium looks a bit high. I may be projecting, because I retain a lot water w/my sodium intake, so just my two cents. Also, TOM can do a bit. I also recall when I was actively losing more, I'd be up a few lbs, then back down randomly,

    Best of luck.

    There seems to be a lot of prepared foods in the diary, but often very little sodium recorded. For example, the Coronet Salad Creme is recorded as having 0 sodium, but according to their website there is 700mg per 100g/ml! Make sure you are tracking accurately, and keep an eye on the sodium as it will make you retain water.
  • stats plz

    12 stone 5
    Active daily I work out at least 450 calories a day.
    I looked at your diary.

    Not every food entry in the MFP database is correct. You have to do some research to ensure correct entries. Therefore, you could be underestimating calories, even if you do weight and log food. Check this link out: www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1234699-logging-accurately-step-by-step-guide

    Also, you log cleaning as exercise. Stop doing this because that is part of your activity level. It also looks to me like you are overestimating those calorie burns. Where are you getting them from? MFP, internet, and gym machine OVERESTIMATE those calories burned. Cut them to 3/4 or even half, and you should be fine.

    Unless you have some medical condition, you are not gaining weight on 1200 calories. If you truly feel you are eating this low amount and gaining weight, it's time to go to the doctor.

    My favorite saying these days is that nobody gets to be a special snowflake when it comes to weight loss.

    Thank you for.looking could you tell me how I'm measuring them incorrectly? I put cleaning an walking as I can't find gym on there and I wear a stepper and fitness calculator daily to clock the calories I burn I don't use mfp fitness calculator for my work outs.
  • I have a cheat day every Friday usually, but it's never over 7000 calories.i have opened my diary if that's any help :-)
    You have a cheat DAY every Fri? Never over 7000 cals? Well your cheat day could be derailing your efforts. 7000 cals? Wow. If you feel the need to eat that much, it is possible you are not eating enough during the week.
    Other than that, we would have to see your diary. I'll restayd the obvious, be sure you are weighing your food and logging accurately. Check your sodium levels as well, if you had a high sodium meal it could cause you to retain water. Increased exercise will do the same.

    Please read I don't have a cheat of 7000 calories I can just about eat 1200 calories a day my diary will show u my cheat day was 1700 calories
  • bazarn
    bazarn Posts: 80 Member
    Your sodium looks a bit high. I may be projecting, because I retain a lot water w/my sodium intake, so just my two cents. Also, TOM can do a bit. I also recall when I was actively losing more, I'd be up a few lbs, then back down randomly,

    Best of luck.

    This. When I get on my period I gain 5 lbs OVERNIGHT. And when I'm switching from "clean" eating (lots of fruits and veggies, low added sugars/salts/oils/etc) to eating lots of meat, dairy, bread, sodium, etc. I also gain about 5 lbs practically overnight. Both due to water retention and to, erm...digestive stuff.
    And I agree with the others that you may not be eating enough to power through your workouts. Plus, if you're lifting weights you might be seeing some "newbie gains," as they say in here. And water retention when working out hard...that will add to the number you see on the scale too.
    I also agree that you should start taking measurements.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    5 pound loss in 2 weeks is great. Scale being up 2 pounds in one day is nothing to worry about. Body weight fluctuates, and sometimes it will tick up. But downward over time is what you want. And over time, you're down.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Unless your obese I don't see long term benefits of eating 1200 calories per day!!!
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    Well... a few tips for you that are working for me...

    When looking for food on MFP chose the ones that have more confirmations... and always adjust your calorie burn LOWER, because they are over estimated in here (usually!) I run every day for 30 to 40 minutes, at 3.8 to 4 mph and I only count it as a 100 cal burn... I loose about 2 pounds per week... Cheating day doesn't work for me because that day you are not looking at the real excess in sodium or fat, I know we concentrate in Calories but a bag of spicy cheetos will make you retain water like CRAZY! hahahahah, Try to add little yummies into your diet, every day, I have a little chocolate or a cookie, and fits right into my calorie "budget" that way you don't binge! besides, check you cycle.

    I have SEVERE PMS and the week before my period I retain about 2 pounds that will flush out the week after =/ ...good luck and take it easy sweety, weight yourself every day if you most but log only once every week, that way, even if you bounce up and down you will see the tendency of loosing !
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I have a cheat day every Friday usually, but it's never over 7000 calories.i have opened my diary if that's any help :-)
    You have a cheat DAY every Fri? Never over 7000 cals? Well your cheat day could be derailing your efforts. 7000 cals? Wow. If you feel the need to eat that much, it is possible you are not eating enough during the week.

    OP was making that point that she is no where near 7000 calories on her cheat day.....to put on 2 lbs...
    She just chose poor wording when making that statement, so it looked like she was actually eating near 7000 calories, when in fact her cheat day was around 1700 - 1800

    Ok. That makes better sense. Thank you for the clarification!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    stats plz

    12 stone 5
    Active daily I work out at least 450 calories a day.
    I looked at your diary.

    Not every food entry in the MFP database is correct. You have to do some research to ensure correct entries. Therefore, you could be underestimating calories, even if you do weight and log food. Check this link out: www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1234699-logging-accurately-step-by-step-guide

    Also, you log cleaning as exercise. Stop doing this because that is part of your activity level. It also looks to me like you are overestimating those calorie burns. Where are you getting them from? MFP, internet, and gym machine OVERESTIMATE those calories burned. Cut them to 3/4 or even half, and you should be fine.

    Unless you have some medical condition, you are not gaining weight on 1200 calories. If you truly feel you are eating this low amount and gaining weight, it's time to go to the doctor.

    My favorite saying these days is that nobody gets to be a special snowflake when it comes to weight loss.

    Thank you for.looking could you tell me how I'm measuring them incorrectly? I put cleaning an walking as I can't find gym on there and I wear a stepper and fitness calculator daily to clock the calories I burn I don't use mfp fitness calculator for my work outs.
    I don't say you are measuring incorrectly, but that perhaps you are unknowingly choosing incorrect entries. For example, there are often several entries with different calorie amounts for 20 grams of the same food. I've run across this so often that I (1) read packages and often enter the food by grams into the database and (2) do my own research for the USDA nutrition information.

    It's easy to choose incorrect entries. The link I provided gives information on choosing correct entries.

    I understand about the fitness calculator (app on iphone?), but even those can be overestimated.

    The point is that your numbers have to be messed up somewhere, otherwise you would be losing weight. I've been there too.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    You need to eat your exercise calories or you are putting your body into starvation mode.

    Also a cheat day should never ever be that much!
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    I had same problem believe it or not i started eating 1600 calories, worked out no more than 5 days a week. Not only that i did strength training with cardio and stopped eating 3 hours before bed. Please try eating 1800 calories and watch and see after 2 weeks. Ate more and lost weight.:bigsmile:
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    You need to eat your exercise calories or you are putting your body into starvation mode.

    Also a cheat day should never ever be that much!

    OP clarified her 7000-calorie statement many times.

    On some forums, failing to read EVERY reply in a thread before posting got you banned from posting. That policy would seriously cut down on thread lengths here.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You need to eat your exercise calories or you are putting your body into starvation mode.
    This is not true.

    However, if you believe it to be true, please share a citation to a peer reviewed study that supports this.