What does it actually feel like?



  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    People treat me with more kindness now, although rude people barge into me more because I'm small.
    I feel stronger, and I'm so much fitter, but at the same time I am nearly always cold, and when I'm sick I look frail as hell.

    Honestly though, I didn't start to feel smaller until my brain realised just how much I'd changed... it was like my brain had to play catch-up to my body. It suddenly dawned on me that I was smacking my hip bones into walls by accident, rather than my stomach. When dropping something, I could no longer just push my knees together to catch it, because there was a gap. And heavens, I miss being able to lie down on my side without rolling over. My flab held me up but down I just end up face down.

    Mostly though, having been obese through all my life until my loss, I was amazed at just how many bones I had. I'd never felt some of them before, and I sure hadn't seen any before that point!
  • fitrookster
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    1. Feel great
    2. Look great
    3. Walking is easier
    4. Heck, all exercises are easier
    5. Sleep is sweeter
    6. My husband enjoys the new, smaller me more
    7. My attitude towards life in general is better and healthier
    8. I fit in any seat I choose to sit in - including airplane seats
    9. I don't have to look around every place I go to see if I am the fattest person in the room
    10. I get to shop in normal stores for normal sized clothes (And they are cheaper)
    11. People say I look younger and I certainly feel younger
    12. I have more energy for my family and grandkids
    13. I can still talk on the phone while running up and down the stairs
    14. I no longer have a consuming relationship with food. It's just fuel… I enjoy it but it no longer consumes me.
    15. I like to be anonymous and being thin makes me feel anonymous. Before, I always felt like people were looking at me and judging. Which we all know is probably true! We are judged differently when we are fat.
    16. I am enjoying life more!

  • jharwell58
    jharwell58 Posts: 30 Member
    Having more confidence in my abilities...whether at work or riding my bike...priceless

    Not caring what other people think about me because I KNOW I take care of myself and I KNOW I am a worthy human being...that feeling of knowing is awesome. When I was fat I had a feeling of knowing I didn't care about myself, and it depressed me a great deal.

    lying in bed: feeling my stomach, my legs, my HIP BONES....awesome....I actually feel flatness, muscles, and bones!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I previously lost 90 pounds, was slim for about 18 months and then got pregnant. I'm back here to lose the baby weight.

    The biggest thing I noticed (other than all the other things others have mentioned) was that I had a strange view of myself. I don't know if I would call it body dysmorphia, but I still didn't really see myself as a slim/ fit person. I would often catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and be surprised that was me because I'd forgotten that I was now "normal". I don't know if I just needed more time to wrap my head around it? I'm curious to see if this time around will be different.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I love the feeling of putting my seatbelt on in the car and looking down and still seeing the lap part of the belt just laying across my hips (not being eaten by a fat roll). Sitting in chairs and having space left on either side. Rings that used to fit tightly on my ring finger now swirl around on my middle finger and thumb. Having to wear a belt (and actually having it be a cute accessory). Laying next to my man on the couch...yep we both fit together there and snuggle up. I get treated WAY differently being smaller than I did when I was heavy. People now notice me for reasons other than being fat. Wearing clothes that fit my body and not having to suck it in all the time. I still could stand to lose 15-20 pounds, but the size I am now is 'fine' ---- but a girl's got goals :tongue:
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    1. I can wear everything from my closet and walk around confidently without pulling things down or sucking my stomach in or worrying about whether my *kitten* looks too big.
    2. I can fold my legs and sit, as in one leg over the other when sitting on a couch/chair. I wasn't able to do this before when there was too much fat on my thighs.
    3. People seem to ignore me less and talk to me more. Also, a LOT more small talk from the same people who would never speak to me more than what was required. What's up with that lol!
    4. Reaching for the small or xsmall sizes at clothing stores and finding them loose sometimes.
    5. When I go out with friends, I'm no longer the fat friend.
    6. I don't have 3 tires on my tummy anymore!
    7. I can lift heavy things, run if I'm late, hike and climb things without being completely winded and that feels amazing.
    8. I have no backache anymore!
    9. I no longer wait for winter so I can cover myself up in coats and sweaters and hope no one notices the bulges.
    10. Confidence, confidence, confidence, confidence.
    11. I used to hate looking at myself in the mirror. All I could do was pick faults when I did. Now I don't mind it one bit!
  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    I still have a significant amount of weight to lose, but I can tell you some of the changes I have expeirneced since eating well and working out:

    1) I'm approx. 20 pounds heavier than when I got married, but my wedding dress literally falls off. it was a 20W and I recently purchased a dress by the same designer at a 14W. to be sure, I put a 20 on and it was hanging off of me, just like my wedding dress. The 14 needed no alterations and fit perfectly!

    2) When I go to lift weights, bootcamp, yoga, or go running, I surprise myself with how much I can do at varying intensities.

    3) I can do exactly one unassisted pull up. I can do many more with a band....I haven't been able to do it since high school.

    There's a lot that that hasn't changed, but im working on it. I find that I get upset that I haven't made more progress, but I have to stop and think what I have accomplished so far. if I didnt, I would feel utterly hopeless and run the risk of giving up. I think its important to keep in mind what you have already done. OP, what victories have you made so far? Please share with us!
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    when i was at my heaviest, my breasts were very large (this is compared to the "B" cup i used to be, at my heaviest, i was a 42DDD)
    after i lost weight, i lost alot in my breasts/chest. one day, i noticed that i didn't hit them with the door when i opened it! i was thinking to myself, "WOW! my boobs don't hit the door anymore!" it was a wonderful day. :smile:
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I LOVE reading all these!! I still have a long ways to go, but after losing 52 pounds there are soooo many things that are different for me. Here are a few of my favorites:

    - my seatbelt fits around me now without cutting me in half and
    - when I get in others people's cars, I don't worry if the seatbelt will fit around me
    - I can sit in a booth at a restaurant and not worry if I will fit
    - I hold my head up when I walk now and I smile more
    - I have had to get RID of clothes because they're too big! that's never happened to me before
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    - I have had to get RID of clothes because they're too big! that's never happened to me before

    I am sooo looking forward to this one!!
  • VanillaGorillaUK
    VanillaGorillaUK Posts: 342 Member
    Feeling normal - not embarrassed.

    Feeling confident - not ashamed.
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    Actually enjoying clothes shopping and looking in mirrors, rather than avoiding both like the plague.

    Catching a glimpse of yourself in a reflection and getting a nice "I look good" boost, rather than feeling disgusted and defeated.

    Not feeling paranoid that people will look at me and think, "She's chubby".
  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    - you can put a towel around you and it covers everything
    - you don't have to worry if a seat belt will fit you
    - you can go through a turn style and not worry if you will fit through it
    - you can fit into one of those plastic yard chairs
    - now that you can fit into that plastic yard chair it will not break beneath you
    - you can sit in a theater seat comfortably
    - you don't have to scope out the sturdiest chair for fear of breaking others
    - you can sit in a booth and not have to ask for a table
    - you can pull anything out of your closet and it fits
    - you can buy "souvenir" shirts because you don't need a special, extra big limited size and wont fit anyway shirt
    - you can actually wear someone else's clothes in an emergency
    - you have to adjust the seat in your car because its to far away from the pedals now
    - you can use a step stool with out fear it will collapse
    - you can go on carnival type rides because you don't have to worry about the weight limit or fitting in to the seat
    - you can buy clothes at stores and not from catalogs (if you want)
    - you can fit through smaller spots and don't have to strategize your exit from rooms / restaurants
    - you can get in and out of cars easier
    - you can be amazed when you are folding and putting away clothes that you can actually fit in to that, because it looks so small
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    - you can put a towel around you and it covers everything
    - you don't have to worry if a seat belt will fit you
    - you can go through a turn style and not worry if you will fit through it
    - you can fit into one of those plastic yard chairs
    - now that you can fit into that plastic yard chair it will not break beneath you
    - you can sit in a theater seat comfortably
    - you don't have to scope out the sturdiest chair for fear of breaking others
    - you can sit in a booth and not have to ask for a table
    - you can pull anything out of your closet and it fits
    - you can buy "souvenir" shirts because you don't need a special, extra big limited size and wont fit anyway shirt
    - you can actually wear someone else's clothes in an emergency
    - you have to adjust the seat in your car because its to far away from the pedals now
    - you can use a step stool with out fear it will collapse
    - you can go on carnival type rides because you don't have to worry about the weight limit or fitting in to the seat
    - you can buy clothes at stores and not from catalogs (if you want)
    - you can fit through smaller spots and don't have to strategize your exit from rooms / restaurants
    - you can get in and out of cars easier
    - you can be amazed when you are folding and putting away clothes that you can actually fit in to that, because it looks so small

    These, are all excellent! Another thing I'm looking forward to is doing less clothing washes because I can fit more, smaller clothes into one load! Think of the money saved!

    Ah you are all amazing! You have all helped me vision the greater things to come!

    Thank you all! And all the others to come, I look forward to so many more!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's nice when your legs don't chafe any longer when walking and your arms don't chafe against your sides. Also when your feet and ankles don't hurt any more because there isn't excess weight on them. shirts not riding up on the belly, shirts not pinching in the arms/armholes, being able to find clothing easily, not having your knees crack and pop as you go up the stairs, not having a double chin. Those are the big ones for me. When I was fat I dealt with all those things every day and they wore me down.
  • chadnsawsha
    Indescribable ...accomplished even though its only 3 pounds...celebrate tiny victories
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    I have never been as small as I am now (at least since Jr high :wink: ) and am experiencing all sorts of surprising & new things.

    *Boom - Chicka - Wow - Wow

    LOL, I was going to say that, but I didn't want to be "that guy" so early in the thread.

    There's no better place where the new gained confidence is better displayed and appreciated.

    Gotta add going to the beach/pool and removing the shirt is great as well, although I still find myself being self-conscious a bit more than perhaps I should as I guess you never look completely the way you want.
  • jzs20
    jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
    Let's be honest Everything is better... everything.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member

    These posts are really helping me today, I need it!!