Your most stupid injury



  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    When i was about 10 or so i was out bike riding with my neighbor friend and we were going down a hill beside my grandparents house way to fast. It was gravel and had just been grated, i hit a big rock and flew over my handlebars and landed in a ditch at the end of their driveway. Drove the corner of my glasses into my forehead by my temple. My grandmother had to pry the piece out with her fingernail. I ended up with 5 stitches. My friends mother still remembers the day clearly because i had a white california raisons sweatshirt on and there was so much blood on it that he ran home as fast as he could go screaming,
    " Ma!, Kathy's DEAD!!" Left me alone to stumble in the house and scare the crap out of my grandmother who luckily was a nurse. Good times.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Ice storm.
    Driveway slopes down toward the street.
    Flat soled shoes.
    Great fun skating on the driveway.
    Idea! Open the garage door & get a running start at the ice.
    More speed = skate farther.
    Slid all the way into the street where car tires had melted the ice.
    Bare asphalt.
    Reached it.
    Feet came to a sudden stop, but everything above that kept going.
    Left arm between body & asphalt.
    Broken wrist.
  • SyzygyX
    SyzygyX Posts: 189 Member
    In second grade, I was playing this bizarre game with a classmate, where, essentially, one of us would try to be firmly in our seat before the other one could stand up fully. My opponent had the idea to use her pencil as a trap; she intended to set it horizontally on my seat so I would, presumably, roll off my chair and onto the floor. But I was SO GOOD at the game, so fast, that I ended up planting right down on the vertical pencil, which proceeded to slam into my leg, right up on my inner thigh near my vagina, nestled between my skin and the muscles protecting my organs.

    I ran shrieking from the room and was told to lay down, with my leg cocked up, until someone arrived to take me to the hospital. Got to miss a week of school, so that was...I mean, I would have rather been in school.

    Another time, I was running through the kitchen with my lunch plate and silverware, and I slipped and my fork got stuck in my hand. Wheee!
  • Dropping a cast iron frying pan on my toe.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    Last December I was running with my two dogs: 60lb pit mix and 85lb shepherd mix. We were halfway across a wooden bridge when a truck started crossing it behind us.

    Sound and vibration of the truck whapping against the wooden slats freaked out big dog. He ran out in front, circled behind and wrapped the leash around my ankles. Down we went at 5.5 miles/hour. I landed on my left side, breaking my glenoid and tearing the rotator cuff.

    Truck driver stopped and tried to help, but big dog is now over his fright and has become overly protective of me, growling and snarling at the man. I waved him away, literally crawled off the bridge to the shoulder (grassy thank goodness) where I laid for 30 minutes until I could stand up without passing out.

    Still can't raise my left arm beyond 90 degrees. We no longer cross wooden bridges.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    Falling down ONE step (not that I like to admit it, but it was ONE FREAKING step!) and severely spraining both of my ankles. Ligaments completely torn on both. Needed an ambulance ride, and couldn't walk properly for months. Terrible injury but definitely a stupid one ( was one stupid step.....*sigh*) Can still feel it if I move my ankles a certain way, and it was 6 years ago.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I pulled something in my back zipping up my fly at work. :embarassed:
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I pulled something in my back zipping up my fly at work. :embarassed:

    I am SO sorry that that made me chuckle. lol :(
  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    I was at a concert and had a sweet spot in the pit right in front of the stage, but it was at an arena and I was in front of a huge speaker and wanted earplugs to dampen the sound if it got too loud. But I didn't want to lose my spot so I crumpled up some paper I had in my pockets and stuffed them in my ears. It got painfully lodged in there where neither I or my wife could get them out and ended up at the emergency room to get them removed. Doh!
  • I was walking up the stairs in a pair of slippers and fell, I consider this day as the day I fell up the stairs
  • dfiorillo
    dfiorillo Posts: 4 Member
    Helped me remember my worst.

    I'm 12 and at a park during a family reunion. I decided to show off my gymnastic skills on top of the swing set. I thought this would be a good substitute for a twirling bar. I hadn't done any "tricks" in several years but was trying to impress some younger cousins.
    I swing around once and hit the ground hard, breaking my right arm pretty bad. I didn't pass out but my sister almost did when she saw my twisted and mangled arm.

    The entire reunion came running over to see what happened. That was the end of gymnastics for me.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    Usually I don't risk injuries but I did one way back when I used a bit heavy dumbells(120 lbs each) doing shrugs with some jerking motion and injured my left trapezius!

    It took many years to heal :)
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I pulled something in my back zipping up my fly at work. :embarassed:

    I am SO sorry that that made me chuckle. lol :(

    The partner on shift with me was a kindly older lady who attempted to massage my back because I couldn't stand up straight. We were laughing the whole time.
  • Danderand
    Danderand Posts: 23 Member
    I broke the blood vessels in my face from pooping too hard.

    You win
  • I ran over myself with a four wheeler. Broke my foot. Had to have bone graph surgery.
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    I was a city girl on summer vacation in a tiny town in Iowa. I was around 11, and super awkward around others, especially boys. Mom talked me into going horse back riding with some of the country kids, I got on a horse behind a 13 year old boy I didn't know. everything about it freaked me out, riding a horse, boys etc. got my shoe lace caught on the gate on the way out to the driveway, slid right off the back of the horse, landed on my back on the cement with my shoe stuck up on the fence. hurt my back, but mostly crushed my ego! I am almost 50 years old and it feels like it happened yesterday!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    just a couple of weeks ago I was walking on my treadmill and my shoelaces went undone. I jumped on the sides and pressed what I thought was the stop button. I had earphones on and they were loud so I did not realize it was the speed button and my treadmill was still moving. I half kneeled on the moving treadmill and it rode me back to the floor, I would have been fine had I not just happened to land on my back on a hard dog toy. I've been out for more than a week and only recently started being able to walk normally again.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I once got a black eye from shutting my own head in a car door. True story.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I busted my chin open on a tile floor trying to skate on a Barbie car. Still have the scar under my chin.

    Also, don't ask me what I was thinking....but I decided it was a good idea to shut the garage door....BY THE CREASE. Slammed shut on all of my fingers, minus the thumbs. I'm lucky I still have fingers :embarassed:

    Mind you, I was younger for these incidents. But still stupid as hell.
  • jouttie
    jouttie Posts: 109 Member
    Stood up after going to the toilet, tripped over my trousers and fell onto the tiled floor. Put my hand out to stop myself from hitting my head. Ended up having my wrist X-rayed.