Nexplanon implant and weight gain



  • Hi Im getting the implant this week. What are the chances of me getting these symptoms? common or are they rare enough? Anybody have any tips as how to deal with the cravings you commonly get with the implant? as i really do not want to gain any weight :/
  • kaylinvoss
    kaylinvoss Posts: 2 Member
    I had my Nexplanon taken out July 31st (a little over 2 weeks ago). I had it in for a total of 6 months. I've already lost 5 lb and I am feeling much better. I am also working out and eating healthy, but nothing more drastic than I was while on the medication. The acne and oily skin/hair have improved. I'm not nearly as depressed or moody. Sex drive was never affected. My period has not started yet, but I've read that it can take sometimes 1-2 months to regulate, so I'm not too worried.

    I do not recommend this implant for anyone. I think it is more rare to have a good experience on this method of BC. I am just happy to have it out of my system and be back on the right track!

    Good luck to those out there suffering!
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    I had the implant 16.5.2013
    I have since suffered depression...... Could be lifestyle related rather then implant
    I have gained the stone that I had just lost.
    I now can't get rid of I. Even sticking to slimming world. Not drinking. Treat night once a week!
    I can not shift weight. I do a minimum of 2 hours exercise a day. Allotment and gardening are my hobby. Walking or biking to and from.
    I feel I need it out now.
    Sex life is low because of me. The way I feel.
    Any help anyone!
    New comments?

    all of these happened to me when I had it in! I suffered really bad depression, no sex drive, developed binge eating which I never even considered doing before because my appetite was insane, craved sugary crap, felt like a completely different person. All I can say is that even on the very same day I got it removed, it went all uphill from there. every day it's been gone I've felt a million times better and my depression is completely gone . Good luck x :flowerforyou:
  • I had nexplanon put in 3 months ago and I've gained 5lbs which I'm not real happy with but other than that I love it. No other side effects. I used to have really bad periods and cramps and now jut spotting instead of periods and no cramps at all! So far so good.
  • mad14vic
    mad14vic Posts: 20 Member
    I've had my nexplanon in for about a year (give or take a bit). I gained a bit of weight but that had more to do with stress and horrible eating habits. I honestly think its just a mental thing, if you look at it as "well I'm going to get this and I'll have no control over whether or not I lose/gain weight" then that's what's going to happen. I have nothing but kind things to say about my nexplanon, (minus the first month of period and anesthesia, lol). Took away almost all of my back pain, and I've had about 3 periods that lasted two days. Best version of birth control I've ever been on!
  • I have had the nexplanon implant for almost a year now, I was 122lbs before and am now at 230lbs since getting the implant and my diet and exercise are better than ever but I still can not lose this weight. I have had weight gain, frequent cramps and bleeding, headaches almost every day, depression and very bad mood swings, and numerous other side effects. This was my experience with the implant, I hope anyone else that has it has a better experience with it than I did.
  • bossbabewithcake
    bossbabewithcake Posts: 16 Member
    i had my baby in april and i got the implanon implant in June...
    im gaining weight like its nothing! also im breastfeeding so i eat more and more
  • DanielsGirl6
    DanielsGirl6 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this is way late to when you posted this, but I got the Nexplanon inserted in July 2015, and now 1 year later have put on 25-30 pounds. I was always a small frame athletic type. I never really put on weight. So this was extremely shocking to me. Also I now get breakouts on my back and face really bad, no matter the skin care regimen. Also my hair is so oily, I must wash it every day or else it looks so bad. My scalp is so dry and flakes. My OB claims it's not the Nexplanon; however, I have a hard time believing that. I had gained maybe 7-10 pounds when I had the pill, but that was it. However it didn't help with my migraines. So I did the mirena IUD and I hated it. It made me so moody and cramps were unreal. I am about to get married (bought my dress a year ago) and it won't close. I am meeting with my OB Monday to discuss my options. I exercise 4-6 days a week with intense cardio, I don't eat that unhealthy... Even this app says I should be losing weight but every time I weigh, I am heavier.
  • adriennesmith1102
    adriennesmith1102 Posts: 1 Member
    I honestly thought I was the only one I've had the implant since about November of 2014.I don't have any complaints about moods I'm a moody person anyway if anything I'm way more sensitive which might be good actually.I've gained about 37 pounds I went from 175lb that wasn't the greatest but it was do able and now I'm 212lbs and I'm only getting bigger. I noticed but I thought it was because of my eating habits so I cut down and tried exercise nothing is working. I feel horrible I've never been this big in my life. My advice to other ladies is DO NOT TAKE NEXPLANON I've gained so much weight it isn't funny. I plan on taking it out immediately I cannot take the weight gain anymore. I will try the pill and hope for the best !
  • iManifestGoals
    iManifestGoals Posts: 40 Member
    The copper IUD is NON hormonal. You do NOT gain weight. It lasts ten years!
  • jmatthews1117
    jmatthews1117 Posts: 1 Member
    I got nexplanon in June 2016 and am having it removed today. My experience with this type of BC is similar to many other women on here. As another post suggests, that these posts may be falsified, I assure this is a "real" woman, sharing her "real" experience. Nexplanon has not been a positive experience for me. I have had abnormal weight gain (15 pounds in 3 months), my hair has become extremely oily (having to wash it everyday vs. a few times a week), I have acne breakouts (like I used to when I was a teenager), along with sleeplessness (with no relief from sleep aids or better sleep patterns), depression (which I have had to seek out professional help to address), lack of sex drive (though having a sex drive isn't the most important thing to have, I feel that "not" having one can critically impair our "feelings" of attractiveness and desirability), and inconsistent periods (I spotted for the first 6 weeks on Nexplanon, and have spotted every few days since). Nexplanon may be great for some women, it is obviously stated as a long term BC that is convenient for those not wanting to get pregnant for a few years, but just as other BC's aren't for everyone, neither is Nexplanon. Unintended weight gain and the inability to shed pounds in the latter is more than frustrating, but can create an emotional rollercoaster, inhibiting a woman's self worth. I was certain that the weight gain, and acne, and depression and sleeplessness was my doing some how, and it was all on me that these things were occurring. Then came what was to me a God send. My doctor of 15 years, explained to me that he wouldn't have suggested this type of BC for reasons pertaining to past health history (i.e. depression, weight issues, etc.) My OBGYN couldn't have known I would have such reactions, which leaves it all at a place of learning. I am trying to remain positive about the changes in my body, as in not hate myself for "looking" and "feeling" different. I want others to know that hormones play a huge part in our entire being as females, and so if it "doesn't feel" right, go with your gut, and try something else.
  • iished
    iished Posts: 1 Member
    In 2011 I had the implanon put in my arm and loved it. I had it for 4 years and nothing major. regular periods and no major weight gain. pretty healthy lifestyle. In February 2016 (I tried using other forms of birth control for year but went for the nexplanon) I had the Nexplanon put in. I haven't had a period since then and have gained 15 pounds since the implant and pretty irritable.
    I attributed the weight gain and irritability to starting a new job within 2 months of the implant (1st job in a few years) along with new routine.
    July I weighed in at a whopping 185 which was the heaviest I have ever been. So in July I started working out (5 days a week Cardio/hiit) and using the myfitnsspal app without any weight loss even when the app said "you will weigh 170 in 5 weeks". Nothing.
    I finally went to my Dr. today about some minor pain in my left arm area which is probably related to scaring from the implantation of the birth control. But when I told her I am at my heaviest (188) and feel like I am not making any progress both in inches or weight she and I reviewed my weight history prior to the implant I and ya I have never gained this much weight this fast. She then told me that this was or can be a side effect with the nexplanon. I have an appointment to have it removed at the end of the month (soonest)
    I will follow up after thanksgiving which should be a month out from the removal.
  • holliebaker90
    holliebaker90 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there! It's interesting that this thread popped up again, but I have had good experiences with the Nexplanon implant. I have had it in for just a little over a year now. My mood is much more relaxed and I don't get mood swings every month like I used too. It completely stopped my periods about a month afterwards, which has been ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Every time I travel I don't have to fork over 1/8 of my suitcase just for pads. Not to mention my wedding date and honeymoon were in the clear as well!

    I have had trouble keeping my weight down but it certainly hasn't gotten out of control. I have been able to maintain, but have noticed that it takes much longer and is harder for me to lose weight now (not sure if that is from me getting older or not though!).

    I break out more easily but that is normal for me, and has been my whole life. I am happy to take just a few of these quirks to be period free and protected for 3 whole years!

    Remember to take these threads in stride... any type of birth control is different for everyone!
  • katerin_fuentes
    katerin_fuentes Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies iv had my nexplanon rod put in February 2nd/2016 and its now November 22/2016 its been 9 months and i also am suffering from weight gain while on it, i remember that for my birthday on June 12 i was trying to fit a dress i had just used for a Christmas party, and it didn't fit :s i use to cry to my boyfriend because im 4'11 and any little weight gain is obvious, so i went on a diet and nothing the weight has not gone away, so i have an appointment on the 25th to get it removed and im signing up for a kick boxing class and sticking to my diet and see how everything goes, i will keep you updated of how i feel and how the weight issue is going <3
  • katerin_fuentes
    katerin_fuentes Posts: 2 Member
    before the nexplanon i was 125lbs now im 140lbs and im trying to at least get to 130 and like i said ill keep you ladies updated
  • Geeky_and_Cheeky
    Geeky_and_Cheeky Posts: 493 Member
    In 2012, Before Nexplanon, I was 168, I was 109 when I got it taken out a year later so I could try for my son. So I lost weight while on it. Started hormones in Jan & went from 184 to 140.
  • mmariej1920
    mmariej1920 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad to see that there are recent posts about this subject as it reassures me that my issue is with my BC implant. I have been on Nexplanon since May 2016 - it's now end of Nov and I have made the decision to get mine removed (Dec 6th and I couldn't be more excited). I am 5'2" and I weighed 117 pre pregnancy (son was born 2/2016) and I stepped on the scale at delivery at 172. YIKES! Needless to say I lost weight but got on BC 3 months later and after six months of being on BC I am now at the same weight I was when I delivered my son!
    I also experience a little depression and often migraines/headaches. This BC might be better for others, but just be aware that it seems the side effects are real and have a high chance of happening to you.
  • crtledge
    crtledge Posts: 1 Member
    I have had Nexplanon for almost three years now and i have loved everything about it EXCEPT weight gain! I was 105 pounds getting on it and never gained a pound but now almost three years later i am 140 pounds!!! I did not realize just a huge amount of weight gain until this last year and i started working out and could not loose a pound it is so frusterating!!!
  • jludwick78
    jludwick78 Posts: 34 Member
    I think I may be having the same problem. 20 pounds in three years and I've only lost four in two months of going to the gym three days a week and counting calories every day. I'm going to have it taken out soon, I'm hoping this will help
  • Saburton001
    Saburton001 Posts: 2 Member
    I am past due of having mine removed and I'm glad I found this post. My experience with it has been good and bad. When I first got Nexplanon in (Oct 2013) I had medium periods then light spotting daily for 5 months. At the time I had read that some women spotted daily for 2 years and I was scared that would happen to me. Thankfully it didn't and I haven't had a period or spotting since February 2014, it's now March 2017. Unfortunately that's the only good thing about having the implant. All the other problems I've had but didn't realize were related to the implant include very very low libido, 50 lbs weight gain in the first year and inability to lose it regardless of counting calories and doing cardio and weight training, bra size went up 4 cups so lots of back and shoulder pain from that, and depression. I've always had mild depression and learned to deal with it but it got magnified to the point of suicidal thoughts and crying daily for months. I always chalked all of it up to being newlywed living with the inlaws, working 3 jobs and going to school full time and figured it was just stress, and while I definitely think that the stress of that contributed to my mood and weight gain, those stresses haven't been a factor the last 2 years and I'm still feeling all of the symptoms I mentioned above. I'm going to schedule to get it out soon and hopefully the weight and depression will go down or at least be manageable again.