Please Share: How do You feel good about Yourself



  • Joi2014
    Joi2014 Posts: 5
    Congrats on your weight loss. That's amazing!!!
  • GrandmaWhimsie
    GrandmaWhimsie Posts: 7 Member
    I admire that you accomplish all of those physical things. That is wonderful that you can do that. You added all the creative things you do too. Awesome, and keep it up!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    If it's a weekend and I look in the mirror and think "ooh, not looking good today" I'll do a head to toe 'make-over'. Dye my hair, puck any rogue eyebrow hair, face mask, right the way down to painting my toes. That way, the only thing lacking is my weight, so I have less to complain about.

    If time isn't a luxury, I'll browse the forum for motivational threads or Pinterest. Or, do a quick positives list; What have I achieved this week? What went well? What do I love about myself? Etc. etc etc.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    I make my hair and makeup and general appearance look attractive so I get compliments. - including plucking and shaping my eyebrows perfectly and using a bit of eyebrow pencil to outline a good darker shape for them.

    I also try to remember to always have nice nails - I either get shellac or make sure they are never chipped or broken.

    I wear bright blue coloured contacts and people always notice them - they make my face look different and prettier and nobody can ever work out what's suddenly different about me - its great.

    I exercise, that makes me feel good.

    I avoid my old bigger uk size 10 clothes, and wear tops size 6-8 or bottoms size 8-10 only.

    I wear tighter clothing so that people comment on my weight loss and call me skinny. I'm not skinny, but it's nice when people try to show they've noticed I am smaller now.

    Also - it sounds a bit lame but I do sometimes just try different outfits on in the mirror, try and make myself see and appreciate my figure and take my measurements to remind myself how much weight I've lost.
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
    I know this is more of a ladies thread but we guys kinda like to feel good about ourselves and the way we look too... even if doesn't seem like it sometimes. I've lost 65lbs and although I'm not where I want to be, I've been trying to look and behave like I'm already there. I tuck my shirt in all the time now. I shave every day instead of every couple days. I get a haircut every couple of weeks instead of every couple of months. I'm picking the right foods and the right portions and not worrying about someone revoking my man card because I'm not drinking four beers and eating a 24oz steak. Basically I'm doing all the things I should have been doing all along but because of the way I looked I just didn't think it mattered.