How far do you travel to the gym?



  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    I walk across the street to the gym.
  • pamcris
    pamcris Posts: 47 Member
    30 minute drive. I could go to a gym near by my house, but the one I currently go to has child care 7 days a week included in the regular monthly price. At the very beginning the drive bothered me, now, 10 months later, I use that time to decompress from the day and the workout. I also try to fit errands around that time so I can get everything done at once.
  • Aint_Misbehavin
    Aint_Misbehavin Posts: 64 Member
    I walk 30 feet from my back door to the shop where I've got my gym. I bought most of it used through craigslist or friends that no longer (if they ever) used it. The treadmill was bought at one of those used sports equipment places. I have gone to gyms in the past. The one I used religiously was directly across the street from where I lived. For me, the further away it is, the less apt I am to use it.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I joined a chain gym with multiple locations. Now that I have a favorite Zumba instructor, I follow her to 2 different locations, 3x per week. Other days, I go to the location closest to me, which is less than 2 miles away. I don't mind the 20 minute drive there and back because I enjoy my work out, I put in the extra effort, I make the commitment, and I go. If the weather is really bad this Winter, which its predicted to be, I may have to stick closer to home, since I don't have a lot of experience driving in the snow.

    I have an exercise bike at home and Zumba DVD's, but I only seem to meet my goals when I get my butt to the gym. That's just me. Good luck! Do what works best for you and what will keep you on goal.
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Thank you all !!!! Great suggestions.

    Good news. I actually went to the gym this morning and they gave me a 1 week trial membership! I plan to go on my break from work. (I'm a bus driver so I have a 3hr break )
    So I'll see how it goes. It's actually closer to my work than it is from home too.
  • ironsun
    ironsun Posts: 30
    My gym is 2 miles away. I probably wouldn't go if it was further than that. I get an hour to workout and don't want to spend half of it traveling.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 947 Member
    10 min drive at 5 am. 45 min + at other times of day!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    When the hospital opened a clinic in my little town they brought a gym with them. The 24 hour gym that was here went out of business and donated EVERYTHING to my ambulance squad. I spend more time at the hall than I do at home, and even then, I live right across the street from the ambulance I walk either upstairs (if at the hall) or 50 yards and up the stairs (if I am home,) Makes it near impossible to excuse skipping a workout.
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    Mine is 13 km away, wich is about a 15-20 minute drive. But i have a lot of time in the morning, so if you're busy or if you work a lot or other things, i can imagine that it's not that easy to commit driving that fat or long.
  • I walk 25 minutes to get to my gym. There are closer ones but they are not as good. I pay more for my gym but I am motivated to go so it is worth it.
  • gweneddk
    gweneddk Posts: 183 Member
    The CF gym I go to is about 20 mins from work and 10 mins from home. My other gym takes me 45 mins to get to after work but then it's only a 10-12 min drive home. Traffic in the afternoon just sucks. I'd be sitting in traffic to get home though anyway so it doesn't make that much of a difference to me!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    About 3 minutes walk up the road, and it is a 24 hour gym.
    Suits me well enough.
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    I go to a 24 hr gym and drive about 5 miles 1 way
  • lunalee84
    lunalee84 Posts: 372 Member
    I decided to pay the extra money for the gym closest to my house, rather than needing to drive for a cheaper but just as good gym. I knew the distance would be a disincentive to go, especially late/early in the day for me.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    5 minutes down the road.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Oh boy, now I feel super guilty, lol. My local pool where I swim is closed for it's annual maintenance for two weeks. I have another perfectly good pool to use in the interim, but it's 5 miles away. I only went once last week. :( I promised myself I would go 4 days this coming week- no excuses.

    I guess I'm super spoiled and super lazy.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Mine is a mile or so away. I can walk there in about 20 minutes. I usually drive though because I've left my husband home with our 3 kids to go, and 40 minutes there and back plus an hour long class can be a long time when he needs to get ready for work, or we need to start dinner etc. I also don't want to be walking back in the dark after am evening aerobics class.

    I used to go to a much posher (and more expensive) gym that was about 10 mins drive from where I worked. However, it could take half hour or more to then drive home in bad traffic, and that long or more at a weekend to get there, and it wasn't that nice a gym that it warranted that sort of travel time and petrol money!
  • KatieWH
    KatieWH Posts: 68 Member
    Mine is about a 20-25 minute drive. There are closer gyms but i love the one i go to and go more often than i did when i was a member of the gym closer to my house.
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    I"m fortunate enough to have a free full service gym in my office building. It makes weekday workouts easy as I can go over lunch, in the afternoon or stay at work. But some days things get so busy at work that I'd really like a little down time to clear my head before working out. But I know I'm not going to come back to the it's either fight through it or know I'll skip.

    I do like going on the weekend as it's always empty.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My main gym is across the street from my house. Super convienient. Once a week I have an hour trip (it's only 20 minutes if I grab a ride with a teammate) for club training. More then worth the time investment though.