The BBW/BHM Challenge - Till March 20th



  • TexasTKD9
    3 Spots LEFT!!!!

    How did everyone do today?? Personally, I blew it again!
  • Shelly081
    Would love to join...send you my info now.
  • TexasTKD9
    2 SPOTS LEFT!!!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I want to join! I've never been a part of these challenges before. :-)
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    Name or name you would like to be called: Brandy
    Age (only if you want to): 27
    Location: Eugene, OR
    Height: 5'6
    CW: 169.4
    GW: 135
    GW by march 20th : 155
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : I grew up in Guam and the Philippines.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Oh can I have the last spot?!? I will DEFINITELY lose 15lbs by March 16th, but additional motivation is WAY important. I am weighing in on Fridays at the gym so I am going to use the prior week's info for each weigh in. (Meaning I won't have a new weight listed on Feb.2.

    Name or name you would like to be called: Jan
    Age (only if you want to) 35
    Location: Indiana
    Height: 5'5"
    CW: 277
    GW: 150
    GW by march 20th : 260
    Something interesting about yourself even a random fact! : The trainer at the gym today found herself rattling off half of her life story to me out of the blue... I always get those. Somehow my personality makes people start telling me things about themselves that they normally don't share! :)
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Is that everyone then?! Hello fellow challengees! Roll on Wednesdays! And bye bye 16lbs by March 20th! x
    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • Hannastyrbjorn
    So that's eveyone? Yeey! Welcome to all the new ones and good luck to you all! :D
  • TexasTKD9
    YUP!!! The last 2 spots have been filled!!! This challenge is now closed for entries! LOL

    Welcome everyone and good luck to you all!!!! On Wednesday I will post another thread for weigh-ins and so on and so forth
  • TexasTKD9
    Again I need someone who can upload the chart onto the thread because for some reason my links won't work :(

    Let's see if it will actually load!!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    If you tell me how to load it I will give it a try! I am pumped! I didnt read all this till late (obviously) but my goal for today is to make healthy choices while at work tomorrow. I am currently working at a grocery store so i get to stare at all the bad stuff all day. Pray I make it!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Everyone, have been away for a few days. Lovely time in the city with my daughter in a lovely hotel. Used the hotel gym for 2 out of 4 days. Should have tried to do 4 out of 4. I know my calorie intake was way too high. Will have to work extra hard till Wednesday weigh in now. Sorry can't help with the uploading of link/thread not at all on top of this computer world yet. End of a very hot sunny Sunday here in Sydney. I promise myself I will exercise before bed tonight. Cheers. Jenni
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    I have no idea how to upload a chart! I know for photos you have to change the IMG to img at the start and end of the link? Does this help any?!

    I'm going to have a chicken roast dinner today loads of veggies... Been really good all week so I don't think it's beyond that I have a nice roast! No stodgy pudding though! And got to get the EA out today.... Get to try out my new HRM! woop woop!

    Happy Silly Sunday to you all! xxx
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Hi Claire, Let me know how your new HRM goes. I"m thinking of getting one, for motivation and knowledge. Enjoy your roast. :smile: Jenni
  • TexasTKD9
  • summer_angel
    summer_angel Posts: 8 Member
    Do you have room for one more? Oh nevermind! I see now all the spots are taken. DARN!! Well I may just follow this thread anyway for motivation if you don't mind. Onward and downward!!
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Hi Claire, Let me know how your new HRM goes. I"m thinking of getting one, for motivation and knowledge. Enjoy your roast. :smile: Jenni

    Hi Jenni!

    Roast was wonderful! Stomach must have shrunk though cos I couldn't eat it all (which is probably a good thing)

    Love my HRM! It's really good to see how many cals you're actually burning instead of relying on a generic model to work it out - Obvioulsy a fitter person will burn less cals I guess than dumpy me so I'm loving it! It'll be nice to see how many cals I burn at the gym when I get back there next Monday - darn tendinitis!

  • summer_angel
    summer_angel Posts: 8 Member
    Yay! Thank you SO much for letting me join this thread! I need something to kick it into gear and this sounds just like the thing. Here's the info you asked for to add me to the chart:

    Name or name you would like to be called: Stephanie or Steph.
    Age (only if you want to): 42
    Location: Nashville, TN
    Height: 5'2'
    CW: 260
    GW: 140
    GW by march 20th : 245 or less!
  • TexasTKD9

    alright here is the final chart!! More updates coming soon!!!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Awesome Amanda! Nice work collating all the info. Thank you for setting up the thread and all that.

    I've had a fantastic weekend away, completed my triathlon. It's a really lovely supportive series of triathlons ( I have another one next weekend!!

    Claire - My husband has a HRM, I may see if I can borrow it!! Compare the Cals.

    ATM I use runkeeper on my mobile, which I really like, as it maps the run for me, tells me how far I went, how fast I went. Currently I can walk faster than I can run (what is that about!?!?)

    Happy Monday everyone, it's almost bedtime here in NZ, and with only 97 Kcal left ... I'm trying not to eat!!!