I can't do it!

TexasTKD9 Posts: 83
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Today, once again.... I totally BLEW IT!! I feel like I can't do this!! I FEEL LIKE A FAILURE!!! All I want to do is lose weight and be healthy and now I have strict orders from my doctor that I have to! But I can't seem to get into the grove of things! I need someone or something to kick my *kitten* into gear!!!! I just don't think I have what it takes to be healthy........ :sad:


  • No one can do it for you, if you say you can't then you can't! I hope you prove yourself wrong, though. *I* think you can.
  • You didn't get here by one mistake. You got here by a series of them. If you make mostly good choices and only occasionally screw up, you'll see progress.

    What was your mistake, if you don't mind sharing? What things do you have trouble with?
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    ok turn around bend over. one psycic butt kick sent out! lol but seriously pick yourself up and start over. Hopefully this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. you know you can do it. so do it. nuff said? good luck
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I have woken up every day for the past 4 weeks saying to myself "I can do this" and have never looked back. I may not get it right every day but I keep jumping back on this wave.

    It is up to you, you decide when you are ready. You cannot tell someone to get healthy no more than you can tell someone to quit smoking.

    Good luck and we are here for you!!
  • Stop thinking of each messup as ANOTHER FAILURE or another START! just think you allow yourself a few days of indulgence and go for it again!! if you keep doing this and not giving up, you'll see in a span of a year you have still lost weight if you are good most of the time!! We are all here for you. I just had a mess up on Tuesday! but all good now .
  • Stop thinking of each messup as ANOTHER FAILURE or another START! just think you allow yourself a few days of indulgence and go for it again!! if you keep doing this and not giving up, you'll see in a span of a year you have still lost weight if you are good most of the time!! We are all here for you. I just had a mess up on Tuesday! but all good now .
  • Yes You Can, everyone has those days. Start over tomorrow. Try not to cut out anything you really like just limit it to small portions. I find that if I try to cut something out completely I just crave it all the time which makes me fall back into my rut. And exercise as much as possible. Again you can do it, try not to be so hard on yourself.
  • Anyone can do it.

    Look at some of those people on Biggest Loser.

    If they can do it, SO CAN YOU!!!!!

    I went over my calories today (by 7, but still!) IT'S OKAY!!!!!

    Make better choices, if you screw up every once in awhile, who cares???
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    You can do this. If I can, anyone can. I have been big since I was a kid. I have always felt like I was sexy but I hid behind the whole phrase, "I look pretty hot for a fat chick." Then the scales hit 300 and it scared me to death. I am 34 with two little boys that I want to make sure I live a long life for. This time last year I decided enough was enough. I am a person who has always been in control of my life but for some reason I let my weight take control of me. That was enough to stop me in my tracks. I started on here in July 2010 after I had already lost 36 lbs. Today I weighed in at 225. I am doing this and you can too. Good luck on your journey and realize that not every day is going to be perfect.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    What seems to be the biggest problem? My rule is don't put anything in the house that you can't control how much you eat. There are foods that if they are in the house, I will binge on, so I just don't buy them.
    Also plan for the munchies. I keep almonds by the computer and in my car. I like almonds but unlike other nuts like pistachios and macadamias, I won't eat them like crazy. So when the munchies hit, almonds are my go to. If I want a sweet flavour an handful of dried cranberries or a glass of vanilla almond milk hits the spot.
  • How bad do you want to see your results? You shouldnt beat yourself up too bad - we all have bad days (I cheated with a bag of chips today) When you love yourself enough to want to lose the weight you will - and your friends will be there to cheer you on!
    Do you find that journaling your eating habits helps? I always thought it was a pain in the butt... then I changed my perspective and realized rereading my entries, I was grossed out by what I was putting in my body... something had to change... I'm NOT saying I'm always good about it, but I am not so mean to myself anymore.
    Also, dont deprive yourself of small treats once in a while... it might just be the motivation you need & deserve!!! :heart:
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You are eeither going to make up your mind to do this or not. Honestly, if you tell yourself you can't do ssomeethibg you won't. Willpower is a muscle and you have to exercise it to make it stronger. That doesn't mean you will always be successful but if you don't try you will never succeed.

    So think long and hard. What do you want and what are you prepared to sacrifice?
  • I have been struggling with getting it right as well. I am trying to totally change the way that I have been eating for 44 years. Every time I make a mistake and go over on fat, or calories, or carbs, I chalk it up as a learning experience and press on. It is getting a little easier every day and I am starting to get used to eating this way. Keep yourself in a nice positive attitude and keep going forward. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move on. We will be better for it in the end. : )
  • Try this: figure out what is easiest to change. Maybe it's going to light dressing and guaranteeing yourself a healthy breakfast every morning (like hearty oatmeal or something else that is super healthy). Also, try starting with 15 minutes of exercise every other day.

    My husband starts every day with oatmeal. It's his small step toward getting healthy. Analyze your habits, and see what you can change. In a few months you'll start seeing a noticeable difference.

    I couldn't do 1200 calories (suggested by my doctor) a day. I can't exercise every day. But, I can eat about 1580 calories a day exercise 1-4 times a week, weigh myself once a month, and lose small amounts of weight. I started in May and I've lost 33 lbs.

    My suggestion is to start with small goals instead of giving up. You CAN do it :flowerforyou:
  • Sweetie pie, you can do it! If I can do it, you can do it. Have Patience and give yourself a break! You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be more aware - that's really it! Everyone has days that aren't as great as others. My trainer tells me all the time just think about right now - not the future, not the past, not an hour ago. Just right now and take it slow. the more you get on this website, the more good advice, motivation and great meal ideas you'll find. It happens slowly and surely and you'll be posting this same stuff to someone else who's had a bad day before you know it!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    You CAN do this! Just pick yourself up, straighten your shoulders, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself (out loud) "You are one strong, sexy woman and can do whatever you set out to do!" Then do it. Trust me. I was a military wife for 20 yrs and there were times when I was faced with things I didn't think I could handle. Terrorist threats, earthquake, blizzards, foreign countries and much time that hubby was gone and we had a small son. Square your shoulders and move on.

    "After all, tomorrow is another day." Scarlett O'Hara
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Of course you can do it! So you made a mistake today. So what? Starting right this minute, you can make better choices. If you get hungry later tonight, legitimately hungry, then eat something good for you. And tomorrow morning, wake up, have a filling, healthy, non-sugary breakfast, and get on with making good choices for the day.

    You can't fail at this thing. It's not like there's some magic finish line that you have to reach. It's like taking a walk -- you go where you want, at the speed you want, and once in a while there's a tree branch stuck up in the sidewalk that trips you up and you fall down. But you don't lie there in the sidewalk for the rest of your life, right? No way! You get up, dust off your knees, and walk some more. That's all this is. It's a process, not a race. Nobody says you have to be perfect.

    Don't beat yourself up over this. You CAN do anything you set your mind to. Please love yourself enough to know that. Tonight (or whenever you see this) I want you to get a Post-It note (or if you don't have one, a piece of paper with some tape) and write on it "I am worth it!" and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Or your front door, or wherever you will see it multiple times through the day. Every time you see it, SAY IT out loud to yourself. Because you are worth it. You are beautiful, you are worthwhile, and you are valuable. You need to know that. *hugs* for you.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I've been going over my calories pretty consistently. Which had me depressed for a while. Then I started thinking about how much my eating habits have changed. Okay. I did eat 2 oreos. But I did not eat half a bag of oreos, which I would have done before. Any victory is a small victory. Any improvement, no matter how small, is still improvement. Don't get discouraged by your "failures." The only true failure would be giving up now!
  • You all are so amazing and supportive!!!

    @ajweekley - I'm going to post that sign tonight!!!!

    Thank you all for making me feel better and you guys are right I can do it, and maybe I do need to re-assess my goals a little bit. All in all I want this more than a anything and you guys have given me the strenght and the belief that I can do it!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
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