

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    good afternoon everyone -

    I have a budget to prepare for a project, so naturally I am procrastinating by posting! It will be a busy afternoon - after the budget (I'm getting to it, really) I'll run off to the gym and then have a good walk to a meeting, and it is actually warm enough to get there outdoors today. Up to about 26 degrees F! Feels almost balmy after the recent cold.

    Have a good one, and send me good math juju, ok?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I haven't been back for a while
    but would like to check in.
    Weight loss has been slow but
    steady. Just found out that I have
    a tear in my shoulder (rotater cuff)
    so exercise to the arms is limited
    right now until I find out more from my
    doctor. My youngest daughter was
    married in November in Jamaica. My
    oldest daughter will be moving again
    she lives in Toronto. Oh by the way
    I am from Canada. :tongue: I have
    joined the Valentine Challenge to try
    and get more motivated to lose weight.
    I hope you all are doing well!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Another Canadian! Good to hear it. I hope you are enjoying the balmy -3 degrees today as we are. it won't last, but at least if feels good for now --

    I hope your shoulder heals fast - those are nasty. One of mine is still fussy from an injury last year, but at least it can move all right now. It gets stiff very easily though, and stretching it has to be almost a compulsion. Good luck with it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all and welcome to all the new comers!

    I know some one is signing off with the words Tally Ho. Those are two of my most favorite words in the English language and I haven't heard any one use them but me in years. I have fond memories of riding English across some of the most beautiful riding country ever and being the ONLY one that did not know how to jump fences. Tally Ho also reminds me of the first time I ever had good brandy, but that is another story.

    Tomorrow I weigh in and what ever I weigh, I will adjust my ticker. January was a hard month and as Dad continues to improve I continue to get back on track with diet and exercise.

    Happy Friday to all and warm thoughts to all who need them.

    PS: Chiclet - Yes, that is the Julia Child from Saturday Night Live with all the blood. It is still very funny.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all and welcome to all the new comers!

    I know some one is signing off with the words Tally Ho. Those are two of my most favorite words in the English language and I haven't heard any one use them but me in years. I have fond memories of riding English across some of the most beautiful riding country ever and being the ONLY one that did not know how to jump fences. Tally Ho also reminds me of the first time I ever had good brandy, but that is another story.

    Tomorrow I weigh in and what ever I weigh, I will adjust my ticker. January was a hard month and as Dad continues to improve I continue to get back on track with diet and exercise.

    Happy Friday to all and warm thoughts to all who need them.

    PS: Chiclet - Yes, that is the Julia Child from Saturday Night Live with all the blood. It is still very funny.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Barb, what a sense of humor. Good you can laugh about it.

    Jugar, maybe you can channel our math wiz, Mary.

    Yesterday and today have not exercised but still conscientious about coming in under calories. I still may go out later this evening for a walk down the local boulevard (safe at night as a lot of folks are out walking). I feel more guilty about my doggie girl not getting her exercise.

    However, I managed to walk to Starbucks for my skinny latte, though.:drinker: While I was walking, for a brief moment, I felt lighter in my body. I know it's only 4 pounds, but it's as though I had a body memory of what it is like to feel lighter and weigh less.
    Cool, huh?

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Chicklet- that's good news about the new agency. Mental health is so important to healing and is often neglected.

    I know that when my doctor told me it was okay to feel pain when exercising and I needed to exercise to break through the scar tissue, suddenly every time I worked out, I had less pain! I think just someone telling me that the pain wasn't a sign I was hurting myself more had a kind of placebo effect. Or maybe it's just a coincidence. :laugh:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I ache! Think I may have overdone my exercising in the last couple of days.

    A quick question for those who celebrate Valentine's day. Can you suggest anything for a romantic, healthy, home-cooked meal? I'm a vegetarian and also allergic to strawberries. I do cook meat for other people though. I really want to do something for DH this year, although we will be celebrating on the 13 th as the 14 th is DD#1's wedding anniversary and we are babysitting the twins.

    I'm taking my rings in to be re-sized today. I love my diamonds and don't want to risk losing them. The only one I'm not having adjusted is my wedding ring, I'm going to continue wearing a snug guard on it. It was my mum's wedding ring before mine and she wore it for over 50 years. I can't bare the idea of changing it.

    All my Internet usage is still being done from my iPhone, but at least I'm managing to log every day. Not sure how I will do when I have my heart surgery in March, but I guess I'll have other things on my mind.

    My prayers, thoughts, good wishes and love are with you all.
    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Darlis: You are in my thoughts and prayers...know that we are here for you
    :heart: Kackie
  • debieanne
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: GOOD MORNING i'm sending fowers and sunshine to all way to much snow here in new england so today i'm thinking spring. will i have gain four pounds ugh ugh ugh, i'm doing good with my excersises just eating eating, today when i got up and was doing the hair i told myself ok debi enough you don't need to be eating like that soi'm taking back control. hope everyones new year is going good. i haen't seen any post in a few so i'm going to catch up on reading everyone have a blessed morning. debi (momof10)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    It is a very sad and focused today as I updated my weight and it took 3 pounds off of my ticker. I suppose it could have been a lot worse. Looking forward to February and setting new goals to go with my new schedule. This is my first weight gain in two years. =(

    Amanda – this might not be that healthy, but it would be romantic and vegetarian: fondue with bread and veggies for dipping. Hard cheese like Swiss isn't as bad as the processed stuff and I am sure you can change other things in the recipe to make it more low fat. Fresh veggies can be raw or cooked to dip in the cheese. Plus there is the wine that goes along with the meal. Apples go good with fondue and there may be other fruits that you can try. It will also be a pretty dinner with all the colors from the fruit and veggies.

    Mac – I know what you mean. When the Ortho told me the pain I was feeling from exercising was OK and I wasn't doing any damage, it made it easier to work through it.

    Happy thoughts and warm wishes to all,

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Chicklet--Here's the website for the graphics I use the most:


    The menu down the left side of the page has all kinds of categories!


    For you. Hope you have a good day!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I am working 13.5 hours today and then again tomorrow so I will have plenty of time to get caught up with everyone.

    My prayers are with everyone who is struggeling with health issues either your own or a family member. It is so hard to take care of yourself when your mind is elsewhere, even though this is exactly what you should be doing. If you aren't healthy (eating right and getting enough rest) then you can't take care of anyone else. :flowerforyou:

    I dropped 3 pounds as of monday but I am not sure I beleave it so I am waiting to see if it is still there on Monday when I weigh in again if so I will post it. I am very proud of myself as I have been doing some form of exercise for the past 3 days!!! :bigsmile:
    It isn't much compared to many of you faithful movers and shakers but for me it is a big step. I really need to start toning up. I am sure I would lose at least a size if I just tightened up all the jiggely parts. :laugh:
    I bought myself a cute Summer dress in a size 13 which is a bit more then a size smaller then I currently wear so my next goal is to be wearing it when the temps warm up a bit. :love:

    My Belly dancing class is in it's second week and our instructor has asked if we can do an extra 5 weeks after teachers conference so I will get 10 weeks of dancing instruction instead of 5!!! very happy about that as maybe I will actually be able to put some of these moves together in some form.

    be good to yourselfs and have a lovely day.

  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Amanda, how about eggplant parmesan? You can have a nice full salad and wine. I also do not eat meat but DH does so often I will make a casserole that is half and half. So even for the parmesan, you can make half of it chicken for your DH. I personally could not have a Valentines Day without chocolate, calories be damned! (that and I would eat sparsely during the day to indulge in the evening). Chocolate creme brulee is my hubby's favorite.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    You know, I think I have the courage to step on the scale now. Tomorrow is my usual weigh-in day, so I'm determined to do it.

    Yesterday I took a body sculpting class. She's really changed the format and I like it a lot better. Today I did a Leslie Sansone 5 mile fat burn workout DVD. Sometimes I would go on my mini-trampoline, sometimes I was on the floor.

    Some gals in the Newcomers are planning a surprise party for another gal (it'll be her 70th btdy on Sun). Vince was talking to her dh yesterday and he's pretty sure she has an idea. Went to one gal's house today to do some of the cooking for the dinner. They're having ziti, meatballs, salad, one lady is bringing grilled chicken because she's on a certain diet where she can't have that. I'm also going to give her Swiss chocolates.

    Tomorrow, I'll go to a yoga class, then Sun I'll do a pilates DVD.

    still trying to get caught up. Don't know if I'll get there before we leave for FL.

    Welcome to all newcomers. Congrats to the losers. Everyone who is taking care of someone else -- remember to take care of YOURSELF.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    iris still not open. much stress. tonight is the rehearsal dinner so I get to see the exes. much stress. at least I had a good morning with my girls.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Robin: I know that you looked wonderful tonight and that the Iris will open just in time tomorrow. Enjoy...it goes by so fast...and don't forget to breath!!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Robin - deep breaths. It will be fine.

    I went out to a local diner for supper. It is Friday, right? Hamburger and fries, yum! But - I did not get cheese, I split the fries with hubby, and planned it into my calories for the day. I have to admit, I enjoyed every bite, and not cooking or cleaning! My 2 year old grandson is spending the night and we are soaking up quality time with him. Off to get him to bed!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Robin have fun, enjoy the moment, it is over in a heartbeat and you don't want to miss any of it. Put the iris out where it is warm, not hot, and it will open faster. As good as you look no one will notice if your flower is not perfect. Smile your great smile!

    Mary so good to read your posts, nice to have you in the neighborhood again.

    Michele, I don't know how you do it all. Just keeping the schedule would be to much for me!

    Amanda hope the PC is better soon.

    I am just in from work, this and tomorrow are my long days as opposed to my normal 4 other work days.
    I am so thankful that at the age of 56 I can keep this work schedule and feel good at the end of the day.:smile:
    Time for some quick weight work before bed.

    Prayers of support for the caregivers amoung us, continuing prayers for Darlis and her husband, prayers for Amanda and her grand bairns, prayers for comfort for all of those suffering through the passing of a loved one, and prayers of thankfulness for all that we a blessed with, including this thread and each other.

    Nite all, Alice
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    iris still not open. much stress. tonight is the rehearsal dinner so I get to see the exes. much stress. at least I had a good morning with my girls.

    We are all sending positive open iris energy to you. I echo the deep breathes and Hey, you've lost weight so I'm sure you look much better than the exes put together... Stand tall, walk proudly.