


  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Oh, and happy Monday! I'm giving a test. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.....
  • IreneAdler
    I almost never give tests on Mondays. I don't know why, exactly-the kids just never seem to do that well (because they don't study?)
    Curse the art teacher today! She brought an enormous plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies and left them in the staff room. But I resisted!!!

    This week's crockpot special is shrimp and chicken jambalaya--a new recipe I'm trying out.

    Ever had a pot roast in your fridge for so long that you named it Larry? It takes FOREVER for one person on a diet to eat a pot roast.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member

    Ever had a pot roast in your fridge for so long that you named it Larry?

    Louis, actually. But then, I'm Italian.

    Never mind. I guess it should be Luigi.
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm glad someone started a teacher thread again. My husband and I teach at the same school and brown bag 99% of the time. Often, it's homemade soup and sandwich or leftovers like lentils. Before we were married, he gained 30 lbs. eating in the cafeteria. The break room is no problem for me. I just imagine everyone's kitchen looks like the ones on Hoarders. We do serve breakfast in the classroom though; and sometimes the cereal or pbj sandwiches are hard to resist.
  • csquaredsmom
    Lab in class today! Always chaotic. But I'm DONE for the day. Rest of day is plan for me so perhaps I can get in a workout DVD! By the way, made a fantastic chicken taco crockpot chili last night! It was so good for lunch today. Usually I just eat a Kellog's 90 calorie bar but today actually had time to eat! YUMMO!
  • csquaredsmom
    You will have to let us know how that recipe turns out. Sounds yummy! I love trying new things!
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Why can't meetings be positive? You'd think we'd be able to pull together for support. : ( I am NOT going to stress eat.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Whew! We dd the Ramayana today; the kids were climbing the walls acting out Rama and Lakshmana fighting Surpanatha. It was awesome, but I didn't drink enough and now I have a headache.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Can we start a new teacher thread called, "crappiest things your boss has ever done to you?"

    We've been planning a field trip for a month. Two weeks ago, our math teacher quit without warning and stopped coming in; didn't even finish out the semester. The first thing I brought up was the field trip. Because we have so many students, we split the field trip into two different weeks-- the math and history teacher this week, myself and the science teacher next week. Because the math teacher left, I offered to go on both her week and mine. The assistant principal said, "No, don't worry, I'll probably go for her or we'll get a really good substitute."
    "That's great," I said, "Please just give me a heads-up ASAP if you want me to go."

    Today. Today at 2:10 the assistant principal comes in and says, "Gee, I have so much stuff on my desk right now, I can't go on the field trip tomorrow (TOMORROW!), can you go?"

    So I'm going on a field trip tomorrow and have to write a sub plan tonight. To add insult to injury, tomorrow is a half day-- unless you're on the field trip! Then it's a full day.

  • IreneAdler
    That absolutely sucks! There is no other way to say it.

    I, fortunately, have been gifted with excellent bosses, except for the first one who didn't renew my contract and didn't give me a reason or a warning (private school, no union, no recourse).

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    ETA : Gotta get the ticker in here. . .
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    I am really lucky with he district I work for now. They are huge fans of healthy living. We are involved in a 100 day challenge right now and our principal supports being healthy. She has walked in to do an observation, and when she finished, taught the next five minutes so i could run to the bathroom.
  • JL3mom
    JL3mom Posts: 48
    I work in an elementary school with a VERY involved PTA and their is ALWAYS food and chocolate in the teachers lounge! I think I use to make excuses to go in there just to get chocolate!!! I decided that enough was enough and I haven't had any chocolate in TWO weeks! Yay me! (with me, the chocolate has to be all or nothing!!) Maybe one day I will be able to enjoy a piece!
  • IreneAdler
    Good Job, jaileeh!

    Giving up the chocolate is hard. I keep my chocolate in the freezer, where I'm most likely to forget about it.

    At the last staff meeting, when pretzels were available for snacks, I actually read the calorie information on the bag and carefully counted out 18 pretzels for myself. The person in line behind me gave me the strangest look.
  • csquaredsmom
    I too am lucky with my current boss. He's amazing and if he ever goes anywhere else, I think I will want to follow. He is SOOOO supportive of the staff eating healthy and exercising! We all share tips and recipes and cheer each other on. Of course, it is a smaller school but it's still awesome!
    Sorry about having to do those sub plans. Sub plans are the worst. Easier to just be there!
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    Yes, sub plans are a pain. I do love the feeling though I get walking in the next day. The kids act like they havent seen me in months. Tomorrow will be interesting. We are having a "reward" pizza celebration with some of our kiddoes for their holiday reading logs. My partner and I are hoping to encourage the healthy eating with our kids. We are having one thin crust pizza, salads, and watermelon for dessert.
  • crutherford1205
    crutherford1205 Posts: 18 Member
    I teach middle school reading. I always have a hard time eating during lunch, because I am doing way to many other things. I usually bring Zone protein bars, which I find fill me up and I can eat hem quickly.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Awww. Okay, the field trip was SO worth it. We went to the Asian Art Museum and the kids were so prepared. I was incredibly proud of them. When the docents would ask questions they were ON IT. "Now, this is a statue of Rama and--" "He's an avatar of Vishnu!" my kid would blurt out. "Parvati and Shiva were partners! They had Ganesha, the elephant god of new beginnings!" They were so polite and interested and knowledgeable. The docents were totally impressed and thanked us for coming. So... I guess the sub plan was worth it, even though two of my colleagues got to go home at 12:30 and my other colleague and weren't ready to really go home til 4.

    Unfortunately, I feel like I'm coming down with something and have zero motivation to work out or anything.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!
  • christina31
    christina31 Posts: 124 Member
    I just found this thread, and I'm SO glad I did! I'm not a teacher yet, but I'm currently working as a sign language interpreter in a day treatment program in my county. I've been in education for 5 years, and this is probably the best placement so far. I'm slowly working my way through school to become a special ed teacher, but with two kids at home, there's only so many hours in the day. I'm fortunate that the classroom is self-contained with a teacher and 2 assistants, so I am usually able to run to the bathroom whenever I need to, as long as there isn't a crisis. Our students eat in the classroom, so we have made it a learning opportunity and eat together at a table everyday. My biggest problem is that any time I leave the room, so does my student's voice. I find myself timing bathroom breaks with the students, but they don't drink water all day! I'm always looking for friends on here with similar stories, so please feel free to friend me!
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I teach special kids too but I teach in high school. I have 9th through 12th self contained students. I love my job, but the bathroom thing is very frustrating at times. When I have Lots of water I have to go every 20 min. Our classes are 90 minutes in length - so this becomes a MAJOR problem. Thank goodness for friends and an aide who can cover for a 5 min. bathroom run. :laugh: