Does anyone else ...



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    I do. Usually have low blood pressure. I'm a kiwi with Scottish, Irish, British and Welsh far back in my background along with lots of others. Red face and sweating within 30 minutes of cardio workouts.
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I turn red with the slightest temperature fluctuations and absolutely from working out. Irish. I think a lot of it is the pale complexion
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Ok, you Scots and Irish, you aren't in a special club now. :wink:

    I get the same way and I sweat like it's going out of style. My shirts are usually soaked down during a session at my boot camp. My blood pressure is just fine, it has been checked and is better than it has ever been. I'm mexican with olive skin so I turn bright red real quick. My trainer and doctor both attribute the redness to the fact that I am endothermic. I already create a lot of internal energy so by doing more exercise it's even greater. Which is why I usually go through a half gallon of water after I exercise so that it helps cool me down. :blushing:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I only get that way when the temperature is warmer than I house is normally at 68 degrees, and when I exercise over 70 degrees, my face gets red and I sweat more. On those days I make sure to hydrate more than usual to compensate and I splash my face with water when I am done.

    My BP is at the low end of normal as well.

    And just for the fun of it, I am Welsh and Greek.
  • I have darn good BP. Even through out my pregnancy it was always very low.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I go bright red and sweat like no one's business.
    I've always been the same. My school PE teachers once commented how unfit I must be but I could still play a whole gtame of basketball or netball or hockey and ran in the cross country team. !!
    Stupid people teachers - ooh, I'm a teacher LOL We do say some silly things, we're only human.

    I always have to have a towel in the gym to mop myself off and feel a bit silly but I tell myself it's my body's way of colling.
    Getting the blood to the surface and sweating to cool me down.
    I'm efficient!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone with the blood pressure comments. I just meant that it CAN be an indicator, not that redness is always because of blood pressure. Although, I still think it is better to be safe then sorry and have it checked regularly at different times and by different people. My Mother always thought she had low blood pressure, too, but still died of a stroke from undiagnosed high blood pressure at 53 because it had been being taken incorrectly for years. Don't trust the machines at your local pharmacy. Or a standard size cuff if you have small arms. Mom was petite and looked to be in perfect health. Her doctor used a standard cuff instead of a small cuff. And because of our family history, she checked it regularly at the pharmacy anytime she went to Wal-Mart, but that too was a standard size cuff. When she had her stroke, the doctor in the ER was the first person to use a small cuff that properly fit her small arms. It was the first time she had ever gotten a high reading. She survived less then a week. I don't know any of you personally to say that you are getting inaccurate readings, but I'd rather be the bad guy who pushes someone who doesn't have a problem with blood pressure into having it checked, then to not push someone who needs it to get it checked. As a trainer in the gym, if I see someone turning excessively red, I stop their exercise and check their blood pressure. If it is outside the guidelines for what blood pressure should be while exercising, I make them do a cool down and stop exercising and make sure it goes back down to normal or call the ambulance. Yes, some people call me a B**** for it, but again, I'd rather inconvenience someone who doesn't need it then risk the life of someone who does.

    Also, the guidelines of 120/80 are changing. It should be less then 120/80 now. And exercise, while it lowers overall blood pressure in the long run, raises blood pressure while you are exercising. So, even if your blood pressure is normal when you see your doctor, you could be having an excessively high blood pressure while you are working out. If you have someone who has been properly trained in taking blood pressure and the right size cuff available, check it while you are working out and are turning red. It will be above 120/80 then, I promise. Although, the diastolic (bottom number) shouldn't change much or should even go down. The guidelines for stopping exercise for blood pressure are if it is more then 250/115 (or if either of the numbers is over it's specific set point). Redness from blood pressure can be caused by numbers lower then that, though. And numbers lower then that can be dangerous for some people. My Mom's was only averaging 170/110 the whole time she was in the hospital after her stroke.

    My point is that while most of us workout for weight loss, going the extra mile in the gym (or wherever you workout) isn't worth risking our lives. I want everyone to be cautious because just like everything else in life, moderation is key, even with exercise. It can be risky and I want you to make sure you're being as safe as possible. You can call me a B**** if you want, but it my insistence on checking blood pressure keeps you from having a stroke while working out, your kids will thank me. I wish someone had been a B**** to my Mom and insisted that her blood pressure be checked correctly.
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone with the blood pressure comments. I just meant that it CAN be an indicator, not that redness is always because of blood pressure. Although, I still think it is better to be safe then sorry and have it checked regularly at different times and by different people.

    I agree and was not offended at all. It is always best to be safe. I never blamed the instructor for being concerned either. I looked scary! :laugh:
  • flafitnana
    flafitnana Posts: 3 Member
    I always laugh and blame it on a hot flash! I can do that at my age!! And my BP is very normal~
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I always laugh and blame it on a hot flash! I can do that at my age!! And my BP is very normal~

    LOL My favorite quote and I wish I knew who said it originally so I could give them credit is: "I'm still hot! It's just that now it comes in flashes!"
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Yep. Me too.
    Red face...sweaty...look like I'm going to explode.
    Scottish and English as well.
    But......I don't have hot flashes. I have "Power Surges!" :laugh:
  • When I do a really hard workout, my entire face goes red, but there's a circle around around my mouth that stays white...looks pretty stupid! Haha. I should go and get my BP tested, come to think of it...I'm only 20 but I've gone between being at the higher end of normal weight for my height to overweight most of my life. Backwards and forwards all the time...time to start getting my act together!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    not scottish or english (that i know of anyway) but yeah RED RED RED face when exercising...i have very fair skin and its really annoying cuz ill look around and some people are lightly flushed but my whole face is bright red...chin forehead and cheeks, nothing to do about it but glad im not the only one!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    When I do a really hard workout, my entire face goes red, but there's a circle around around my mouth that stays white...looks pretty stupid! Haha. I should go and get my BP tested, come to think of it...I'm only 20 but I've gone between being at the higher end of normal weight for my height to overweight most of my life. Backwards and forwards all the time...time to start getting my act together!

    and i have sort of low blood pressure so its not that
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