I can't do it!



  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    People treat eating healthy as this big challenge. They make it so important and put some much empathize on the things you can and can't do. That is a wrong habit to get into! Nobody is perfect. And If you "slip up" and eat McDonalds, so what. It doesn't mean you failed. It's not the end of the world! It means you had a unhealthy meal. Take it out on the weights or the punching bag in your workout. Work just a little bit harder. Nobody eats healthy 24/7. Nobody works out every single day. Everyone takes days off. Sooner or later you will natural go for the apple instead of chips. Your body will get use to exercise. You will have so much energy, you will want to work out. You just have to train your mind and body to think that way. Which won't happen over night.
  • alw2007
    alw2007 Posts: 35
    You absolutely can do this! My first two weeks were rough also, but I picked myself up, dusted myself off and got back on the wagon so to speak. This will get easier it will get better and you will get healthy! I believe in you!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Go you! :) Glad to hear that renewed spirit!
  • (P.P.M) = Patience, Perseverance, and Motivation is the key to success. I made up this small acronym to motivate myself and keep going on my weight loss journey everyday, If I can do it so can you! I know that it is hard, I screwed up so many times but I keep on getting back up and do everything I can to get back on track. Think of the sweet victory and reward once you accomplish your goal! Never back down you can do this!
  • My favorite saying is A journey of a thousand miles can only begin with a single step. I am just starting so can use support too. but i know you have to love and forgive yourself on this journey. You are worth it so just keep putting one step in front of the other. work on healthier choices, and like everyone said don't quit over a bad choice. just make the next one healthier. Luck to you
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I was so motivated last year and I got my husband to agree to joining a gym and not buy so much unhealthy food... it didn't take long before we stopped going to the gym and he was bringing home entire boxes of donuts every weekend. I still decided to apply to be a contestant on our local Biggest Loser contest, but I was definitely not as excited about it this year. Until I actually got called to be one of the contestants. However, last weekend I got totally off track and didn't go exercise at all. My back hurt, my daughter got sick, I got a video so I can do it at home (but I didn't), etc. I had every excuse in the book this past week. I did keep eating within my calories and tried not to swing too far off on the carbs (something I am good at doing), and then today I HAD to go to the gym because we are disqualified if we don't go weigh in. I fully expected to show a gain for the week, but somehow, I still lost 2 pounds this week!
    The reason I share this story with you is that it isn't always a bad day. Sometimes it's a bad week. Sometimes it's only a bad hour even. But while you are having that bad (day, week, hour), keep doing what you can that is positive. There are still good things happening as you are slowly making the positive changes that you need. When you can, add in the changes that you wanted to make and didn't quite get there before. After a while, you will convince yourself that it is worth it, and that is ultimately what this journey is all about. Finding out for ourselves that it is worth it to be healthy.
    Hang in there, and definitely keep using MFP for support!
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    Don't get discouraged. Last week I yo-yoed all week. There will be good days and bad days. Just take it one day at a time and very meal is a new chance to eat healthy. Your only human and losing weight is hard work and stressful.
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    This reminded me of how I felt last night, after having signed up on this web-site on Monday. Every day I started out okay and then by about noon I wiped out for the rest of the day. I felt like there was no use as I seemed to be a failure. However, this morning I got up and the thought came to me, "Today is a new day and you are starting out with a clean slate, with no mistakes." That motivated me to try again, and so today I finally had a better day. My biggest problem is that I let other things control me, and have always used that as an excuse. Today, I didn't let that happen. If I was hungry and feeling out of control, I drank a glass of water. Will I have all perfect days? Absolutely not, but I will get back up and brush myself off, and start again. Beating myself up will not help me in any way. I will keep going!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    LIES! you CAN do it! We have to get into that mindset... keep telling yourself that you can do it... say it out loud... it might take you an hour to get up in exercise (today it took me two hours) but you will start to believe it! Another thing is try to remember the good choices that you made today. If you are like me focusing on the bad things will make it even harder. We are working towards a goal. WE can do this! Getting on here to seeing the success of others makes me feel like i can do it too. you started this march challenge because you want to lose weight. that is the first step, which means you can do it! :) Look at all the motivation and advice you received from this post. it means you arent alone, we are here to help you along...
  • KhollerSA05
    KhollerSA05 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't feel bad I fall off the wagon at least once a week. let yourself have the small indulgences So you don't totally fall off and over do it. You can totally do it you justhave to tell yourself you can
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I have woken up every day for the past 4 weeks saying to myself "I can do this" and have never looked back. I may not get it right every day but I keep jumping back on this wave.

    It is up to you, you decide when you are ready. You cannot tell someone to get healthy no more than you can tell someone to quit smoking.

    I'm like this.
    I joined MFP 2 weeks ago today and have told myself everyday I can do this.

    You can if you tell yourself you can.

    If you tell yourself you won't do it you'll prove yourself right.

    Good luck.
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    look at my quote below....one of my favs....
  • ckoerwer
    ckoerwer Posts: 3 Member
    Of course you can do it! So you made a mistake today. So what? Starting right this minute, you can make better choices. If you get hungry later tonight, legitimately hungry, then eat something good for you. And tomorrow morning, wake up, have a filling, healthy, non-sugary breakfast, and get on with making good choices for the day.

    You can't fail at this thing. It's not like there's some magic finish line that you have to reach. It's like taking a walk -- you go where you want, at the speed you want, and once in a while there's a tree branch stuck up in the sidewalk that trips you up and you fall down. But you don't lie there in the sidewalk for the rest of your life, right? No way! You get up, dust off your knees, and walk some more. That's all this is. It's a process, not a race. Nobody says you have to be perfect.

    Don't beat yourself up over this. You CAN do anything you set your mind to. Please love yourself enough to know that. Tonight (or whenever you see this) I want you to get a Post-It note (or if you don't have one, a piece of paper with some tape) and write on it "I am worth it!" and tape it to your bathroom mirror. Or your front door, or wherever you will see it multiple times through the day. Every time you see it, SAY IT out loud to yourself. Because you are worth it. You are beautiful, you are worthwhile, and you are valuable. You need to know that. *hugs* for you.

    Love the imagery of the "walk". I will always think of this now. Thanks!:happy:
  • Grammy54
    Grammy54 Posts: 21 Member
    Babysteps think small if you look too far into the future it can be discouraging. Just make small changes look at how much you burn for calories each day by doing nothing. Then think of one small change you can make to lower your calories consumed each day. Like eat whole grain something instead of plain white. Like brown rice and chicken breast with 3 or 4 servings of veggies. Healthy filling meal.

    I had a friend who eat vegetables all day long when she was first trying to loose weight. It satisfied her cravings for food and kept her calories low.. Don't do both exercise and diet until your ready.

    If loosing weight was easy we would not be here any of us we would just all go around eating and loosing.

    I have lost 60 pounds but it has been 4 years now and I can't seem to loose any more

    Any one can do it it is the really trying and being completely honest with our selves that is hard.
  • Just remember, the War on weight is won in small victories everyday, not the whole war at once. If we can take any advice from the alcoholics, it's to take it one day at a time. Do not dwell on what your diet and excercise regimen is going to be next week, just look to your next meal or snack and make it a healthy one. You can do it.
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