Join me in a 25 pound challenge

HisMomma21 Posts: 11
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Who wants to join me in a 25 pound challenge? I want to lose 25 pounds by July 1st (that's half way to my goal).

I'm back at it, after falling off the wagon in July 2010. I lost 70 pounds and got to my goal of being under 200 pounds. since then, I've gained about 4 pounds..So I'm back up to 203.8 YIKES !!

Here's my plan -

Week 1 - Drink 100 oz of water each day. (Today is day one)
Week 2 - Continue drinking 100 oz of water each day and do 30 minutes of exercise each day alternating cardio/strength with Saturday being a rest day
Week 3 - Continue weeks 1&2 - add 30 minutes of power walking on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Week 4 - Continue weeks 1-3 - add 30 minutes of power walking on Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday (so we're walking 6 days a week, on top of cardio/strength)

After that I'm at a loss. I'm open to suggestions..
I also want to try a new recipe every week, and I'm open to suggestions there as well.

So who wants to join me.. we'll keep this thread updated!


  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    Count me in.
  • Drinking water for me would be a boost in itself. Will have a go.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I do. This is a doable and realistic amount, and I need a kick in the pants to get going again. I have gotten complacent and This will help make me accountable to a group. Friend requests on the way!
  • Im in!
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    i would love 2 join this challenge. but, i am exstremely determined that i am goin 2 lose 21 lbs by may 1st. ( that would take me down 2 199..... but gl 2 u & e 1 else!!!!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    By July 1st Im hoping to lose 47.6 pounds .... I have lost 11 of them so 36.6 to go ... COUNT ME IN!!!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I would like to join as well!!!
  • evanslawn
    evanslawn Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!
  • jrkdsmith
    jrkdsmith Posts: 1 Member
    I am in! Needed a support group. I have never counted calories in my life---this is a new concept for me. I have been entering in food for 5 days now--fascinating! Made some different choices when I saw that my "little bit of nibbling" was really contributing to the 30 pounds I have gained in the last 4-5 years. Hit the age where I know I gotta change it now!

    My water consumption has reallydropped over the years --- 3 kids = awful bladder control. Not drinking as much water seemed to happen without realizing it. I am very aware since this program that I was barely getting in 2 glasses a day.

    Then there is the whole excercise thing. I get 3 paid hours a week to do it! I have not been utilizing that great health benefit I have with my employer. I am the worst with excuses. Too tired. Too busy. Too aggravated. Not in the mood. Yep, I use 'em all.

    So...COUNT ME IN! My goal is 25 pounds. 30 would be cool too! Let's do it!
  • I'm in. I am all for a challenge :)
  • haydan7707
    haydan7707 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in.
  • crutherford1205
    crutherford1205 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! :)
  • Wow thanks everyone! I'm excited to see this is really going to take off. It's going to be awesome to have someone to be accountable to.
    I'm on my second 20 oz bottle of water for the day! I'm excited to finish what I started over a year ago! My ultimate goal is 130-150. If I lose 50 pounds a month, I should be at 150 by end of year.. We'll see how I feel about my body then. Taking a photo when my son takes a nap.. still in my pj's right now lol.
  • Im definetly in. I hope i lose it before then tho. =P

    I just woke up and there is so much to catch up on. Everyone has already worked out and well into the day. I must be the furthest West. haha Anyone else in Alaska?
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    I will give it a shot. Water and I have been having a love hate thing going on for awhile.
  • Im definetly in. I hope i lose it before then tho. =P

    I just woke up and there is so much to catch up on. Everyone has already worked out and well into the day. I must be the furthest West. haha Anyone else in Alaska?

    LOL I've we just finished lunch, he in Ohio. I also hope to lose it before then, but we'll see. I KNOW I can do 5 pounds a month, but I also know 10 is also doable.. so we'll see! Hope your day is off to a good start!
  • I will give it a shot. Water and I have been having a love hate thing going on for awhile.

    I know how that is. I work retail, and usually, I am just doing my own thing, and I can go to the bathroom whenever I need to. However, lately, I've been working with this team or that team since I joined the "fast track to supervisor". I have to work so many hours with each team. I can't go to the bathroom every hour on the hour.. lol. So water at work is difficult for me.
  • Im definetly in. I hope i lose it before then tho. =P

    I just woke up and there is so much to catch up on. Everyone has already worked out and well into the day. I must be the furthest West. haha Anyone else in Alaska?

    LOL I've we just finished lunch, he in Ohio. I also hope to lose it before then, but we'll see. I KNOW I can do 5 pounds a month, but I also know 10 is also doable.. so we'll see! Hope your day is off to a good start!

    Haha yeah i took a vaction to Boston this summer and the 4 hour time change really makes a big difference!!

    So the water thing?? I drank a gallon yesterday and i lost 2.2 pounds. I really think it helped flush out my system. Im going to drink it up today too!
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    count me :-)
  • ladykathalina
    ladykathalina Posts: 26 Member
    Yes...count me in too! That will work with my goal too! :drinker:

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