

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am thinking happy thoughts for Robin and her flowers and the wedding :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we are up to our eyeballs in plans to sell our house and move into something smaller and less expensive.....all the thinking and preparing along with trying to gather all the documents and numbers for the income tax have kept me away from the computer.......of course, I'm still dancing and going to the dog park and logging food and exercise, so life is good :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    Darlis, you and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers. :heart: I’m glad you are together to face the challenges.

    Joyctr, I used to have the same eating pattern. Drove me crazy to start out with new resolve only to watch it fade by late afternoon. What’s worked for me is to load up on veggies and fruit at the times I get hungry. I mean really load up!

    I like fruit with plain yogurt, a little sweetener mixed in if needed. Usually, the fruit is so sweet I don’t need or want sweetener.

    Even more, I love roasted veggies. I came by my nickname honestly (Sister Mimi Veggie Queen, that is!) Except for an occasional salad or steamed broccoli, I never liked vegetables – at all! – until I started roasting them. These are not my mother’s veggies.

    I heat the oven to 450-475 (exact temp depends on your oven) then roast mushrooms, mini peppers, eggplant (the jury’s out on this one), sometimes broccoli, butternut squash, etc., for about 15 minutes. I roast zucchini, summer squash, and my favorite veg, asparagus, for 9-10 minutes. Delish!

    The key is to have the veggies in your mind and in your fridge. Then, as soon as you get even a little hungry, go to work on prepping and roasting. I'm amazed by how much willpower I suddenly have. :wink:

    Deprivation doesn’t work for me – at all. Lots of good fruits and veggies work wonders. Good luck!

    Robin, I hope the wedding is wonderful. You will look stunning. Let the exes eat their hearts out. Best wishes to your daughter. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new. Participating in this site makes a huge difference in staying on track. As Barbie says, this site has changed my life. Hopping in here frequently makes the most difference for me. I don't know which makes me happier, the friends I’ve made or my progress with weight loss.

    Amanda, you sound wonderful. High kicks and splits! Wow!!! You are, all at the same time, both half the person you were and twice the person. Your progress warms my heart and gives me inspiration.

    Mary, I’m glad to see you back. It feels like old times, which means, time for me (both of us…all of us) to get going on the weight loss again. I like knowing that, even if we take a “vacation” for awhile, we can always come back. (I also like knowing that on this vacation (about 3 months from seriously working on losing weight), I've maintained. A first!)

    Chiclet, my sympathy. Your mom is a touch cookie. The new agency sounds good. Maybe some Prozac? :heart:

    Barb, ouch! I’m sorry you hurt your toe but glad it wasn’t broken. Better a bruised toe than a bruised head. Maybe next year, it will be just a splinter. (A little one.)

    Joy, congrats on the weight loss. Four pounds gone is terrific.:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, with your good attitude, those three pound will come off quickly. :love: I’ve been up a few pounds, down a few pounds. I count it as all good as it is maintenance. Glory be.

    Awesome on the weight loss, Peggy. :flowerforyou: Good for you on the belly dancing too. You’re brave.

    Barbie, with all you have going on, you are doing so well at staying on track. You are my hero. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I wanted to say hello to everyone (I know I missed a few, but I’m thinking about you too!) I love this thread.

    I’m heading down to the Bay Area (Walnut Creek) for a few days and probably won’t get much time to read or post. We’re celebrating my mom’s 85th birthday with a family-and-friends get-together. I hope to be doing as well when I’m 85.

    We expect around 40 people. We’re having a fiesta and I’m doing the decorating. I got lots and lots of bright orange-y red and golden yellow flowers at the dollar store and gold-yellow paper bags with twine handles to put them in. We’ll scatter them about the house and put them on the tables, along with some Mexican blankets.

    I got a piñata too! The menu is all Mexican. Yum. It will be hard not to over-indulge, ‘though not in the piñata candy (no chocolate!)

    Time to get moving. Have to close with a grandkid story though.

    I had dinner with DD, her hubby, and kids the other night. I took the puppy with me. She and the kid were all wild. Eventually, Kate got sent to her room for a timeout.

    A couple of minutes later (before her timeout was up), Kate emerged from her room, blanket wrapped around her shoulders and wearing dark glasses. We reminded her, “Kate, you’re on timeout. Go back to your room.” She said, “I’m not Kate.” We said again, “Kate, you’re on timeout.” She said, “I’m not Kate, I’m Celine.”

    By this time, my shoulders were shaking, I was trying so hard not to laugh. Finally, we convinced “Celine” she had to finish her timeout. As soon as she left the room, we burst out laughing. Celine!

    Grandkids and puppies. Life is good.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Time to get moving. Have to close with a grandkid story though.

    I had dinner with DD, her hubby, and kids the other night. I took the puppy with me. She and the kid were all wild. Eventually, Kate got sent to her room for a timeout.

    A couple of minutes later (before her timeout was up), Kate emerged from her room, blanket wrapped around her shoulders and wearing dark glasses. We reminded her, “Kate, you’re on timeout. Go back to your room.” She said, “I’m not Kate.” We said again, “Kate, you’re on timeout.” She said, “I’m not Kate, I’m Celine.”

    By this time, my shoulders were shaking, I was trying so hard not to laugh. Finally, we convinced “Celine” she had to finish her timeout. As soon as she left the room, we burst out laughing. Celine!

    Grandkids and puppies. Life is good.

    My two year old grandson David put on his Buzz Lightyear clothes the other night and refused to answer to "David" all night. If you wanted him, you had to call him Buzz.

    Tonight the 5 year old is spending the night.

    Today is Kansas Day. Happy 150th, Kansas! I thought that it might be a good time to point out that the Kansas state motto, "Ad astra per aspera," is part of my signature line. It translates "To the stars through difficulties." I feel that it is appropriate for my life. So - ready to deck myself in sunflowers, color some Western meadowlarks and bison, and get ready to watch the KU K State game with family as we celebrate. ESPN game day will be in Lawrence, at KU, my alma mater. Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    To Infinity and Beyond! :happy:

    I'm at work. On a Saturday. Sigh.

    I'm happy to see Amanda but I suspect with her computer troubles she won't see this. Just in case: Hi, Amanda!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Funny, because my son in law (from Alabama/Texas) always tells my daughter that "To infinity and beyond!" is the Kansas state motto, and believe me, my grandson has been saying that when he is Buzz!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi all!
    Congratulations to those of you who have lost a few pounds, maintained, or gained just a couple! As we get older, it gets sooo much harder to lose any weight. I have been at the gym at least an hour a day for a least 6 days a week for the past several weeks, and have been under my calorie goal most days. It seems that I may lose 2 pounds one week and then go up 1 the next. I'm hoping that this is a losing week! We will see on Monday! I have about 15 pounds more to go and I am bound and determined I am going to get there.

    Have a good rest of the week-end.

    Lynn L.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Congratulations to all of you who have lost weight since your last check in! It is inspiring to see so many dropping those pounds.

    Joy – Thanks for the meal suggestion for Amanda. I am making eggplant tomorrow. Just couldn’t stop thinking of it since you mentioned it.

    Mmi – Thank for the comforting words about my bouncing up. I know you are right.

    We went to Red Lobster for DS' 16th birthday. I swear that boy picks the most expensive and fattening restaurants. I planned ahead by checking the website, but then opted for the shrimp lover's platter. I put the shrimp Alfredo in a box straight away and ended up only 100 calories over for the day. Mom and Dad came with us. It was free day for Dad in that I did not measure his sodium for the meal. I mean he is 91 and we don't go out that often.

    BTW Hubby's daughter from a previous marriage popped back into our lives last week. It will be interesting to see if she has changed over the 5 years since she popped out. I pray that she has as hubby was hurt she never called and we can't afford for it to be the way it was the last time she was part of our lives.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning everyone

    I've had a bit of a catch up, our internet connection was lost for almost two days. :grumble: it's still a bit hit and miss, so I'm hoping it stays long enough for me to post.

    I'm a bit cross because Pipex (our internet provider) said they would call back on Saturday to check everything was ok - they advised we needed a new internet cable - so out I went to buy one and, but it still didn't work any better. Of course they don't have anyone there to answer the phone on a Sunday. :grumble: I'll call them tomorrow - we may need a new router or something.,

    I've had a bad week and am up about a pound, I know it's not much, but it is not the direction I want to go in. I've only myself to blame - I haven't made good choices and all my good resolutions went out of the window. So, when I go back to work on Tuesday, I'll be armed with lots of fruit to snack on, and take salads for lunch instead of sandwiches. I could do to buy one of those wide necked flasks to take some roasted veggies and maybe add them to soup, or just snack on them, but not sure how I'd keep them warm until lunchtime.

    Well I'd better post this before the connection goes again. Happy Sunday to everyone, sorry not to reply to you individually, but you are all in my thoughts.

    :heart: :heart:
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today is the first time in almost a week that I have signed on for more than a minute and have intentions of following any sort of meal plan. I hope each one of you have had a great week. I have been buried under work deadlines and as such have fallen into the same trap that has kept me 55lbs overweight for many years,

    I gained backed 1 1/2 lbs from not exercising and eating whatever was handy all week. I am so so tired of not being able to find balance in my life.

    I love what I do, I just don't seem to be able to incorporate my health into my schedule for more than a week or two at a time before it all falls apart again. The whole time I am exercising, I'm thinking of all of the work I could be accomplishing right then. As far as food choices..well if it is something I can eat with one hand and lay down easily...that's what I go for. That way, I can still read the file and work at the same time.

    I keep telling myself after this group of files, I'm going to find a way to have all parts of my life into my day. I'm not going to let work take over. Of course, the next month comes along and soon after, I am struggling again.

    Do any of you struggle to make time for yourself? Did you figure it out? Got any hints?

    I turn 50 in July and so badly want to be closer to my ideal weight than I am right now.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I'm at my youngest daughter's and have taken advantage of her internet connection - but can only use it for a wee while.

    Hello MacMadame - I'll be glad once we get the broadband back and I'll be back to posting daily. Glad to hear you got positive remarks about exercising through your injuries.

    Sister Veggie Queen - I like the idea of being half the person I was AND twice the person I was! That pretty much sums up how I feel most of the time. Loved your Celine story by the way! Well done to your ticker movement!

    Barbiecat - all I can say to you is Good Luck! The thought of moving home would fill me with dread. I can't see us moving any time soon as we still have 'pet cemetery' in one of our back gardens.

    Robin - I hope the wedding (and the iris!) were blooming wonderful.

    Michele - Have a fabulous time.

    Joy - Eggplant Parmesan (although we call eggplants aubergines) sounds good! I no longer drink alcohol, but could ply DH with champers.

    Jeannie - I also love the idea of a fondue! We have three really good fondue sets (I have one that I keep purely vegetarian, one for meaty stuff and one for sweet stuff). We used to have loads of fondue parties a while back - always something good to have in our garden room. If we don't do it for Valentine's day, I will definitely be doing one soon. Thanks for the memory jog.

    Chiclet - I hope things get easier for you soon. My thoughts are with you.

    Barb - ouch! I hope your toe is not hurting too much.

    Lynn - hope you are doing well and back to making good choices.

    Viv - are you going to be doing the race for life this year? I'm doing it with my sister and DD#2. We intend to at least partly run it this time (last time I did it was a couple of years ago and I did a very painful walk with a walking stick).

    As far as menopause goes - I wish mine would! I had a bi-lateral oopherectomy (complete hysterectomy) when I was 31 and still get hot flushes, night sweats etc. One day it will be gone ..... I pray!

    Would love to stick around and write more, but need to hand back the laptop to my daughter.

    Love to everyone, including those not mentioned above and also the newbies.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Today is my restart day. I'd cross my fingers, but then I couldn't type.

    We had a great time at Red Lobster for DS's 16th birthday dinner. Mom didn't take her medicines last night, so that she could have a drink. Dad didn't care what he got as long as it had french fries with it. My son got the Admiral's platter and ate the whole thing, then ate dessert. I was very reasonable and ended up only a couple 100 calories over. It was those darn rolls that I swore I could resist.

    Have a great Sunday!


    PS: Mom was so sure the dish the scallops was in was plastic, she tried to take it home in the take home bags. Must have been the drink.
  • saltkm
    saltkm Posts: 7
    I wonder if I may join your group? I am 53 yrs young have around 40 lbs to loose. I have had some health issues and am on some medication that makes it very difficult to loose weight. So I need to get on track and eat right and get active. I have bad knees so I have been doing water exercises and I love it. Any suggestions would be appreciated in exercise or recipes.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I wonder if I may join your group? I am 53 yrs young have around 40 lbs to loose. I have had some health issues and am on some medication that makes it very difficult to loose weight. So I need to get on track and eat right and get active. I have bad knees so I have been doing water exercises and I love it. Any suggestions would be appreciated in exercise or recipes.

    Sure you can join, just jump in! Welcome!

    Hope everyone's weekend is going well. I am trying to decide what needs done the worst right now. Really, I would like to just do nothing! Oh well, better go be useful!
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    To icubsn -- Why is it that we health care providers always provide health care to ourselves, last?

    Steven Covey once said, "I never met a person, who on their death bed, said they wished they had spent more time at the office."

    It's now or never, nurse girl. If you wait another 5 to 10 years, it gets harder. I'm now 59 and I would be happy to be the weight I was at 50! Sorry if this sounds too lecture-y.
  • mrsanderson404
    ugh....can't eat anymore today...met a friend at Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and didn't do my research ahead of time....I used up my entire days calories at one meal!! The scary thing is, the old me would have eaten that and then turned around and eaten a full dinner too! No wonder I'm a size 16.....

    sigh....tomorrow is another day.....
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Well, got the ornaments off the tree today. Tonight I'm supposed to serve at the mass and then we're going to one gal's house. They're having a "surprise" party for this other gal. I'm also taking her some Swiss chocolates. They're having ziti, meatballs (I probably won't have any), peppers and sausage. I'm thinking that I'll have just one piece of sausage and some of the pepper, and, of course, the ziti. I know she's feeling a bit hurt that one other gal is going to be bringing chicken since she's on some sort of diet where she can't have the ziti, another lady has given up meat but will eat fish. They're going to have a cake so I'll have to have a piece of it (hope it's not chocolate). I made this spinach and crab dip for an appetizer, took it to her house since I'll be there late.

    did an hour of yoga today (Sat). Tomorrow I'll do an hour of pilates. then maybe take the popcorn off the tree. See, Vince likes to do things all at once, but I'd rather do a little at a time. His knee is still hurting him some, he did get a cortisone shot Wed. He REALLY doesn't want knee surgery. I honestly think that exercising and strengthening the muscles around his knee would help, but I also know that my saying that won't help one tiny bit.

    Many years ago (Bryan was 9, today he's 24) I fell while roller skating and hurt my knee. When we moved to Kennett Square, whenever I'd walk down to the basement I would, literally, cry in pain. Now I'm someone who has a high threshold for pain. Whenever I got a crown and then had to drill the tooth down, I didn't take any novacane. So you know that pain must have been really bad for me to be crying. Vince just said "well, why don't you get an operation". Instead, I started exercising, BIG TIME. Today I occasionally feel a little "twinge", but no where near what it was like before. I truly believe it's because I built up the muscles around my knee.

    Oh, well I was brave enough to step on the scale this morning. From when I last weighed myself (2 weeks ago), I gained 3 lbs. But I don't feel like I've gained. On the bright side, that is good, what with being in Europe and all.

    Welcome saltkm! You've come to the right place. Water exercise is wonderful, glad to see you're doing it.

    At the party last night I got the greatest news. I'm NOT the baby of the Newcomers group -- there is one gal who is 3 years younger than I am. Now THAT'S great!

    Did a 50 min pilates DVD today. Tomorrow I'll do an extreme pump class, then do a little food shopping. Vince got the Hallmark ornaments off the tree and we took the popcorn off. I threw it in the backyard for the birds to eat.

    There has been a house on our block that has been for sale for at least 5 years. Our understanding was that the couple built the house, then decided not to live in it. Well, yesterday the hubby stopped by, seems some of our mail got into his bushes so he was giving it to us. He told me that he's going to be moving into the house in the Spring. hmmmm.....that would mean that he has to put the house he's living in right now on the market. Oh well, seems like a nice person, anyway.

    Oh, those peppers and sausage at the party -- I don't know who made them. I almost died when I saw that they were swimming in grease. I just had a very little, but afterwards my stomach felt really weird. Then they had a cake with whipped cream. I'm not a fan of whipped cream, I'd rather buttercream. Anyway, I wanted only 1/2 of the piece and only ate 3/4 of the piece that I did have. My stomach just felt so weird. I found that there were carrots and cucumbers, if I'd known that I wouldn't have had any of those peppers and sausage. Unfortunately, the cake was chocolate.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I'm just poppin in to say "Hi". :flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    I wanted to let you know about Jeannie Cannon. She is one of my MFP friends. She has lost 174+ pounds and will be featured on Racheal Ray's show tomorrow.

    Thought this might be of some interest to you.

    Take care:flowerforyou:
  • saltkm
    saltkm Posts: 7
    Wanted to see if someone could help me out? I am new here and I'm not sure how to figure out the calories burned for these paticular exercises. I do water workouts, not swimming. Some classes are cardio,some are like weight training and some are both, they are an hour long. Help? Thanks for the welcome Michele!:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Wanted to see if someone could help me out? I am new here and I'm not sure how to figure out the calories burned for these paticular exercises. I do water workouts, not swimming. Some classes are cardio,some are like weight training and some are both, they are an hour long. Help? Thanks for the welcome Michele!:flowerforyou:

    When I did something similar, I used Water aerobics, water calisthenics. You can search for it in the cardio database. Good job exercising!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all and welcome to the newcomers.

    As far as recipes goes, under Food and Nutrition there are forums like this that are strictly recipes. We do have a lot of good ideas here on cooking and do share what we have tried and like. I have had good luck trying the recipe forums here and have gotten quite a few good new favorite meals from them.

    Speaking of cooking, I was at Barnes and Nobles today and not one single low sodium cookbook in the store. Equally disappointing was the fact that the cook books I liked did not have nutritional information in them. Oh well, there are a lot of other book stores for me to look for.
