


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode:


    You crack me up.

    Lovableditz, it's not healthy or safe. To think it's safe, doesn't just make it safe. You can if you want, but please refrain from telling others to do it, because I'm sure you'd feel bad if they became ill because of it.

    And the lightheadedness...that's your body telling you something. If you faint during a workout, you could easily injure yourself or others. It is NEVER, EVER, EVER okay to work out while you're fasted.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    what do you do exactly when you fast?? Why do you feel it is safe??

    I just either don't eat or drink only fruit juice i think its safe. i mean occasionally ill get light headed while excercising but i just drink more water and it normally pases. i feel sicker when i over eat.

    HELLO!!! Listen to what you are saying. It's oK I think......That is the problem you are not thinking. Go back and read what people are saying. Go back and read other articles that were posted about why eating is necessary. Honey you need to really think about what you tell other people to do. Read what you wrote out loud until it hits you.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I have to say something again

    lovableditz, I am not picking on you, but you worry me. Have you read what you posted and thought about it??
    just either don't eat or drink only fruit juice i think its safe-I think it is safe. That tells me you don't know-go back and read everything that is posted on this subject. You may be surprised
    i mean occasionally ill get light headed while exercising but i just drink more water and it normally passes.-Have you ever heard of listening to your body. You body is telling you that you need food. Nutrition keeps the body going. Water keeps you hydrated, but, it's not food.
    i feel sicker when i over eat.-Don't over eat. You don't need to eat until you are full. Eat small healthy portions.
    Reading your profile tells why you are doing this. No one time did you say you were doing this for the number one reason.....Yourself.
    The pictures you posted-you have a beautiful body, you need to take care of it properly. The healthy way.
    Please really thinking about what you are doing. Also before you tell people you "think" that it is ok to do this (fasting) don't. You really need to educate yourself on your body and your body's needs.
    I hope I did not offended you, I just think that you are setting yourself up for problems in your future. You only get one body. Cherish it, nurture it, and love it
  • bittersweet22
    bittersweet22 Posts: 47 Member
    I think that it is really sad to think that a woman needs to have all of her bones showing to make her look or feel beautiful. God made us the way we are. Not saying that we shouldn't be healthy of course, which is what I want for myself. But we should be thankful for what we have. I hope you figure that out loveableditz. Any man that makes you feel like you need to be skin covering bones isn't a man at all!
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    How long should you fast for?

    an effective fast for a beginner is 3-7 days.

    I think advising people to fast for up to 7 days is irresponsible.

    If any of you are uncertain, see your doctor.

    As for the spiritual aspect, I think meditation is fantastic. However you do not need to fast to do that.
  • So many people on this site are really opposed to fasting
    im wonder why

    not only is fasting a way to lose weight but it can sometimes be the best medicine. it does wonders for your skin, it can prevent or cure illness, and it also can be a very spiritual expierence if fasting is combined with prayer or meditation.

    "Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants...All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time colon cleanser/faster sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit."--

    fasting is a way to have quick weight loss although it sould not be your primary way to lose weight. you need to eat to maintain your weight. it is a balance.

    I don't mean to be rude... but I looked at your profile... and I seen your pics... as of now... you are beautiful... but still a little too thin... I have to ask you a very serious question... are you trying to become ANOREXIC??? If so... You are on the wrong web site!!!

    From your pics... the ones with your ribs showing through your flesh... I think this is maybe the website you are looking for...

    I am not promoting the above website....and I hope that other young girls have more sense then the ones on that website!!!
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    Oh dear. Loveable ditz, you are welcome here. We're just concerned, is all. I'm no judge of whether you are too thin or not too thin. You need to feel good about yourself. If you don't, we're here for you.
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    So many people on this site are really opposed to fasting
    im wonder why

    not only is fasting a way to lose weight but it can sometimes be the best medicine. it does wonders for your skin, it can prevent or cure illness, and it also can be a very spiritual expierence if fasting is combined with prayer or meditation.

    "Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants...All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time colon cleanser/faster sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit."--

    fasting is a way to have quick weight loss although it sould not be your primary way to lose weight. you need to eat to maintain your weight. it is a balance.

    I don't mean to be rude... but I looked at your profile... and I seen your pics... as of now... you are beautiful... but still a little too thin... I have to ask you a very serious question... are you trying to become ANOREXIC??? If so... You are on the wrong web site!!!

    From your pics... the ones with your ribs showing through your flesh... I think this is maybe the website you are looking for... [ ]

    I am not promoting the above website....and I hope that other young girls have more sense then the ones on that website!!!

    Can you PLEASE take this website address down? It's bad enough people will find it on their own!
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    You are getting a LOT of feedback on this topic. I agree with everyone that posted a need to take everyone's advice. Go back and read what you've said...none of it makes sense. I remember being 18 yrs old....and trust me honey..back then I wasn't as thin as you but....I was just the right size. I loved the way I looked...could I ever look that way again, NO. I wouldn't want to. I've been a "big girl" so's what I'm used to and is a part of me that I don't want to completely lose! I'm doing this for my health!! Even now...I can't stand the way I look and I'm upset with my weight gain...but you know what...I'm taking control of my life and doing what needs to be done for me to lose the weight. Being my biggest, I never had an issue to where I couldn't get a man. These days there are MANY men that love a woman with a lil' meat on their bones. And you definately don't need to be with a man who wants you for your's not all about that! He's gotta love from the inside out and if he doesn't...then he NOT the one for you!!! I looked at your profile...your young and cute!! Don't hurt yourself trying to make someone else happy or to catch the eye of a guy. You still have a long way to go in it to the fullest...and try to be healthy and lose weight the right way.

  • So many people on this site are really opposed to fasting
    im wonder why

    not only is fasting a way to lose weight but it can sometimes be the best medicine. it does wonders for your skin, it can prevent or cure illness, and it also can be a very spiritual expierence if fasting is combined with prayer or meditation.

    "Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants...All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which the tissues are purified and rejuvenated and the functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal (stomach, small intestines, large intestine/colon) is swept clean, and what comes out the lower end should astonish and disgust the first-time colon cleanser/faster sufficiently to make fasting coupled with colon cleansing and home colonic irrigations a life-long habit."--

    fasting is a way to have quick weight loss although it sould not be your primary way to lose weight. you need to eat to maintain your weight. it is a balance.

    I don't mean to be rude... but I looked at your profile... and I seen your pics... as of now... you are beautiful... but still a little too thin... I have to ask you a very serious question... are you trying to become ANOREXIC??? If so... You are on the wrong web site!!!

    From your pics... the ones with your ribs showing through your flesh... I think this is maybe the website you are looking for... [ ]

    I am not promoting the above website....and I hope that other young girls have more sense then the ones on that website!!!

    Can you PLEASE take this website address down? It's bad enough people will find it on their own!

    Hi Mehughes...

    Your right... people will find it on their own... I know this personally... Know how I found it?? Because at one point I was so desperate to lose weight... I thought to myslef...." Hmm... let's see what this Ana thing is all about!" I spent 5 hours on the computer looking at these websites... looking at various peoples withering...starving bodies.... reading their thoughts... :sick: I ended up in tears!!! These people need help! Major Help! But you know what... every thought that I had about it... vanished! and these were sites PROMOTING it. Not sites against it!! Look... I was that desprate before...but it opened my eyes.... I am hoping to open other eyes... sorry if that upsets some of you....
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I went and read a few of the posts at the site MissMe posted and they are talking about doing what lovableditz it telling some of the people here to do. I think it needs to stay up until ditz sees it.
    I also think that it could and will be an eye opener for some of the ones that are thinking about fasting. Although some are too far gone that they will never see it. We can only hope for their sake that they will wake up and quit killing themselves. :flowerforyou:
  • It is really hard to fast, hunger pains and i would rather eat something sensible then go with out. I do agree with the spiritual and meditational purpose.
  • amandagreen1980
    amandagreen1980 Posts: 286 Member
    I just read some of the posts on that website!! There was a girl on there who had fasted for 9 days :noway: and exercised and was going to continue fasting until she weighed 110lbs!!

    How awful!
  • I think fasting is fine for a day or two - but NOT as a method of weightloss but as a means to "clean yourself out on the inside" - drinking plenty of WATER. I don't think you need all of the herbs etc that are on the market... if you ask me, its just another advertising ploy.

    With the comment regarding toxins in our diet... I really do think that most of the CRAP at the grocery store is bad for you... even the so called "good for you stuff" - read the ingredients on the lean cuisine type foods... most of them you probably can't pronounce unless you have a PhD in latin or chemistry. Not to mention they really offer very little in the way of flavor. Keep it simple. Stay away from processed foods. Shop the outside isles at the grocery store (dairy, meat, veggies, bakery).

    I'll jump down off my soap box now... and say that I do realize some people dont like to cook, know how, or simply dont have time and those frozen meals with limited calories are better than other fast food alternatives.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Well dear, 7 days of fasting is called in the medical industry an eating disorder.
    I work with a lot of Doctors and I have asked Each and Every one if they thought fasting was a good idea, there are to date 25 doctors here. Then I asked ALL of the nurses the same thing. We to date have 37 nurses, In case you missed the count. that is 62 medical professionals that I have bothered to ask this question of for the benefit of the people on this site. They all said NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO to fasting.
    and THAT dear is what I will stick with, and That dear is what I will believe, and THAT dear is WHY WE ARE AGAINST FASTING!!!
    Before I get reemed about Religious fasting. HUGE difference, You are still EATING!!!!!!! you are being selective about WHAT you eat, but still eating.
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    I don't think posting the link for a pro-anorexia website on myfitnesspal helps anybody. Like I said, people will find it on their own, without our help. To people who are not anorexic, we will be upset by what we see.

    Some people -- those who already have eating disorders -- will not be upset by what they see. They will think it is "cool." They will aspire to be that way. Many of them are not yet adults and don't have the years of experience and rational decision making abilities required to view that type of content with the right frame of mind.

    I don't want to direct them to go there. I want them to stay here, where there's sanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is it possible that someone on the brink of anorexia could be stunned into reality by seeing those images? Clearly so. It's sort of a circular argument, however, as you don't know whether that person would have developed anorexia anyway further down the line had not they looked at the website. It's not a controlled experiment: there is no proof either way.

    When there's next-to-no empirical evidence to support the inclusion of something that's universally regarded as the equivalent of crack to its intended audience, isn't it wiser to simply leave it out, ensuring its intended audience doesn't grow? Seems rational to me.

    That's why I think the link should be removed.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I know what I am saying is that encouraging people to fast is NOT good. When you have a young girl here telling others that it safe-"I think"-it is sending the wrong idea. They need to know that the proper way is a safe way. Maybe by this post being put up and all the responses will catch the eye of somebody who was thinking that it was safe, and after reading this will realize that there are better ways.
    Maybe we here at MFP need to help these girls out and give them our two cents. Some of us have gone to the professional and asked questions and got answers. We want to help people here make a healthy lifestyle change, not a unhealthy one.
    Our body's need food for fuel and we need fuel to function. Depriving our body's is not safe, and not a way to lose weight.
    Food, exercise and sleep is the way to fuel and maintain a healthy body.
    I think this post should stay up so maybe it can help at least one person if not more.
  • THANK YOU Icandoit!!! ....Was starting to feel like I did something wrong!! I really hope people that are considering that route... see this.. and decide against it!!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    THANK YOU Icandoit!!! ....Was starting to feel like I did something wrong!! I really hope people that are considering that route... see this.. and decide against it!!

    You are welcome:flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    And breathe. Everybody breathe: deep cleansing breaths.

    Let this one go. It's like the negative campaign ads or Britney always in trouble. The more attention it is given, the more times it POPS to the top of the queue.

    We've all had our say. Some of us many times. Put it to bed.
This discussion has been closed.