P90X and Insanity Not for people who aren't fit?



  • ambi2k
    ambi2k Posts: 17 Member
    i have to agree with you on the fit versus skinny bit....

    when i did the 5k race for the cure this past weekend, i ended up running the entire 3.1 miles and i heard little skinny minis around me complaining about how much further and i dont think i can run anymore....it finally hit me...being skinny, small, weighing 120 or 105 or 135 or any number smaller than me at 193.4 DOES NOT make you more fit than me....i just assumed smaller meant better....but i finally realized, nope, getting fit is a process....you just dont get up one day at 130lbs and say i'm gonne go run a 1/2 marathon or i'm gonna go do p90x....you start at the beginning, just like someone who is 150lbs or 175lbs or 250lbs....you do what you can to achieve a goal....you work your body to improve your fitness and you do the best you can.....

    simply, you will not achieve greatness if you dont put out any effort....everyone needs to put out effort - big, small, short, tall, yellow, brown, white, male, female.....if you want to do great things you just have to START....so start and do your best...eventually you will get there....

    ps i agree with another reply, if you are not fit at all or are just getting started, you should completely get approval/info from your doctor first before starting any new routine.....
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Anyone can do anything they set their mind too. It's all in how bad do they want it.

    You are so right!!!!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great feed back on this topic.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    I found out for myself that you can also do a modified version also, or just do what you can do and build up.
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    what a load of crap!

    before i started Insanity, i was eating fast food everyday, hadn't worked out in 8 months, smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day.
    now i'm one week away from completing my first round, smoke-free, 11 lbs down, and nearly 10 inches off my body!

    you just gotta be serious, know what it is you want to achieve, and work it.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    what a load of crap!

    before i started Insanity, i was eating fast food everyday, hadn't worked out in 8 months, smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day.
    now i'm one week away from completing my first round, smoke-free, 11 lbs down, and nearly 10 inches off my body!

    you just gotta be serious, know what it is you want to achieve, and work it.

    That's exactly what I was thinking congrats to all of your success and your about to complete a round of Insanity you go girll Doing this workout and you were able to stop smoking during the process like I said you have to be determine here is a great example right here!!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Some of these trainers will tell you this type of jive, because they want you to pay them to train you. Let's face it these type of DVD's are costing trainers big money for those motivated and determined enough to do it on their own with these DVD's.

    No quality trainer has ever lost a dime's worth of business due to any beachbody product.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Some of these trainers will tell you this type of jive, because they want you to pay them to train you. Let's face it these type of DVD's are costing trainers big money for those motivated and determined enough to do it on their own with these DVD's.

    No quality trainer has ever lost a dime's worth of business due to any beachbody product.

    They are not your typical trainers to become a beachbody coach doesn't take any special skill of any type they are just promoting BB products and they are actually suppose to be supportive of the people that purchase programs from them not bring them down!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Exactly, to be a BB coach you don't have to have any special training. Although it is recommended that you at familiarize yourself with the products. The only requirement is that you are willing to help, support and motivate people to do their best. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of coaches actually go on to get certified as a personal trainer, nutritionalist, mma conditioning coach, fitness class instructor, etc...

    As far as these programs go, knowing what I know now I would not recommend doing them if you are just starting out. There are plenty of other easier programs that are good for starting out, to work your way up to P90X and Insanity. Yes you can modify as is stressed in the video. However in my experience my ego was to big to take the easy way and a lot of times I ended up pushing myself to far.

    I started with P90X and was in no way ready for it. This is where I felt having a coach advise me would have been beneficial. Had I known, I would have started with Power 90 or Slim in 6 and built my way up to P90X.

    Just my 2 cents....
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Exactly, to be a BB coach you don't have to have any special training. Although it is recommended that you at familiarize yourself with the products. The only requirement is that you are willing to help, support and motivate people to do their best. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of coaches actually go on to get certified as a personal trainer, nutritionalist, mma conditioning coach, fitness class instructor, etc...

    As far as these programs go, knowing what I know now I would not recommend doing them if you are just starting out. There are plenty of other easier programs that are good for starting out, to work your way up to P90X and Insanity. Yes you can modify as is stressed in the video. However in my experience my ego was to big to take the easy way and a lot of times I ended up pushing myself to far.

    I started with P90X and was in no way ready for it. This is where I felt having a coach advise me would have been beneficial. Had I known, I would have started with Power 90 or Slim in 6 and built my way up to P90X.

    Just my 2 cents....

    I totally respect your point and everyone know to what limits they can push themselves I love BB products don't get me wrong and I am excited for those coaches that go on to do bigger and better things I was a Beach body coach myself but I would have never told someone that they just can't flat out do a program I would reccommend other avenues but not compare the person base on size to another person that I am coaching and the fact that they couldn't complete the program themselves. I don't think this particular coach took these things in consideration and that to me doesn't look good for BB image because that's not what they are about!!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Exactly, to be a BB coach you don't have to have any special training. Although it is recommended that you at familiarize yourself with the products. The only requirement is that you are willing to help, support and motivate people to do their best. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of coaches actually go on to get certified as a personal trainer, nutritionalist, mma conditioning coach, fitness class instructor, etc...

    As far as these programs go, knowing what I know now I would not recommend doing them if you are just starting out. There are plenty of other easier programs that are good for starting out, to work your way up to P90X and Insanity. Yes you can modify as is stressed in the video. However in my experience my ego was to big to take the easy way and a lot of times I ended up pushing myself to far.

    I started with P90X and was in no way ready for it. This is where I felt having a coach advise me would have been beneficial. Had I known, I would have started with Power 90 or Slim in 6 and built my way up to P90X.

    Just my 2 cents....

    I totally respect your point and everyone know to what limits they can push themselves I love BB products don't get me wrong and I am excited for those coaches that go on to do bigger and better things I was a Beach body coach myself but I would have never told someone that they just can't flat out do a program I would reccommend other avenues but not compare the person base on size to another person that I am coaching and the fact that they couldn't complete the program themselves. I don't think this particular coach took these things in consideration and that to me doesn't look good for BB image because that's not what they are about!!

    I completely agree. I would never tell someone that they can't do something. If they have their mind set on doing Insanity, I would explain to them how tough I thought it was and that they may be better off starting with an easier program. I would never ever tell someone they can't do it though.

    I tell my kids every day they can do whatever they set their mind to.
  • ashleyfitnesspal
    I have been THIN (ok so most would call it scrawny) my entire life but I have not been FIT my entire life. Actually my heaviest was also my fittest (excluding pregnancy). I am a dietitian. I have worked as certified trainer. I have spent hundreds of hours in the gym with my own personal trainer. I have also completed Insanity several times. I love my trainer. I love the gym. AND I L-O-V-E the Insanity program, too. I have acutlaly used my tapes to the point of needing replacement. I love the combined cardio and strength. I can take the tape anywhere and achieve a great workout with no extra equipment. My kids have also done the program with me and I have seen improvments in their agility, speed, and stamina that carried into their sports performance. Insanity is insane. Its HARD. I am working with a weight loss program for my colleagues and some of the participants have asked me about Insanity, bought the tapes, and completed the program on their own. Other participants have difficulty walking across campus because of joint pain. I would never recommend Insantiy to them becuase of the strenuous nature of the exercises. Jumping places stress on your joints. The more you weigh the more stress you apply on your knees when you jump. Actually for every 1 pound there is 4# of pressure on your knees and according to new research people who lose 10 pounds will reduce the compressive load per mile walked on each knee by 48,000 pounds! Insanity is way harder than walking 1 mile. The important thing to remember is consistent lifestyle changes. If you start a program and cause an injury your chance of continuing the program declines drastically. The key is to find the fitness program and HOBBIES that are right for you. Something that will push you, not HURT you, that you can enjoy and will KEEP UP! When the time is right to begin Insanity or P90X...DO IT!

    By the way my trainer told me all the time I couldnt do this or that. I'm stubborn and he knew it. He'd give me exercises or increase my weights and I'd say "I can't do this" his response was always "Probably not"...DONT YOU TELL ME I CAN'T....I'd do it everytime. A good trainer knows how to assess a client and motivate them. He had me pegged. He pushed me to the best physical shape of my life. Unfortunately I had to move. Find a trainer, find a coach, find a tape, find SOMETHING that PUSHES and MOTIVATES YOU and love your body from the inside out!